Auto show "Formula X", Moscow: reviews of employees and customers

Today it remains to be seen what the Formula X auto show is (Moscow). Feedback from applicants, employees and customers will help to fully understand how the organization is conscientious. After all, before contacting or finding a job somewhere, it is necessary to study the opinions of those who have already encountered the organization. It is likely that the population is able to warn about the pros and cons of the company, which no one else will say. So what features should applicants and clients look at? How faithful is Formula X? All this will be described later. Do not be afraid of some contradictions among the available opinions - this is normal. Everyone has their own view on a particular company.


First of all, it is important to understand what a Formula X car dealership is (Moscow). Testimonials indicate that this company is a point of sale for used and new vehicles. Mostly cars.

car dealership formula x Moscow employee reviews

That is, here you can buy a car if necessary. The company is one of the largest in Moscow. But is it worth it to trust her at 100%? What do customers and employees say about this corporation? Is she conscientious?


Formula X auto show (Moscow) receives very mixed reviews. The services here, according to numerous opinions, are different. But the main direction is the sale of vehicles. The list of organization features does not surprise anyone. Indeed, all car dealerships have similar functions.

Accordingly, Formula X offers:

  • sale of vehicles (new and used);
  • expert advice on the purchase and maintenance of cars;
  • loans for the purchase of vehicles;
  • car repair;
  • the possibility of a test drive;
  • registration of cars in the traffic police;
  • installation of equipment and component machines;
  • car insurance.

Nothing surprising or suspicious. Therefore, many say that Formula X is a conscientious company. The salons really sell cars and provide all of the services listed. But how good? And what do employees think of this employer? It's hard to judge. After all, you have to consider the numerous nuances and opinions of customers. They also play a very important role.


What city has provided a "shelter" to such an institution as a Formula X car dealership? Moscow! Customer and employee reviews indicate that this organization is located in the Russian capital. She is one of the largest sellers of vehicles in the country. There are no company branches in other cities. This should be remembered by each applicant and potential employee.

Quite mixed opinions are received at the Formula X car dealership (Moscow) reviews. Organization address: Russia, Moscow, 27 km of Moscow Ring Road. It is on these coordinates that you can find a company. She really is at the specified address, there is no deception.

car dealership formula x Moscow customer reviews

Customer service center

Many leave positive reviews regarding the customer service center . Visitors point out that Formula X offers a spacious and modern building, where you can look at the available cars and use the services of the organization. Just what attracts many.

I am glad that Formula X is a truly modern center. It looks pretty nice, does not scare away or repel customers. Returning to it is nice. A small but still a plus that attracts visitors. After all, some believe that a tidy office is a guarantee of the provision of quality services. Is it true? What Formula X car dealership (Moscow) receives reviews from its visitors and subordinates?

Machine selection

Positive opinions are left by customers for the choice of vehicles that can be purchased in the organization. Formula X is a company that sells a variety of cars. Here, according to reviews, there are both domestic cars and foreign ones. There is always something to choose from.

Some advise you to contact the company if you want to update the car, but so far there are no ideas as to which model to choose. Formula X employees will advise such visitors and also demonstrate different models of vehicles depending on the request of a potential client. Just what you need! Everyone is offered the freedom of choice!

Service speed

The largest car dealership "Formula X" (Moscow) receives positive reviews for the speed of work with customers. Visitors quite often emphasize that salon employees pay attention to everyone, but at the same time act quickly and efficiently. There are never queues in an organization. Accordingly, you can count on comfortable and instant service.

It is noted that subordinates in "Formula X" responsibly approach their duties, devote time to everyone, but do not delay. Some visitors are in high spirits after visiting the salon.

reviews about car dealership x Moscow

After acquiring a vehicle, even the execution of all necessary documents is carried out in a matter of minutes. If the client is still making a choice, they will be constantly offered a variety of car models that meet their needs. It is noticeable that the company really works, fulfills its money. Moreover, the quality of service, if you believe that the reviews about the Formula X auto show (Moscow, MKAD, 27 km) is true, does not suffer.

