Is it possible to build up nails during pregnancy: contraindications

During pregnancy, women undergo a restructuring of the whole organism. Nail plates are no exception. Most pregnant women at this time note accelerated or, conversely, delayed nail growth.
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How to care for nails during pregnancy?

Is it possible to build up nails during pregnancy?
So that the nails always remain in good condition, are strong and beautiful, they need to be strengthened. This requires regular massage of the nail plates and hands. Use special massage oil or cream. After the massage, rub into the nail plates and the skin around the nail a means to strengthen them.

Do not forget about folk recipes. Rub lemon juice regularly into the nail plates. Such a simple and quick procedure will not only strengthen your nails, but also lighten them if they turn yellow and lose their healthy appearance.

Lemon masks with the addition of olive oil give an even more effective result. By adding liquid vitamin A to these two ingredients, you get a nourishing and firming hand bath.

Soda baths are used to strengthen nails. To prepare it you will need: a tablespoon of soda, diluted in a glass of water, whose temperature is equal to body temperature. You can also add 15-20 drops of iodine solution. The duration of the soda bath is 25 minutes. For a lasting therapeutic effect, the bath should be carried out daily for two weeks.

is it possible to build up nails during pregnancy
Is it possible to build up nails during pregnancy if the nail plates exfoliate?

First you need to deal with the bundle. To eliminate this problem, you need to take salt baths for nails. You will need: natural sea salt without the addition of aromatic additives and other impurities. Then dissolve a teaspoon of salt in 250 ml of warm water and keep your hands in this solution for 15 minutes. To consolidate the result, a salt bath is carried out for 10 days.

Can nails be extended during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman is better to refrain from such a cosmetic procedure. After all, the artificial materials and solvents that the master uses when building can negatively affect the fetus. In addition, most builders are strong allergens that can cause a rather serious reaction in the mother and the unborn baby.

Is it possible to build up nails during pregnancy if the period is still small?

is it fashionable to build nails
Many girls think that building up early is a harmless procedure that is absolutely safe for the baby. So is it possible to build up nails during pregnancy in the first three months?
There is no definite answer. Doctors do not prohibit such procedures, but they strongly recommend that you refuse them. Indeed, in the first 3 months the fetus forms all internal organs and systems, therefore external irritants and allergens are extremely contraindicated.
If you, being pregnant, chased after fashion and nevertheless decided to build up nails, then think about whether it is fashionable to build up nails when the life and health of a small person living inside you depends on it?


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