What is the best way to make iced coffee?

Many are sure that coffee or tea are drinks that must be consumed exclusively hot. It is believed that it is in this form that they maximize their taste and aroma. But this statement can easily be challenged if for a while you forget about stereotypes and try to make iced coffee according to one of the already known recipes.

Invigorating coolness

In the East, people have long learned to understand the magical power of drinks. On hot noon, when the sun beats mercilessly, and the air becomes hot and still, there is always an irresistible desire to at least temporarily feel the desired coolness. Many Asian countries use iced coffee for this. It is said that this drink is not only refreshing, but also gives strength and excellent invigorates. Different peoples have decided to make iced coffee in their own way. For example, in Vietnam this is not done in the usual way. To do this, use a special press filter. But you can make everything a lot easier.

iced coffee

The following products are required for cooking:

fresh black coffee, condensed milk, ice cubes.

The drink is made as follows:

  1. First you need to brew strong coffee. It can be prepared in a Turk or use a special apparatus for this.
  2. Pour milk into the bottom of the cup.
  3. Add coffee and mix foods well.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass.
  5. Add ice and wait for the mass to cool properly.

Iced coffee is very tender, refreshing and moderately sweet.

Special flavor

In Thailand, a slightly different idea of soft drinks. They also like cold coffee, but they make it a little differently.

cold coffee

To work, you will need:

2 teaspoons of freshly ground coffee, ice, a little sugar, a quarter tablespoon of coriander, 4 cardamom pods and whipped cream.

The cooking process is not at all complicated:

  1. First of all, you need to mix coffee with coriander and brew the mixture in Turk in any usual way.
  2. Add sugar and mix well.
  3. Allow the drink to cool slightly, and then pour it into a cup.
  4. Throw a few ice cubes.
  5. Top with a whipped cream foam.

Such cold coffee in Thailand is made directly on the street and sold in plastic glasses with a straw. Each merchant has his own set of spices. In addition to coriander and cardamom, some even use sesame, soybeans and corn. The drink is tart, spicy and very aromatic. It perfectly refreshes and serves as a real salvation in the heat.

Mediterranean motifs

Residents of Greece and Cypriots also love to pamper themselves. At sultry noon, they enjoy drinking iced coffee. The drink recipe in their performance is much simpler than that of Thais. It received the name "frappe" from the French word frappe, which means "chilled." It also has its own zest.

iced coffee recipe

To prepare you will need:

ready-made Espresso coffee, sugar, ice, cream and fruit syrup.

You need to cook as follows:

  1. First you need to brew an Espresso.
  2. After the drink cools down a little, it must be poured into a shaker or a glass with a lid.
  3. Add 20 grams of sugar, and then tightly close the container and shake it well. It should be a thick foam. Fans of exotic flavors can complement the mixture with any fruit syrup.
  4. Put ice in a cup.
  5. Pour the resulting foam mass into it.
  6. Add some cold cream.

The drink is very tender and almost airy. It is pleasant to drink it through a straw, enjoying the invigorating coolness.

Glasse coffee

In our country we are accustomed to making chilled coffee, which is called β€œglace”. This word is translated from French as β€œicy” or β€œfrozen”. This is true, because only a highly chilled drink is used for preparation. It is generally accepted that the "glance" happens:

  • β€œCold” if the coffee temperature does not exceed 2-3 degrees;
  • "Chilled" in the case when it does not rise above 10 degrees.

chilled coffee

To make such a drink usually requires:

coffee itself, ice cream, sugar, syrup, whipped cream, chocolate and nuts (optional).

The process consists of several stages:

  1. Making strong black coffee. This can be done in any convenient way. If desired, the drink can be slightly sweetened with sugar.
  2. Next, you need to cool it well. To do this, it is better to use a refrigerator.
  3. After that, you need to take a glass and put a ball of ice cream in it. Better if it will be ice cream.
  4. Pour it in syrup.
  5. Add coffee.
  6. Place whipped cream on top and garnish with chocolate chips.

The product is usually served in glass glasses on a leg with a handle. Usually they drink it through a straw, and eat the cream with a teaspoon.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9144/

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