Symptoms of ear otitis media: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Symptoms of ear otitis should be familiar to adults and children. This is a common inflammatory disease that can occur in a person at any age. Specialists distinguish several of its types - inflammation of the inner, outer and middle ear. In this article, we consider the causes, diagnosis and methods of treating this disease.

Ear structure

Symptoms of ear otitis media are generally similar, no matter what type of disease the patient is struck with. In this case, for a start, it is necessary to understand what the essence of this pathology is. First of all, remember that the ear consists not only of the auricle, but also has a complex system for converting sound waves into a form that is digestible for perception by the human brain. It also performs a vestibular function, helping to maintain balance.

The ear itself consists of three main departments - middle, internal and external. In front of everyone's eyes, the outer ear is the auricle itself. This also includes the auditory meatus, which goes to the eardrum. Already behind it is a tympanic cavity filled with air. It contains three important auditory ossicles that help transmit and amplify sound vibrations. This is the middle ear region, and it is considered to be the most prone to otitis media. From here, the vibrations are sent to an area located in the temporal bone area called the labyrinth. It contains the organ of Corti - a collection of nerve receptors that convert vibrations into nerve impulses. This is the area of ​​the inner ear.

Of great importance is also the Eustachian tube, located immediately behind the palatine tonsils. It ventilates the tympanic cavity, brings pressure in it with atmospheric pressure. She is still referred to the middle ear.

Features of the disease

Otitis can affect all three ears. However, in most cases we are talking only about the unilateral development of the disease. Although with otitis media, which is caused by infections of the upper respiratory tract, the disease can begin to develop on both sides of the head.

Otitis can be bacterial, viral, and traumatic, depending on the cause. In the case of external otitis media, the cause of the disease can also be fungi. In this case, the most common is the bacterial form of the disease.

Otitis externa

Otitis media external symptoms and treatment

The most common cause of otitis externa is infection of the surface of the skin of the auricle with all kinds of fungi or bacteria. According to statistics, about ten percent of the world's population suffered from otitis externa at least once in their life.

There are several factors that contribute to the appearance of this disease in an adult. These include:

  • mechanical damage to the auricle;
  • hypothermia of the outer part of the ear due to constant walks in the cold;
  • water entering the ear canal;
  • sloppy sulfur removal.

For all kinds of fungi and bacteria, the ear canal is considered a favorable environment, since it is dark, damp and humid enough for them. This is almost an ideal place for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms. Most likely, because of this, external otitis media would occur in every person, if not the protective function of our body - earwax. It performs important bactericidal functions, so it is not recommended to completely remove it from the ear. An exception occurs only when sulfur becomes too much, because of which it begins to affect the perception of sound.

Inflammation of the external auditory canal is usually attributed to one of the skin diseases - candidiasis, dermatitis, furunculosis. The disease provokes streptococci, bacteria, fungi of the genus Candida or staphylococcus. For example, in the case of furunculosis, a dangerous inflammation of the sebaceous glands occurs.

The main symptom of otitis externa is pain, which intensifies with pressure. With this disease, the temperature, as a rule, does not increase. Hearing impairment is an uncharacteristic symptom of otitis externa. This is rare, unless the ear canal is completely blocked by pus or the infection affects the eardrum. After timely treatment, the hearing is fully restored.

Diagnosing external otitis media is quite simple. In most cases, a simple visual examination by a doctor is enough. Symptoms of otitis externa are so characteristic that it is difficult to make a mistake. Sometimes more detailed diagnostic methods are used. For example, they use a special device called an otoscope, which allows you to view the eardrum and the far end of the hearing aid.

To begin treatment on time, the symptoms of otitis externa should be well known to everyone. The very process of combating this disease is to eliminate the root cause that led to inflammation. During therapy, doctors prescribe antifungal drugs and antibiotics to the patient. What kind of drugs will be, only your doctor can determine. In the case of otitis externa, tablets are usually prescribed, not ear drops. With damage to the external tissues of the auricle, not located in the area of ​​the ear canal, various ointments are used.

If this disease occurs, complications may appear. If not treated in a timely manner, it will lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the middle ear.