Although sometimes you may notice not the best reviews about the speed of customer service. Some visitors complain that paperwork in some situations is extremely time-consuming. But at the same time, there is no outright negative attitude towards the organization.

Accordingly, you can hope for a quick and quality service in the "Formula X". But at the same time, do not forget that the corporation does not exclude hitch and the long provision of certain services. You can not insure against this. In general, visitors are satisfied with how fast the service is going.


An important point is the price of the goods offered. This feature is taken into account by almost all buyers. I don’t want to contact a bona fide company, but at the same time overpay.

Formula X car dealership (Moscow) earns customer reviews of a positive type for the proposed prices. The bulk of vehicles (both new and used) is very cheap. Dealers constantly offer additional discounts. In "Formula X" from time to time a variety of promotions and bonus programs are held that can reduce the cost of providing certain services. All these features do not leave visitors indifferent.

reviews about dealership formula xg Moscow

Some emphasize that some of the services and vehicles in the organization are overpriced. Such complaints, however, are extremely rare. Indeed, Formula X offers mainly budget prices for its services and cars, but some models are expensive in themselves. Therefore, the high price tags for any product should not be surprised. This is a normal occurrence. Most buyers emphasize that Formula X offers prices predominantly lower than similar Moscow organizations.

Customer service

But this is not all the features of the company. Reviews about the Formula X car dealership (Moscow, 27 km of Moscow Ring Road) indicate that many visitors are satisfied with the employees ’handling of customers. Although in this area there are some ambiguous points.

For example, part of the opinions emphasizes an attentive, sincere, friendly, friendly attitude to each potential buyer. All employees of the car dealership will quickly and efficiently provide assistance to the visitor, listen to and recommend what will satisfy the requests as much as possible. No fraud, hypocrisy or other negative aspects. There remains a pleasant impression of the work of the employees of Formula X.

Nevertheless, there are also reviews indicating a somewhat peculiar attitude of employees towards customers. Some say that subordinates literally almost impose the choice of more expensive models in order to draw more money from the visitor. No fraud, only a psychological impact on the buyer. Accordingly, some customers are not the most pleasant precipitate from communication with the “Formula X”.

What to believe? There is no evidence of negative communication with visitors. Only a few reviews are not of the best nature. And to trust them completely is not worth it. Each buyer should understand that it is in the interests of consultants to sell as much as possible or to offer the most expensive product. Few people will work honestly at the car dealership, without taking their own benefit into account.

Cheating or not

Now it’s clear what the Formula X auto show (Moscow) receives. The description of the organization does not raise any suspicions regarding corporate fraud. However, some visitors accuse the car dealership of fraud.

Namely - the deception of buyers. Quite often you can find reviews that indicate unfair work of car dealership employees. They, as already mentioned, are trying to sell their visitors the most expensive goods. Sometimes potential buyers are simply lured to the Formula X office with all their might - with cheap cars and other attractive offers. And after the arrival of the buyer, it turns out that the proposed car was bought, but you can purchase a more expensive model. Further, the consultants will try their best to sell expensive goods. Sometimes this can be done without much difficulty. But customers who after the purchase understand that they have spent more than they were promised, feel cheated. Accordingly, you can find many negative reviews regarding such situations.

car dealership formula x Moscow reviews

In fact, no one forces you to buy more expensive goods. Clients themselves succumb to clever psychological tricks. By and large, this is exactly how the law of the modern market operates. That does not take into account those buyers who leave negative reviews about the Formula X car dealership (Moscow). Believe them or not, everyone decides for himself. It is recommended that you simply choose cars more carefully, and also do not completely trust the dealership employees.

Additional services

The Formula X car dealership (Moscow) does not receive the best customer reviews for the fact that employees quite often impose additional services on their visitors. More precisely, they are too persistently offered them. For example, along with the purchase of a car, it is proposed to additionally take out insurance and register the car with the traffic police. All this requires additional costs from customers.

