Caution: telephone scammers!

With the development of cellular communications, telephone scammers have become more active. Methods of cheating are growing like mushrooms after a warm rain. Sometimes criminals are so convincing that even people who are cautious and heard about telephone scam fall into their tricks. In order to protect yourself from huge expenses, let's once again recall the most popular methods of deception.

Call back!

Phone scammers using this method act differently.

telephone scammers
They either dial your number and after 1-2 calls reset it, or they say in a hoarse voice: “Hello! How de ... "- and interrupt the phrase in a nutshell. More often than not, we call back on a failed number. In the first case, because it is interesting. In the second, because we are sure that we did not recognize a cold acquaintance. The finale of such a “chime” is clear: there is no money left on the phone. By the way, sometimes telephone scammers do not call, but send a message asking them to call back or ask: “How are you?”

The call center operator is talking to you.

telephone scam list

In this case, the telephone scammers are represented by the operator of Beeline, housing and communal services, the Ministry or anything else. With a mechanical voice, they read phrases about new, very profitable services and offer to connect them without leaving home. The result is the same - goodbye, money!

Preferential rate

It is especially effective in cities with a large number of emigrants. They are offered to call their homeland at a reduced rate. Needless to say, people enjoy using “benefits” with pleasure, the operator does not receive money, and the owner of the phone “gets” a large amount.

You won a prize

These phone scammers may appear to be radio or television DJs. They happily report (in a conversation or via SMS) that you won a car (TV, phone, ticket). You only need to call back to the specified number or send SMS. All. No money left.

telephone scammers where to contact

Your payroll card is blocked

I almost fell for this trick myself. On the day of receiving the money (!) A message was received: "The bank reports that your card is blocked for technical reasons. To change the PIN code, call the number or follow the link." The fact that the number of another region, I noticed at the last second. Naturally, a call to the bank confirmed that nothing was blocked from me.

Your son is in trouble

A very old but still effective fraud. They say by telephone that your relative is in trouble, and only a large amount can help him, which must be brought to the address ... And after all, they are taking the money!

We take care of ourselves

You can still list ways to extort money from phone owners for a long time. But it’s better to list the basic rules of behavior that will help to save considerable amounts.

  1. Never call back or send SMS to unfamiliar numbers, even if they are not four-digit.
  2. If you can’t wait to call back, first “hammer” the number into any search engine. There you can find more than one list of telephone scammers, they are published quite often.
  3. Do not be greedy. Remember that even in a mousetrap there is no free cheese, the mouse pays for it with life.
  4. After receiving a message about a relative in distress, call him first and you will be sure to communicate with crooks.
  5. But if you are still deceived by telephone scammers, where to go? To the nearest police station. They simply must accept your application and conduct an investigation.


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