Causes of otitis media

Acute otitis media symptoms and treatment

Otitis media is considered one of the most common diseases on the planet. Hundreds of millions of people receive such a diagnosis annually. According to the World Health Organization, from 25 to 60 percent of Earth's inhabitants have suffered from otitis media at least once in their life.

In the vast majority of cases, the inflammatory process in the middle ear does not become the root cause of the human disease. As a rule, this is an infectious disease of the upper respiratory sections or a complication as a result of inflammation of the external auditory canal. Infections of the middle ear can be caused by infections such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, as well as some acute viral diseases, such as measles, flu, scarlet fever.

The infection enters the middle ear through the Eustachian tube. She throws herself there as if during coughing, sneezing, with particles of sputum or mucus. In some cases, inflammation of the Eustachian tube or inflammation of the middle ear occurs. If the Eustachian tube in the tympanic cavity is blocked, stagnant processes may occur, fluid may begin to accumulate, which will lead to the occurrence of the disease and the growth of bacteria.

Also among the causes of otitis media allergic reactions, mastoiditis are distinguished. All this causes swelling of the mucous membranes.

Otitis media has several varieties. For example, acute and chronic forms are distinguished. And according to the degree of development, they are divided into purulent, exudative and catarrhal otitis media. During purulent inflammation of the ear, pus begins to accumulate in the human body. With exudative otitis media, excess fluid accumulates in the eardrum.


Symptoms of otitis media

To begin timely treatment, the symptoms of otitis media should be familiar to everyone. In adult patients, the first manifestation is discomfort and pain in the ear. In this case, the pain can be both shooting and acute. In some cases, it is transferred to the crown of the head or temple, may subside, throb, intensify.

If the patient has exudative otitis media, then in the ear there is a sensation of splashing water. Sometimes there is an ear congestion, an indefinite noise, a sensation as if one's own voice is heard. Other symptoms of otitis media in adults include hearing loss, tissue swelling, headaches, and fever. Often this disease is accompanied by an infection - SARS, ARI or influenza. In this case, an increase in body temperature does not become a symptom of otitis media in adults, but a sign of this infection.

The most difficult disease occurs with a purulent variety of this disease. In this case, the main symptom of acute otitis media is the discharge of pus. It fills the eardrum, the body temperature rises to 38 - 39 degrees. Purulent exudate may even begin to thin the surface of the eardrum. It forms a hole in it and seeps out. The main thing is not to be afraid of this.

This process as a whole favorably affects the state of human health, since by removing pus, the pressure in the cavity decreases, the pains become not so strong. Pus occurs in acute otitis media for about a week. Then the temperature drops, and the wound begins to heal. Knowing the symptoms of acute otitis media, patients will begin treatment in a timely manner. The total duration of the disease is from two to three weeks, of course, with proper and effective therapy.

It is especially worth worrying about the chronic form of the disease. It is characterized by a sluggish infectious process, during which there are seasonal surges when symptoms of otitis media characteristic of the acute stage occur. The treatment in this case should be intensive in order to relieve the most painful symptoms.


Otitis media symptoms and treatment in adults

As soon as you notice one or another suspicious symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor who will confirm or refute your fears. For consultation should go to the otolaryngologist.

When determining otitis media, doctors use an entertaining diagnostic sign. The patient should puff out his cheeks. If the membrane remains stationary, this indicates that air does not enter the nasopharynx into it, which means that the Eustachian tube is blocked. Inspection of the membrane separating the outer and middle ear should be carried out using an otoscope, which in this case will reveal some characteristic signs, for example, redness or protrusion of the eardrum outward.

In some cases, computed tomography, blood analysis, and radiography are used for diagnosis.

Treatment methods

Compared to otitis externa, the average is much harder to treat. However, in most cases, specialists are still limited to conservative therapy, which is very effective.

It should be noted that with acute otitis media it does not make sense to use ear antibacterial drops, since they will not be able to reach the site of inflammation. However, when the place directly adjacent to the eardrum is inflamed, it is recommended to instill painkillers and anti-inflammatory drops into the ear. They are absorbed by the eardrum, and the substance reaches the middle section of the auditory organ.

The main method of therapy in both adults and children with symptoms of ear otitis is antibacterial drugs. As a rule, they are taken in the form of tablets, but when breaking the eardrum, ear drops with antibiotics are also used. The course of specific medicines is prescribed only by the attending physician. He also chooses the type of antibiotic, since many of them have an ototoxic effect. Therefore, their use can cause irreversible hearing loss, they should be taken especially carefully.

