"Money Matrix": course author, time, results and reviews

The new generation has radically different thinking. Even compared with their parents, the thoughts and conclusions of young people are different. The brain works differently. After all, people began to pursue other goals in life. The older generation is very difficult to understand how you can think in this way.

The foundations of the Soviet past are crumbling, the recommendations of the parents are relegated to the second or even the tenth plan. Technology development also does not stand still. Remote work has become commonplace, as has education over the Internet. The most popular direction in online learning is financial literacy and monetary thinking. One of such courses is Dmitry Bogdanov’s training “The Matrix of Money”. According to reviews, learning from Dmitry gives a chance to really change your own life. What concept is inside the course? Let's consider in detail.

Full Course Money Matrix

What is the training about

Training on the “Matrix of Money” course is positioned as the key to solving the problem of low income. In the process of studying the material, thinking changes, a person takes the path of increasing his own income. The training was created for people who are ashamed to admit how much they earn, and this scares them. For those who don’t want to borrow cash from acquaintances and not so people, to please relatives with welcome gifts and live without an internal question - where to get the money?

The authors suggest looking at the world through the eyes of a new person who respects himself and appreciates, feels full, and does not consider every penny. Become the one who will change your life forever. Students of the course are given the opportunity to solve all problems with money and start earning per day as much as they earn per month. The main planned result of the training is a change in the thinking of the participant in the course.

Dmitry Bogdanov

Training structure

As you can see from the main message, the course was created for people who can’t make money. Perhaps due to problems with motivation or some kind of internal blocks. But the fact is that people are not rich. Especially for them, an introductory free training was developed, consisting of 8 lessons. Here, the student learns the basic concepts of monetary thinking, how to abandon the stereotypes imposed by society and, finally, take responsibility for their lives on their own shoulders.

The authors of the training posted a number of thematic short courses on a variety of monetary scenarios. Here you will find for yourself exactly what is close and useful at the moment of life. The training “He, She and Money” reveals the topic of relationships in a pair, how to attract financial opportunities to the family.

The training “Wealth Structure” is aimed at substantiating the adoption of the right financial decisions depending on the existing problem and putting them into practice. At the training “Favorite Affair” there is a chance to unleash your inner potential and decide what makes it easier and more interesting for you to make money.

“Debts and loans” - a course on how to get out of a debt hole and never get there again. "Money Destination" and "Business Feminine" - the names speak for themselves. The cost of these short courses is from 2900 rubles to 14 900 (depending on the category).

And the main course is “The Matrix of Money”. Six-week training based on information that changes consciousness. For those who are ready to fundamentally change their monetary thinking, get rid of debts and raise their standard of living. The training cost is 11 900 rubles in a standard package and 17 900 in VIP (“Matrix of money. Transcription”). In addition to it, you can purchase the “Gradient of Money” course, which is designed for self-knowledge and activation of monetary thinking. Its cost is 9900 rubles.

Who leads?

Dmitry Bogdanov is the person who leads the course and is its author. Works as a coach since 2006. Has in the piggy bank hundreds of public trainings and consultations. The business has been open since 2008. He has several projects that bring a stable profit. Everything is connected with training and consultations on various topics, starting with financial and ending with interpersonal relationships. It differs from other financial trainers in a pleasant and understandable speech, an unchanging sense of humor.

Dmitry Bogdanov, Andrey Klyukhin

Andrey Klyukhin - psychologist and trainer. He talks about how to reach your potential and start making money on what’s interesting. Explains how to start a business and conduct it effectively. The author and host of trainings on self-development and the disclosure of genius. His courses on how to maintain a relationship in marriage, sexual intercourse with a second half. Andrew seeks to teach a person to live differently, to enjoy relationships with loved ones, with the world and with himself.

Below we consider the main points of the "Matrix of Money" course.

About motivation

Motivational trainings and books, videos and articles - all this does not give a long-term effect. Why it happens? Why does motivation hit a few days after it appears? And this applies not only to making money, but also to all other areas of life (losing weight, romantic relationships, self-organization). The answer is simple: the motivation that you get from external sources is not your own motivation. This desire is imposed from without.

In order for the motivation to work, it must be your personal one. Not invented by the coach at the training or voiced in the video on Instagram, but only yours. In this case, you can begin to purposefully move towards the result, taking actions to achieve the goal on a daily basis, and not in a jerk. A sharp start and a desire to make money quickly, solve all financial problems immediately, lead to a quick burnout. To achieve this goal effectively, you need to move half a step towards it, but every day. This is the only way to achieve success.

Matrix of money

About laziness

Planning for a person focused on results is not difficult. And now you are ready for action, but suddenly you need to urgently drink tea, watch the series and the matter is postponed indefinitely. How to defeat laziness? At the training “Matrix of Money” by Dmitry Bogdanov, this phenomenon is described from an interesting perspective.

Laziness is hard to admit. For several days you continue to work disciplinedly and live according to a schedule, but then again everything falls into place. Why is this happening? The root of such laziness is masked fear. As soon as you sit down at the thing that needs to be done, immediately begin to turn off, fall asleep.

