DIY pellet burner: manufacturing

Recently, consumers consider it justifiable to purchase all kinds of heating appliances that are able to function on an alternative type of fuel. Thus, the pellet burner is gaining popularity, it can be made quite easily with your own hands. Such a design can be installed without much difficulty, and during operation it shows its positive characteristics. In particular, this approach is relevant in a place where there is no gas pipeline, and electricity is a rather expensive resource. The main disadvantage of such a boiler is a rather impressive cost, which is true for factory models. That is why the masters recommend making such a heating device on their own. If necessary, coal, firewood and other plant waste can be used instead of the fuel mentioned. If you are going to make a pellet burner with your own hands, it is important to consider its additional advantages.

Positive features

do-it-yourself pellet burner

The described equipment has an automatic ignition system, and is also fireproof. The consumer will be able to reduce costs due to the low cost of pellets. Among other things, the maintenance does not require spending additional funds. You can count on a high efficiency, and the period of operation of such equipment is 20 years, which will depend on the correct manufacture and operational features. The device does not depend on central heating sources and tariffs for such services.

Pellet boiler manufacturing

pellet burner

If a do-it-yourself pellet burner, the drawings of which are presented in the article, will be manufactured independently, then at first glance such a design may seem unnecessarily complicated. However, if there is a desire, then all the work can be done independently. To do this, you need to pick up tools and materials, as well as buy additional components.

Preparatory work

do-it-yourself pellet burner drawings

Do-it-yourself pellet burner cannot be made without the main component of the same name, which is recommended to be purchased in a store. This is due to the fact that the burner itself has a rather complicated design, and although it is possible to make it yourself, such manipulations are difficult to implement. The burner is an element where the fuel is ignited, but with the help of it, the flame intensity is also adjusted. Among other things, the design will include sensors and programmers that allow for more economical fuel consumption. Using these elements will achieve a comfortable indoor temperature. The pellet burner must have a housing that is recommended to be placed horizontally. This will allow the most efficient use of the heat extracted from the combustion of fuel. Sheet metal can act as a material for the formation of the body, however, experts sometimes advise using cast iron or brick. You can give preference to that material which, in your opinion, is capable to keep warm longer. The housing must ensure high-quality heat transfer to the next element of the device, that is, the heat exchanger.

Specialist recommendations

pellet burner device

The pellet burner must have a heat exchanger, which is located inside the housing. It has the appearance of several pipes, which are sometimes replaced by a coil. They are connected to the heating system of the building. Among other things, an entrance should be provided for pouring cold water. When making a combustion chamber, a hole should be provided in it, the diameter of which should be equivalent to the parameters of the purchased burner. The 100 mm auger and electric motor will work in tandem. The latter will be connected to the device control unit.

Work technology

pellet burner drawings

If you will make a pellet burner with your own hands, the drawings of which are presented in the article, then the inlet pipe, which refers to the screw, must be installed in the discharge neck of the tank. After, a plastic pipe is attached to its other part, along which burner granules go. When a signal arrives, the engine starts and continues to work until the combustion chamber is filled with the right amount of heat.

Features of the work

The device of a pellet burner assumes the presence of an even powerful torch, which is necessary for heating a water jacket. The flame intensity can be adjusted. To ensure the supply of husks and granules, a screw conveyor should be used, while the fuel will come into it from the loading hopper. The volume of the latter should be determined by how long the operation of the device will be. It is important to provide the design with a fan, which will pump air into the combustion area. Drawings of a pellet burner by you can be made independently. It is important to consider the estimated dimensions. For example, a combustion chamber may have both a circular and a rectangular cross section. The first option is more common, since the manufacture in this case is simpler. A flat fuel pan is installed in the round chamber, while the chamber itself is fixed to the flange plate. The latter should be adjacent to the frontal plane of the device from the outside.


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