Natural and instant coffee: beneficial properties and contraindications

Each person has his own morning ritual, without which he cannot wake up. Someone cannot imagine the morning without mini-charging, someone is perfectly invigorated by a contrast shower. However, most people claim that their morning begins with a cup of coffee. The beneficial properties of the drink have been disputed by scientists more than once, but in the end, researchers still came to the conclusion that it is one-of-a-kind and unique. It contains a large amount of caffeine, which tones the body. Despite the intense effect on the body, the drink does not harm it. Let's find out more about its history, useful and harmful properties. As well as how to make coffee.

Bit of history

Coffee beneficial properties

Coffee is the oldest drink, the appearance of which dates back to the beginning of the XVI century. Ethiopia is considered to be his homeland. There are many legends that explain how it occurred to people to brew coffee beans. One of them says: once an observant shepherd noticed that the leaves of a coffee tree had a strange effect on living creatures. Sheep and goats were most active after eating this plant.

To test the marvelous power of the leaves, the shepherd gathered them and insisted on the water. The resulting liquid turned out to be very bitter and tasteless, so the man threw the seeds remaining after the plant into the fire. Toasted seeds gave off an enchanting scent. The shepherd drew attention to this and took out seeds from the fire, brewed them with hot water and drank a drink. He liked the taste. In addition, he noticed that after using it, he became much more energetic. So, the benefits of natural coffee became apparent. And people began to mass use it.

How is coffee made?

How much can I drink coffee

To reach consumers in the form that we know it, the drink goes through a number of production processes:

  • Collection of coffee berries. So that the product does not lose useful properties, they are collected manually.
  • Grain Cleansing. They get rid of pulp and other parts that are not needed for brewing a coffee drink.
  • Drying. Processed grains are put on special dryers, where they stay for 20 days.
  • Classification. The separation apparatus divides small and large grains into separate bags.
  • Exposure to temperatures. There are four degrees of roasting coffee beans, which vary depending on what they are for.

To make a drink, you need to immediately grind the coffee. The useful properties of freshly ground grains have long been proven by experts. Therefore, they are ground immediately before use.

The benefits of natural coffee

The benefits of natural coffee

If we talk about natural coffee, the beneficial properties far exceed the harm that a drink can bring. It is necessary to mention the following product benefits:

  1. Tones up and invigorates. Probably each of you has heard that coffee beans help you wake up. It really is. The caffeine contained in the drink activates the nervous system, making it easier for a person to cheer up after sleep. In addition, coffee beans help get rid of the drowsiness that many of us feel throughout the day.
  2. Helps increase productivity. If you have nowhere to take strength to make mountains and solve problems, drink a cup of an invigorating drink: you will not take up energy.
  3. It contains a lot of vitamins. A natural product is a storehouse of useful trace elements such as phosphorus, iron, sodium, etc.

Coffee, the beneficial properties of which we examined above, is not only tasty, but also a healthy drink. It has a beneficial effect on the body, if the measure is followed during its use.

Instant coffee

Unlike natural coffee, a soluble product in sticks and jars will not do any good. Rather, it will only worsen the state of health. The harm of instant coffee has long been proven by doctors:

  1. Causes addiction. People who have been drinking the drink for a long time note that they cannot live without it for a single day. Some experts argue that coffee is a kind of drug. Although it acts on the body less powerfully, it is also addictive.
  2. Contains many preservatives. It is proved that in instant coffee there are only 15-20% of natural beans, the rest are flavorings and additives. They help to save on coffee production, but in no way improve the health of drink lovers.
  3. Continuous coffee consumption can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system. Since the drink contains a large amount of caffeine, which can lead to excessive stress on the heart.

Harm of instant coffee

As we can see, the harm of instant coffee can cause damage to your health. Therefore, the dosage should be observed so that the enthusiasm for such a drink does not lead to serious consequences. You do not know how much coffee you can drink per day? Focus on 1-2 standard cups daily.

How to choose coffee beans?

If you prefer to grind the product immediately before making the drink, then most likely you are interested in how to choose coffee beans. First of all, pay attention to the packaging. It must be whole. Grains should not be in contact with air and the environment, otherwise they will lose their taste and smell.

Find out where the plant was grown. Keep in mind that the strongest coffee is produced in Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Latin America. There should be a transparent window on the package so that you can get acquainted with the state of the grains. They should not be chipped. It is desirable that they be whole. Pay particular attention to their color. Note: the lighter the coffee, the more acidic it is, the darker, the bitter and stronger.

How to make a drink?

How to make coffee

Many people have a question: "How to brew coffee correctly?" Meanwhile, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. First you need to grind the grains using a special machine. Then you need to take two teaspoons of ground coffee and add sugar to taste. Pour the mixture with 150 grams of water and put on a slow fire.

Try not to allow the full boiling of the drink. Remove it from the fire as soon as you see that small bubbles form on its surface. After 5-7 minutes, the aromatic drink will be ready. It remains only to pour it into a cup and enjoy the wonderful taste.


Unfortunately, not everyone can drink this drink. Coffee has a number of contraindications:

  • Insomnia. Coffee tones and invigorates. With insomnia, these properties are useless.
  • Constant rapid heartbeat. If you noticed for yourself that because of any, even the most insignificant loads, you get shortness of breath and slight tachycardia, then refuse coffee. Also, you can not drink the drink to people who have suffered a myocardial infarction.
  • Hypertension. Not everyone knows about the property of coffee to increase pressure. But for hypertensive patients this is extremely dangerous, as their health may worsen.
  • The lactation period. Doctors say that excessive consumption of a coffee drink while breastfeeding a baby can harm the quality of the milk until it is lost.

Coffee reviews

If you have at least one of the aforementioned ailments or contraindications, the best solution would be to abandon the aromatic drink.

Coffee Reviews

Surely in the world there is no person who would not like coffee. Reviews about this drink dispel all doubts about its benefits, taste and aroma. People say that drinking a cup of coffee in the morning adds energy and awakens instantly, even if you slept with strength 4-5 hours a night. For many, a drink is the only way to wake up and be productive throughout the entire working day. Therefore, if you want to conquer the peaks and achieve your goals, start your day with a cup of steaming coffee!


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