The maximum effectiveness in treating the symptoms of ear otitis media and the root causes of the disease itself is demonstrated by penicillin antibiotics, macrolides, amoxicillins, cephalosporins. It is the latter substance that has an ototoxic effect, therefore it is not recommended to inject it directly through the catheter into the ear or to bury it in the ear canal, especially if the eardrum is affected. During therapy, Miramistin, various antiseptic agents can also be used.

Be sure to give anesthetics with otitis media. They help relieve pain. Drops with lidocaine or another pain medication are well suited for this.

If one of the symptoms of otitis media in adults is perforation of the membrane, scar healing stimulants will be required to heal it. In particular, 40% silver nitrate and iodine solution.

To relieve swelling and inflammation, non-steroidal drugs and glucocorticoids are suitable. With exudative otitis media and allergic reactions, it is recommended to use antihistamines. You should also take drugs that will thin the exudate. With purulent discharge, it is necessary to clean the ear canal from pus, washing it with a weak stream of water.

With otitis media, many have long been using warming. It is worth noting that this method will only help with certain types of disease. For example, with a purulent form, it is contraindicated, it can only aggravate the ailment. At the same time, in the catarrhal stage, heating, on the contrary, can help to establish blood flow to the site affected by the infection, accelerate the patient’s recovery process.

Heat is one of the most effective methods of reducing pain in otitis media. Importantly, do not start warming yourself without consulting a doctor. Only a doctor can tell whether this remedy will be effective in your case, whether it will bring relief. If heat is contraindicated, it can be replaced by physiotherapeutic procedures.

When treating the middle ear, resorting to surgical methods. Especially with a purulent option, when there is a likelihood of a rapid development of the ailment and complications. The operation in this case is aimed at removing pus from the eardrum. It is also carried out for drainage of the internal areas with mastoiditis.

To clean the Eustachian tube and purge, special catheters may be needed through which drugs are administered.

Folk remedies for otitis media it makes sense to use only in the early stages of the disease, in consultation with your doctor, who must give his approval.

Inner ear disease

Acute otitis media

One of the complications of otitis media is that the infection can spread to the inner ear, causing labyrinthitis. Of all the varieties of otitis, it represents the greatest danger. Symptoms of otitis media of the inner ear - vestibular disorders, hearing loss, severe pain.

This disease threatens a complete hearing loss of the patient if the auditory nerve dies. Also, as a complication of labyrinthitis, a brain abscess, meningitis, encephalitis can occur. These diseases can lead to the death of the patient.

With symptoms of otitis media of the inner ear, treatment is carried out using antibiotics. The main thing is not to use folk remedies. They will not only not help, but they will also deprive you of valuable time that could be spent on effective treatment.

Illness in children

Symptoms of otitis media in children

More often than in adults, otitis media is found in children. The reason for this is that the body of the babies is much weaker, in addition, the structure of the auditory tube contributes to stagnant processes. She has a direct profile, and the widened lumen at the entrance facilitates the entry of mucus, and in some cases also vomit and pieces of food, especially in infants.

Knowing the symptoms, it is important to treat ear otitis in children in a timely manner so that the disease does not become chronic. In addition, if this disease is not cured in infancy, this can cause partial hearing loss and lead to a delay in mental development.

The difficulty lies in the fact that there may not be any symptoms of ear otitis in a child, especially before the age of one year. Therefore, the correct diagnosis is often incredibly difficult. For example, if a baby begins to fidget with an ear, it can be either a sign of pain, or just a habit.

To establish whether the baby is really experiencing pain, it is recommended to click on a small ledge near the auricle, which is also called a tragus. If the child’s ear does not hurt, then most likely, he will not react to this pressing in any way.


Otitis media symptoms

Now that you know more about the symptoms, treatment for ear otitis media in adults should be started as early as possible. Do not tighten so that there are no complications. To do this, carry out effective prevention methods.

First of all, you should avoid overcooling the body, as well as the ingress of dirty water (for example, from rivers, lakes) into the ear canals. Timely treat inflammatory pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. We are talking about diseases such as sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

When swimming, be sure to use a special hat. , .


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