Do-it-yourself installation and installation of sliding gates

Installation of sliding gates in the Moscow region is a solution that requires good material costs. However, if there is a desire and opportunity, then you can try to install them yourself. This option will be definitely cheaper than contacting a construction company.

Distribution reasons

It is worth noting that due to the high price of sliding gates with installation, their distribution began not so long ago. Prior to this, the most commonly used conventional swing options. Two reasons contributed to this:

  • The first reason is the simplicity of the design. The swing version of the gate includes only two columns, two wings and four hinges on which they are attached. While the installation of sliding options requires a longer list of accessories.
  • The second reason is cost. The price of sliding gates with installation in the Moscow region, for example, is in the region of 60 thousand rubles. The amount is quite high, but quite real. Previously, the cost of even the simplest model was even higher, and therefore not every owner could afford such a luxury. And the installation of automatic units that had an electric drive was a dream at all.
Sliding gates without casing

However, today the situation has changed dramatically. The cost of all components for such gates has fallen significantly. It was a strong drop in price and the ability to install on their own that led these products to quickly gain popularity.

Rail type of product

There are three varieties of sliding gates today. They are divided according to their operating principle and can be rail, suspension or cantilever.

With the rail version, everything is quite simple and clear. A rail is mounted along the gate in the ground or in concrete, along which a wheel is welded to the bottom of the sash. This design is considered the easiest to install and understandable to use, and therefore, if you need to install sliding gates inexpensively, then it is worth choosing them. However, the product has a significant drawback, which lies in the fact that the rail, or rather the recess along which the roller moves, is often clogged with debris or dirt, and in winter with snow or ice. Naturally, this obliges the owner to monitor the cleanliness of the coating and the absence of an ice crust.

Automatic sliding gates

Overhead and cantilever gates

Inexpensive installation of sliding gates in the Moscow region or any other with this type of rails is considered the most likely option. The design of this type of product differs from the rail only in that the guide beam along which the roller moves is not from below, but from above. That is, we managed to avoid the main drawback - pollution. However, a slightly different problem arises here, which is the restriction that has appeared on the height of incoming vehicles. However, this problem can be solved by the acquisition and installation of a removable beam, if necessary, so that freight transport and other large vehicles can pass through the site.

The most versatile option was the cantilever gate. With proper installation, they will last a long time. In addition, they are deprived of the disadvantages that exist in the two previous types. The main difference is that the console is welded to one of the poles on either side. This is a triangular metal structure that is mounted on a concrete base on the side of the selected pillar. The other edge of the gate can freely hang in the air in this case. The support beam can be installed in any part of the gate, that is, from below, above or in the middle.

Roller for sliding gates

Automatic Gate Option

Installing automatic sliding gates will require either a little more knowledge or a little more material means, depending on who will install them - the owner himself or a team of workers. It is worth noting that conducting an independent installation is quite realistic. To do this, you must have at hand the same components as for ordinary gates, that is, rollers, guides, poles, etc., and add an automation kit and an electric drive to them.

To date, it is best to purchase all in one set. In it, all the parts are already adjusted to each other, which greatly simplifies assembly and eliminates the possibility that the parts do not fit together. It is worth adding that for the successful installation of sliding gates, you will have to have skills in working with the welding machine and the machine itself.

Sliding gates with wood paneling

How to get started

Naturally, for such a bulky design, it is best to first draw up a drawing so as not to make a mistake during installation. After that, according to the drawing, you need to purchase all the necessary building materials. When these two preliminary steps are completed, you can begin to begin the installation of the sliding gates.

The practical part begins with the preparation of the foundation where the gates are planned to be installed. In addition, it is desirable to clean the area on which the frame will be formed. In terms of size, it should be slightly larger than the base itself. It is advisable, before proceeding with the assembly of the frame, to clean the profile pipes from rust and scale, if any, then treat with solvent and primer.

Sliding gates with metal cladding


Next, you need to dig holes for the installation of support pillars, as well as for pouring the foundation. Since the gate is a rather bulky design, the base must be powerful enough. It is worth noting that if, for example, the support pillars are left from the past gate, then you still have to dig a hole under the embedded part, along which the sash will move. In addition, if the product is automatic, you will need to dig a trench for laying electric cables. It is best to collect all the wires in a plastic pipe to protect against external aggressive influences and dirt.

The pit for the rail part usually has a width of about 20-25 cm, and the length is half the width of the entire opening. When installing sliding gates, the depth of all pits under the supporting elements should be greater than the depth of freezing of the soil in a particular region. This parameter has its own district, and therefore it is not possible to give specific figures. As support pillars, it is best to take metal square profiles with side lengths from 80 to 100 mm.

A channel with a thickness of 16 to 20 mm is used as a embedded part. The length is half the width of the entire opening. In addition, it is recommended to weld reinforcement with a diameter of 8 to 12 mm to the bottom of the posts in order to improve adhesion to concrete, as well as strengthen the foundation.

Sliding gates with mesh

Concrete base

After all the preparatory excavation work is completed, you can begin to fill the foundation. It should not be too liquid, otherwise it will dry for too long, and also not strong enough. In addition, it is worth noting that it is best to flood and, in principle, install sliding gates in the warm season. If you do this in the cold season, you will have to buy anti-frost additives to add to the grout, otherwise the concrete will crack. It is worth highlighting one more thing - the top of the embedded part, that is, the guide along which the roller will go, should have one level with the ground after installation. It takes about a week to dry the concrete to the desired state.

Frame work

As mentioned earlier, it is better to use either square or rectangular pipes for the frame in order to simplify the welding process in the future. Assembling individual elements into a single frame can be done both horizontally and vertically. The scheme is quite simple.

The frame is based on pipes with dimensions of 60x40 mm or similar. As internal partitions, smaller pipes, 30x20 mm, are used. Naturally, all the frame parameters have predefined dimensions, such as height, width, length. Ultimately, you should get a solid rectangle that fits the size of the doorway.

Homemade sliding gates made of metal and wood

Counterweight and guide piece

When installing sliding gates, you must not forget about such a small but very important detail as a counterweight to the product. Without it, after a certain time they will simply fall. As a counterweight, a triangle is used, which is welded on one side and has a length equal to the length of the embedded part.

When the gate frame is completely ready, it is necessary to weld a guide to its lower part along which the sash will move. The roller will also be attached to it. The length of the guide is one and a half width from the doorway. It is very important that the guide is perfectly smooth, otherwise it will jam when moving.

After all these works, you can go to the sheathing of the frame with corrugated board. As fixing elements, self-tapping screws for metal with a length of 19 mm are used. To work, you will need an electric drill or screwdriver. Hand tightening the screws is too difficult.

Finishing Touch - Accessories

To complete the work, you need to install several more components. Among them, the main detail is the roller on which the gates will ride. It is best to purchase metal products, not polymer ones. To increase the life of the roller, it is necessary that it has metal-rubber anthers. They protect the part from the penetration of dirt and moisture inside, thereby increasing the service life. It is recommended that the rollers be fixed to the mounting plate with the bolts that come with the kit. After that, they can be welded to the embedded part installed earlier.

Today it is the simplest and cheapest option for sliding gates. To increase their efficiency, you can purchase a set of automation, install an electric motor. In this case, using the remote control you can open the gate without leaving the car.

If you don’t feel like doing all the work manually, there is no opportunity or skills, you can always order a turnkey sliding gate installation. To do this, you only need to draw up a diagram of the instance that you want to mount, transfer it to the construction company and pay for all the work.


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