Signboard installation: permission and work procedure. Advertising signs

Today it is difficult to imagine even the smallest town without a multitude of advertising signs and banners. If the city authorities are rashly approaching the process of advertising on the streets of the city, on the facades of houses, and so on, then passers-by create the feeling of a kind of “visual noise” when a great many colorful designs are assembled on one facade, which in the evening also begin to sparkle with different lights .

Volumetric letters

Let’s finally decide whether there are any rules and regulations for advertising, what kind of coordination and permission to install signs are required, and what types of outdoor advertising do exist.

Types of signage

There are only two types of advertising signs: light and non-light. In turn, light can be:

  • With internal illumination (fluorescent lamps).
  • With external illumination (spotlight or lamps).
  • Neon (neon can be both open and backlight with all kinds of neon tubes).

LED (clearly visible not only at night, but also in the daytime, have reduced power consumption).

Advertising sign

In addition, light signs can be in the form of a light box and volumetric.

The light box is a prefabricated design that has a flat surface under which the lamps are mounted. The material for such a surface can be a special light-scattering plastic or banner fabric. This design is relatively inexpensive and is usually used several times. The downside is that the lamps in the box periodically burn out and require replacement, also such designs consume a large amount of electricity.

Installation of signboards from light volume letters, from a backlight or from letters with internal illumination or with volume figures looks advantageously on the facades of houses. They are called facade.

There are also interior signs - as the name implies, they are placed inside the building: near the reception, in the hall and the like. Such options are more sophisticated and sophisticated. In their manufacture, inlay and other expensive techniques and design techniques are often used.

Interior advertising

Non-illuminated signs are the cheapest, but they also have a great variety of shapes and sizes, interesting color schemes and other distinctive characteristics. Such advertising signs, in addition to low manufacturing costs, are also easy to operate - they practically do not require maintenance and perfectly tolerate all weather phenomena.

Material for manufacturing

Facade signs are constantly exposed to the sun, rain, wind, hail, temperature changes and other natural phenomena. Significant damage can cause the action of vandals. Therefore, for the installation of signs they try to choose a stable, high-quality and relatively inexpensive material. More often, plastic is used for these purposes, on which an image from a PVC film is applied. Such signs are not durable, but have a low price.

The more expensive and durable material for manufacturing is metal and all its manifestations - inlay, composite aluminum, brass, decorative coating with metal spraying, etc.

A well-executed and high-quality sign is able to serve you faithfully for at least ten years.

Errors in choosing

The most common mistake at the stage of choosing a sign is to reduce its significance. Every good businessman knows that the key to successful business starts with the entrance, that is, with a well-chosen sign. Even if you sell the most wonderful products in the world at the lowest prices, an ordinary passerby will never know about it, if you can’t hook him, interest him in his signboard, make him want to go inside.

The second mistake is to save on material. A pale cheap sign is also unlikely to interest a potential customer. And besides, made of low-quality materials, such a plate will have a much shorter life, which means you will have to change it more often. As you know, avaricious pays twice.

Permission to mount a sign

We will not keep the intrigue for a long time, let’s say right away - any sign on the territory of the Russian Federation must necessarily be agreed upon and registered with the authorized local government body. There is no single document that regulates the procedure for the design of the plate, all these rules are set in "places", so you should look for such a document directly on the website of the administration of your city.

Banner ad

Do not confuse the concepts of information and advertising signs.

Information sign

On the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, each enterprise is obliged to bring to the consumer information about its name, occupation, address, mode of operation. Such information is posted on the sign, which is usually located at the entrance to the organization. Such a label does not have any advertising character, and, accordingly, is not regulated by the Law on Advertising.

Advertising sign

The purpose of such a sign is to attract a potential client. It is located exactly some kind of advertising call to action.

Every enterprise has the right to install such a plate, but installation rules will be regulated at the local level. These can be various restrictions in size, in general terms, in the method of installation on a building. For example, a ban may be imposed on the installation of a light sign in the immediate vicinity of the windows of residential apartments or the installation of an advertising banner on a building of architectural or historical value.

Secrets of effective advertising

  1. The sign should be well visible from all sides, it should not be covered by trees, shrubs, other signs or the structure of the building.
  2. The inscription should stand out against the background of neighboring signs, contrast with them, only then it will be noticeable.
  3. Do not choose colorful letters, many colors, custom font. If these are three-dimensional letters, then it is good if they will be in harmony with the facade. Do not try to stand out due to the "digestibility" of your advertising sign.
    Front advertising sign
  4. In addition to the name, the tablet should contain the type of activity of the organization, at least in a short form. For example, “Boniface. Gifts". In this case, you are unlikely to be visited by a random passerby who went, for example, for groceries.
  5. As mentioned above, it is forbidden to place light signs near the windows of residential buildings, and if you are not sure that your design will not interfere with the residents, then do not risk it. You can still be forced to dismantle you in the future if complaints begin.


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