In order to get things done, you need to remove fear. Illusions lead to fear; fear leads to laziness. Illusions are misconceptions about business. That work will bring some undesirable changes into your life. Therefore, to combat laziness, it is necessary to remove them, and there will be no reason not to do work. In the course about this technique is told in detail. It is called scratching.

Secrets of the brain

From a scientific point of view, the human brain consists of the following parts:

  1. The reptilian complex of the brain system. He is responsible for instinctive aggression and dominance.
  2. The limbic system of the brain is an unconscious assessment of the surrounding reality, which is based on accumulated experience. If no threats are found, then the system creates comfort so that nothing changes.
  3. Neocortex - comprehension, slow thinking that works after something happens.

In terms of monetary thinking, the poor person is programmed to be poor at the level of the limbic system. First of all, from the media is a signal of insecurity. This condition prevents a person from taking the first step and developing.

Propaganda acts on the reptilian complex and inhibits conscious decisions. For a rich person, financial thinking works at the neocortex level. The task of man is to train the brain so that thinking works in the right way. How to do this will tell the course "Matrix of money" Dmitry Bogdanov.

At the training Matrix of money

Where did your dreams go?

Since childhood, everyone dreamed of becoming someone, living somewhere, achieving something. But over time, these dreams disappeared, adulthood dragged on, and you forgot how to dream. Thinking has two functions: want and do. Children and parents. Each person has one of the functions more pronounced than the other. One is constantly doing something, but not what he wants. And the other wants a lot of things, but does nothing. At the same time, these two tasks will not work. It is necessary to consistently solve this problem. Desires are divided into two categories:

  • I know how to do this (specific tasks and goals).
  • I do not know how to do this (dreams).

The brain should get the task. Decide for yourself what exactly you do not know how to do, complete your dream. After that, when the consciousness processes the information, it itself will find the path to the dream. One must be prepared that fantasies may not be embodied in the way you imagine. The main thing is to formulate what exactly you want, and begin to somehow move in this direction. And then the dreams begin to come true.

4 steps to wealth

The idea of ​​becoming rich is abstract. First of all, you need to leave the idea to get rich. Do not think in this word and way. Replace with an increase in income or an increase in living standards.

The second step is specifics. If money, then how much more (amount), if traveling, then which and how often, if real estate, then which one. In fact, a person is small enough. Luxury for most people is not a necessity or even desirable.

The third step is to find one main reason that will pull you forward. One important goal. She must be personal and really motivate to make money. The reason can be any, even the strangest. What you really want to see in your life.

The fourth step is to change your mindset. Effective thinking will lead to income. To go through these steps to the fullest, the “Matrix of Money” course will help to reveal the concepts most fully.

Daily action to raise money

It's about habits that help make money:

  1. The diary of reflection. Events of life in it is not necessary to write. It serves to fix: thoughts and observations, ideas of possible earnings, achievements and successes, your failures.
  2. Note malicious illusions about money. And get them out of your head. The course provides detailed instructions on throwing illusions out of thoughts.
  3. Accounting for expenses and income. Standard recommendation for those wishing to improve their financial situation.
  4. Accounting for completed tasks. The steps for making money that you have taken. The list will reflect the reality of what is happening.
  5. Support. Find support and an environment that will inspire. A group of like-minded people is an ideal option. Communication with people who spread rot and demotivate you must be interrupted.
Training Matrix of money

Money habits

What practices can be applied to include monetary thinking:

  • Use cash. Plastic cards give ease when calculating. The physical sensation of giving money includes the brain for the desire to save, calculate, save.
  • Purchase from the next layer. Based on monetary levels, average monthly earnings, make purchases from the next financial level. For example, if you always eat at home, then once a month you can go to a restaurant. The brain begins to get used to the fact that it can exist in your life.
  • Always with the money. Cash should be in the wallet. The amount should be more than usual. But no more than 30% of the income. The amount should be tangible. Over time, a feeling develops that there is always money. The habit of carrying cash is formed.

Course Reviews

The "Matrix of Money" has already been released by hundreds of students. Overall, the reviews are positive. Those who used Dmitry Bogdanov’s techniques actually increased their incomes - by an average of 20-30 thousand per month, from the initial figure of 50 thousand rubles. Dmitry lucidly explains the concept of changing thinking for a full life in abundance, reveals the concept of scaping (replacing illusions).

The training has a friendly atmosphere. According to reviews, the “Matrix of Money” course charges with energy and enthusiasm, the desire to act immediately. The training was built interestingly, informatively, and the benefits are already noticeable during its implementation. The approach to the supply of material is versatile and multifaceted.

For beginners, all the information will seem unique, for those who have already passed such trainings, there are fresh ideas. According to reviews, 90% of the information has no analogues, and Dmitry Bogdanov is one of the best money thinking coaches in Russia today.

Life after passing the training changes, it becomes turbulent, and the money goes into the hands themselves. It is important to be able to apply the information received effectively.

Money Matrix Course


Before starting the training, the authors recommend taking the free course “Matrix of money”. Access to it can be obtained on the website of the training system "Matrix". In addition to the money matrix or the "Matrix of money", there is the opportunity to purchase the training "Health Matrix", "The Matrix of Genius", "The Matrix of Love" and others. Information on the content of classes is available on the site, you can get acquainted with it at any convenient time and choose the necessary and useful training for yourself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9143/

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