Gel Polish "Cody": reviews and price. How to apply and remove Cody gel polish?

The appearance of gel polishes has become a real stir in the beauty industry. Combining all the best properties of ordinary nail polishes and gels for nail extension, this tool has become an indispensable companion of many women. Almost all modern nail material manufacturing companies produce their own gel polish. Each has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Let's talk today about the Cody brand.

A little bit about the company

Kodi Professional was founded in the USA in 2005. For almost a decade, she was able to conquer the world market thanks to the excellent quality of materials for nail extensions. Masters in America, Europe and Asia, in the former post-Soviet space, choose Cody gels and acrylics because they meet the highest standards set by the nail industry. The company's development strategy is based on expanding the market through the opening of new training schools. They bring up new professionals, who, in turn, will transfer skill to others. Not only new products are constantly being developed, but also new technologies. The company's products are represented by the latest materials, equipment, accessories and tools for manicure. In this article we will consider all the features of such a product as Cody gel polish, reviews of which speak of its quality and advantages.

gel polish kodi reviews

Features gel varnishes "Cody"

Gel Polish "Cody" combines the best qualities of modern nail coatings: it is persistent, has an excellent gloss, it does not have an unpleasant odor, its formula does not contain harmful substances, it is easy to use, has a reasonable price compared to other products On the market. Each layer is easily and evenly applied, quickly fixed in an ultraviolet lamp. The varnish is worn flawlessly, without chipping and without losing its luster. The manicure looks excellent for several weeks. The color palette has more than 200 shades. The company produces gel polish in bottles of 7 and 12 ml. This allows you to purchase more varnishes in your collection for half the price. You can also buy a starter kit, which will include everything you need for the work of not only the master, but also the beginner.

gel polish kodi Price

Equipment and materials

In order to apply Cody gel polish, the following materials and equipment will be required:

  • UV lamp with a power of at least 36 W;
  • a set of files for natural nails and buffs;
  • auxiliary liquids: degreaser, acid-free primer (Ultrabond Kodi), liquid for removing the sticky layer;
  • base coat (Rubber Base Gel Kodi or Base Top Gel Kod);
  • varnish "Cody";
  • topcoat (Top Gel Kodi or Base Top Gel Kodi);
  • cuticle oil;
  • cotton pads or lint-free napkins.

Application Technique

Before applying gel polish, a hygienic manicure should be done. The free edge of the nail is trimmed, it is given the desired shape. Then, with the help of a soft buff, the gloss is removed from the surface of the nail plate.

After all the nails are processed, a degreaser is applied to them, and then an acid-free primer. The latter provides a strong adhesion of the material to a natural nail, so that the varnish will stay on the nails for a long time. The primer is applied in a very thin layer, the excess must be gently patted with a sponge.

A base coat is applied, which is dried in an ultraviolet lamp for 2 minutes. Then the colored varnish "Cody" is applied in two layers and also dried for 2 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, the nails are covered with a finish coating. With the help of a cotton pad soaked in liquid to remove the sticky layer, the dispersed layer is removed. Oil is carefully rubbed into the cuticle.

In order to get a clearer picture of how to apply β€œCody” gel polish, it’s worth attending a professional seminar or purchasing video tutorials.

lac kodi

How to remove gel polish

After three weeks, the gel polish is removed. This is done in two ways:

  1. By wrapping the client's fingers in foil.
  2. Using special nozzles (caps) with gel polish remover.

Method 1

The surface of the gel polish is slightly broken with a hard file. Then small pieces of cotton wool are moistened in gel polish remover and applied to the nail. Each finger is wrapped in foil. This does not allow the liquid to evaporate quickly, but the material dissolves well. After 15 minutes, the gel polish is easily removed from the surface of the nail.

Method 2

Special caps are filled with gel polish remover and put on each client’s finger. It is aged 10-15 minutes, after which the gel polish is quickly removed with an orange stick.

After the remnants of the gel polish are completely removed, the entire surface of the nail is buffed, the free edge is leveled with a soft file for natural nails. Now the nails are ready for a new application of Cody gel polish.

gel polish kodi

Thermo Gel Polish

The company "Cody" has developed a new line of gel polishes - thermo. When the temperature of the body or air changes, the varnish also changes color. Low temperatures contribute to a darker shade. Thanks to this property, you can create a stunning design. The fashionable amber effect has a smooth color transition. The varnish lasts a long time and is very practical. The application and removal procedure does not differ from ordinary gel polishes. It is best to use thermo-varnishes in winter, as sudden changes in temperature will create beautiful transitions on the nails.

kodi thermo gel polish

Gel Polish "Cody". Reviews

The popularity of products is growing every day. Not only professionals, but also everyone who wants to do their own manicure, get Cody gel polish. Customer reviews are mostly positive. Almost everyone agrees that this gel polish is very practical. Some at the end of the first week slightly wiped off the edges, but the nails still look neat and beautiful. Gel Polish "Cody" is easily removed without completely injuring natural nails. Many clients just fell in love with him. A huge selection of colors and shades allows you to choose something new every time. The good news is that the company is constantly improving its product, offering new developments and improved formulas. Many people choose Cody gel polish, the price of which remains within reach. You can purchase both a small bottle and a large one. Gel Polish is very easy to apply and economical. Its texture is dense. It is enough to apply one coat of colored varnish. Many manicure experts believe that Cody gel polishes are products with the best combination of value and quality. Invested funds justify themselves by more than 100%.

how to apply gel polish kodi

Where to buy Cody products

You can buy materials for nail extensions and gel varnishes "Cody" in specialized stores or by placing an order on the official websites on the Internet. Having visited the store, you can not only choose your favorite varnish, but also immediately test it. All the necessary materials will help you choose experienced sellers, as well as give the necessary recommendations, based on the personal characteristics and tastes of the buyer.

When buying in an online store, you need to be sure that he is the official representative of the Cody company. In this case, there is no need to worry about getting a fake. Shopping online has its advantages. The availability of time allows you to examine the product in detail, read all descriptions and reviews, choose without rushing. There is not only the opportunity to try Cody gel polish. Other customer reviews, however, help get a clear idea of ​​the product and its features. The presence of video instructions, in turn, gives a detailed vision of the properties of the material and how to use it. Before finalizing your purchase, you need to ask about all the possible methods of payment and return of goods, as well as a guarantee. Each material has its own expiration date, including Cody gel polish. The price of varnishes varies from 11 to 15 euros. Many stores offer regular customers discounts on the purchase of several products at once.


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