How to melt paraffin: step by step instructions, simple and effective ways

Paraffin is a mixture of hydrocarbons, a wax-like substance with a low melting point. They get it from oil and are widely used in industry, cosmetology and other industries. When melted, paraffin turns into a clear liquid. Candles are made from it, used as a lubricant in the manufacture of wooden furniture. Vaseline is made from paraffin, which is part of anti-corrosion coatings. It is also used in cosmetology for paraffin therapy procedures; they even lubricate skis and bicycle chains. The scope of this substance is very wide and, most likely, paraffin products are in every home.

Types of Paraffin

refined paraffin

Depending on the melting temperature, paraffins are divided into liquid, solid and microcrystalline. According to the degree of purification, they are divided into purified and unrefined. The former contain in their composition a large percentage of oil (up to 30% by weight), and untreated - only 6%. The color of paraffin indicates the degree of purification. White is peeled, and yellow or brown is unpeeled.

There are many ways to use paraffin at home: treatment and heating with it, cosmetic procedures, the manufacture of candles and various other creative items. To carry out cosmetic procedures at home, you need to know how to melt paraffin at home.

Several methods for melting paraffin

water bath

It is worthwhile to understand that paraffin remaining from burnt candles is not suitable for cosmetic procedures. For this, special cosmetic paraffin is used. It can be purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores. Do you know how to melt paraffin? The easiest way is a water bath. To do this, you will need two metal containers of different diameters, water for heating and a thermometer. Stages:

  1. Pour about a third of the water into a larger container and boil it on the stove.
  2. Chop the paraffin in small pieces. This is most conveniently done on a newspaper or large format paper. When sliced, paraffin will crumble. To do everything neatly and not to lose a valuable substance, the litter will come in handy.
  3. Place finely chopped paraffin in a container of smaller diameter and shake the crumbs from the newspaper there.
  4. After boiling water, measure its temperature with a thermometer, it should show no more than 55 - 80 ° . At higher temperatures, paraffin will begin to evaporate.
  5. Reduce gas and place a smaller container on top of boiling water so that its bottom touches the water.
  6. Stirring the paraffin with a metal spoon, wait until it is completely melted.
  7. During melting, the volume of the substance in the tank will decrease. If it is not enough, you can add a few more pieces to the already melted paraffin.

Before melting paraffin, make sure that the container is completely dry. Water in liquid paraffin is strictly not allowed. When in contact with water, the hot mass will shoot and spatter, and if it gets on your skin, it can cause a burn.

Can paraffin be melted in a microwave or oven?

Now find out the other nuances of this process. So, many in search of an answer to the question of how to melt paraffin at home, think about the possibility of doing this in the microwave, go to the oven. Indeed, it is possible to do so.

In the first case, you should set the defrosting mode and melt the paraffin for 2-3 minutes, after grinding it. Be sure to cover the container with the paraffin cover and use dishes that are suitable for the microwave.

In the oven, paraffin can be melted at a temperature of 70-80 ° C. Use extreme caution when removing a container of molten material. Allow the mixture to cool slightly to avoid burns when hot liquid gets on your skin.

Paraffin therapy is a great way to take care of your hands and face skin in winter.

paraffin bath

The use of hot paraffin is widely used in cosmetology. These procedures make the skin velvety and smooth and are a good way to restore its elasticity. You already know how to melt paraffin in a water bath, and in beauty salons use special melting baths for this. For one procedure it is necessary to melt a pound of paraffin. This process is as follows:

  • Before you melt the paraffin and begin to create a hand mask, wash them well and lubricate with a moisturizer. The principle of the paraffin mask is that it warms the skin of the hands, opens the pores and improves blood circulation, allowing the upper layers of the epidermis to absorb the beneficial components of creams better than usual.
  • Dip your hands in the liquid paraffin which has cooled down to a tolerable temperature, with your fingers fully extended, so that the liquid covers the entire skin of the hands. Repeat the procedure several times, allowing the paraffin to freeze slightly after each lowering of the hands into the container. Thus, a layer of paraffin will appear on the hands, completely enveloping them.
  • After that, hands with warm paraffin need to be wrapped with cling film, polyethylene or put on plastic gloves. Wrap your hands over a glove with a terry towel and hold for about 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, you can remove paraffin from your hands and apply a nourishing cream.

As mentioned above, for this procedure it is necessary to use a special cosmetic paraffin. It is categorically contraindicated to make the above baths from yellow crude paraffin. It contains substances that have a detrimental effect on the skin. Using a cosmetic substance, you can be sure that you will not harm your hands. In addition, it is often made with the addition of various essential oils and nutrients.

The effect of paraffin therapy

Velvet hands

The described baths for hands and face masks have a comprehensive therapeutic effect on the skin and joints. Paraffin therapy is recommended in the presence of peeling and microcracks on the skin, pigmentation, frostbite, arthritis and arthrosis. This procedure also has a directed regenerative effect on the nail plate, if the nails are folded or often break, paraffin therapy is perfect for restoring their structure.

polyethylene wrap


Hot wax procedures are not recommended in the following cases:

  • with open wounds on the skin of the hands and face;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • fungal diseases and eczema;
  • diabetes
  • vascular disease;
  • asthma

The beneficial qualities of paraffin do not end there. It is often used for home warming for bronchitis and the common cold. It is also important to use a special cosmetic substance, which can be purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores.


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