How to quickly clean the wall in the "VK" and is it possible?

How to quickly clean a wall in VK
How to quickly clean the wall in the "VK"? This question is of interest to millions of users of this social network around the world. After all, sometimes it’s simply necessary to take and remove immediately all posts that have already corrupted their eyes in order. So, let's find out how to remove all entries from the wall of the "VK".

What is a "wall" and what is the principle of its work

This strange word in the social network "VKontakte" is used to call the part of the user’s page on which everyone or all those who have access can post, add records, images, music and video, as well as draw the so-called graffiti. The wall has its own privacy settings. The user himself can determine who will see his records, strangers and, most importantly, who can leave them (by default, “In Contact”, a contact that is not even your friend has access to your wall). You can also completely disable the ability to leave information. The wall functions as follows: fresh records are always shown at the very top, while old ones are minimized to tape, that is, the lower the message, the older it is. There is a filter function for your and other people's posts.

How to quickly clean the wall in the "VK"?
how to remove all entries from the wall of VK.

If you need to get rid of all the information located in this part of the page, then you will have to work hard, as the site has not provided a special function to help you do this in two clicks. We are not talking about walls with five to six entries. So, to delete a record, you need to move the mouse cursor over it, namely, to the upper right corner, and wait for the appearance of a small cross (the analogue of closing windows on a personal computer). And then just click it. Done - post deleted. Prudent developers allow imprudent users to restore a record if it was deleted accidentally. That is, immediately after clicking the cross until the next page refresh, you will see an informational message on the vacant space "Record deleted. Restore". By the same principle, all other posts are deleted.

If you are still puzzled by the question of how to quickly clean the wall in the "VK", then

In Contact, contact,
forced to disappoint you - you won’t be able to do this quickly, provided that you have accumulated a lot of records. You will have to get rid of unnecessary and outdated information in stages. Also, if you want to delete only your own posts, then the task is somewhat simplified - opposite the number indicating the number of entries, there is a link “To entries / username /”. By clicking on it, you will see all the posts posted by you. So removing them will be easier.

Caution, scammers! How to quickly clean the wall in the "VK"?

Surely you have seen many programs that allow you to delete all the records from the wall in one click. Do not download such applications, as these are spyware tools that are used by cybercriminals to extract a password and username from a user. Remember that the VKontakte site does not provide for the ability to clear the entire wall at once.


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