Some emphasize that such perseverance is repulsive. However, the offer of additional services by car dealerships does not surprise anyone. Unless those who are first faced with buying a car in such companies. It’s enough to just know that in “Formula X” they try to offer a variety of additional services when purchasing a car, but in the event of a client’s refusal, employees will no longer insist on their proposals.


Above, we examined the feedback received from visitors to the Formula X car dealership (Moscow). The rating of the organization in the capital is kept at a fairly high level. This car show is called the largest in Moscow. He offers really competitive rates for his services.

The "Formula X" is usually in the leading positions in the ranking of car dealerships. Indeed, there are more positive opinions about the company on the part of customers than negative ones. Therefore, if you want to contact a really popular and large car dealer, it is recommended to consider Formula X as one of the options.

Offers for employees

And what about this company as an employer? Auto Formula X (Moscow) receives mixed reviews from employees . Among them, there are also good ones, and not so good ones.

Positive opinions are left for the promises of the automobile salon to all his subordinates. What does the company guarantee? She offers:

  • official employment;
  • Friendly team;
  • flexible and convenient schedule;
  • high earnings;
  • social guarantees;
  • career.

All these are standard promises given to subordinates. But even for them, the organization receives positive opinions. Which of this is true and what is not?

car dealership formula x Moscow reviews of workers

About employment

Reviews about the Formula X car dealership (Moscow) from workers are varied. Positive opinions are expressed regarding the fact that the company offers official employment. The employer indeed draws up all his subordinates according to the rules established in Russia for long-term cooperation.

Nevertheless, without an employment contract, you will have to work during the training period. This is a normal occurrence. First, the subordinate should get acquainted with all the responsibilities, and the boss should assess the compliance of the applicant with the requirements. But after the internship, the official registration of the employee takes place without fail.

There are also social guarantees, there are no special problems with this. Generally speaking, about a place like the Formula X car dealership (Moscow), it’s rather difficult to find feedback from employees. Most often, it is customers who criticize or praise the organization.

Not the best earnings are offered in Formula X. Employees emphasize that the salary is low. But you can get a good percentage of sales. This forces subordinates to sometimes cunning and try to sell vehicles more expensive, plus provide additional services to the population.

But the team in the “Formula X” is basically friendly. For him, the company receives positive reviews. All employees are ready to support their colleagues and help them. It is quite easy for beginners to get comfortable in a new work team. Just what sociable people need.

Career growth, according to some opinions, in the "Formula X" is not as such. Accordingly, the company is not well suited to those who plan to build a career and develop. Reviews about the Formula X car dealership (Moscow) left by employees are not always encouraging in this regard.

And what about the leadership of Formula X? This employer most often receives many complaints from subordinates. He is accused of exactingness and unfair treatment of personnel, of applying permanent penalties and neglect of staff. These are all standard complaints. They are found in almost all employers. Therefore, you should not particularly trust in such statements. They are not confirmed by anything.

car dealership formula x Moscow customer reviews


Now it’s clear what the Formula X auto show (Moscow) receives. Photos of this organization are presented in our review, and as for the results, in conclusion we can conclude that the company is really large. It offers a wide range of goods and services. And there is no doubt in her good faith.

Sometimes, unfortunately, you can find the “Formula X” in the black lists of employers. Or as a company, which is not recommended to contact either for employment or for the purchase of a car. All this is due to some dubious negative points. Everyone should remember this.

Otherwise, there are no claims to the “Formula X". This is really a car showroom that exists in Russia. It offers the sale of real vehicles at affordable prices. Maybe employees are not always honest with customers, but such comments are made to almost any organization. And as an employer, “Formula X” some job seekers like. It should be remembered that this company, as well as all others similar, is often criticized by dissatisfied customers. Nevertheless, the Formula X car dealership (Moscow) receives, as a rule, positive feedback from customers and employees.


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