Bungee Jumping: Boosting Adrenaline

Gradually, more and more people are involved in sports. At the same time, the number of categories to which you can give your preference also increases. There are many kinds of yoga alone. However, for those who are interested in more fluid activities, you can try your hand at parachuting. Or in one of the varieties of extreme sports such as climbing, parkour, wakesurfing, bungee jumping and many others. And if many heard about the first three of the above, then far from all met with the latter category. Let's see what bungee jumping is and where you can enjoy this entertainment.

bungee jumping

What it is?

A jump from a great height, from where a magical panorama of the surrounding landscape opens, a feeling of free fall - this is bungee jumping. Kharkov, Kathmandu, Novosibirsk, Minsk and other cities around the world have clubs on their territory that offer thrill-seekers to feel wings behind their backs. To ensure that vivid memories of the jump are not erased from memory, many companies provide their customers with photographs of their soaring above the ground.
Bungee jumping can conditionally be attributed to any kind of sport. It is rather an extreme form of urban entertainment. In order to fully enjoy indescribable sensations, you do not need to undergo special training and receive certain skills. For this extreme fun, you need a desire and, of course, special equipment. The latter includes a special elastic cable that can withstand tens of times the weight of a person.

bungee jumping Kharkov

Distribution Option No. 1

According to one version, bungee jumping appeared in one of the tribes of the New Zealand archipelago. According to ancient tradition, a young wife often ran away from her monster husband. Each time he found her and returned home, accompanying this process with beatings and bullying. Once the girl ran away again. Climbing a tall tree, she saw the approach of the chase. Desperate, the woman jumped into the abyss. Her husband rushed after her, not paying attention to the vine, tied to his wife's legs. The man died, the woman survived. Since then, in this tribe once a year men jump from tall trees, proving to themselves and those around them their courage.

One of the naturalists, David Attenborough, who once visited this marvelous place, brought the described legend to England. There, he spoke about the ritual to his friends who are professionally involved in extreme sports. They, in turn, were very interested in the idea of ​​promoting this entertainment in the cities. Since you will not find lianas in megacities, a special elastic cable was made in the laboratories, similar in its properties to the jungle plant. Instead of trees, tall buildings and bridges were chosen. And so there was a bungee jumping. In Kiev, London, New York, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Berlin and other cities of the world, this entertainment immediately found its fans.

bungee jumping in kiev

Distribution Option No. 2

Another option, according to which this extreme sport has become public, has a more realistic interpretation. In order to develop in paratroopers the lack of fear of free fall, a special simulator was invented. At high altitude, a cable is attached to special equipment. A person is tied to it and sent upside down to soar at the flight level of birds. This invention was called bungee jumping and soon became popular not only among parachutists, but also among extreme sports enthusiasts around the world.

bungee jumping in Moscow

additional information

To date, the highest point in the world where you can take a jump with a cable, is located in the South African national park called Tsitsikamma. The platform is installed at an altitude of 216 meters. At the same time, a person can enjoy free flight for seven seconds. The maximum fall speed is 792 km / h. In Vienna, you can jump from a television tower whose height is 170 meters. Bungee jumping in Moscow is also very developed. In almost every area of ​​the city you can find a club that will provide thrill-seekers with the opportunity to fly above the ground. There are options both for beginners (a bridge in Manikhino 24 meters high), and for more confident people (a platform in the village of Chapaevka, Odintsovo district).

Of course, this type of extreme entertainment is not for everyone. Those who have heart problems should not risk it, because the level of adrenaline rush is really high.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9114/

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