Rosspas Charity Fund in Moscow

The Rosspas Charity Fund has been operating for almost 18 years. Not many people know that more than 10 years ago the organization supplied things, educational literature, educational games to orphanages, and medicines were bought in medical institutions and boarding schools. During this time, more than 350 million rubles were spent for the needs of the wards.

Organization goals

The Rosspas Charitable Foundation in Moscow sets as its top priority the provision of assistance to children with disabilities with varying degrees of chronic diseases, cerebral palsy, rheumatoid arthritis, delays in psycho-speech development, and autism. Special charity programs are being developed to rehabilitate children.

Rosspas Charity Fund

Children's pathologies are always a difficult test not only for them, but also for parents and friends. Not every disease can be completely prevented, but participation can be facilitated by developing techniques. The Rosspas Foundation regularly receives letters from loved ones who are on the verge of despair and practically lose hope and have material and moral difficulties in the fight against the disease. The organization not only supports children, but also helps parents understand the problem, pull themselves together and overcome obstacles.

Why is the foundation so important

People who do not remain indifferent provide support and by their actions give patients a chance for partial or full recovery in a medical facility. The fund has its own website where payment details are located, the story of each child. Thousands of people daily visit the portal, with their comments, questions, help, they give parents the opportunity to feel hope in the fight against problems.

charity fund rosspas in Moscow

Visitors can independently determine what their purpose is for making a charitable donation; they can indicate one of the objects of assistance or transfer money for common necessary things for the fund. If the visitor has completed the collection of financial assistance for the selected section, or the designated donation goals are not indicated among those placed in the “Assist” service, the money can automatically be directed to the priority direction. Charity Fund "Rosspas" has access to documented information about its activities, which indicates the goals, objectives, legal aspects, so that you can verify the legality of their actions.


These rules of the organization govern the expenditures that are received in the current account. The donor is allowed to transfer cash assistance to the address of the official fund in the following ways:

  • Using a checking account.
  • By credit card.
  • Using a virtual wallet.

Rosspas fund

Payment savings with information about a person, support goals come to the designated address, but with time delays, depending on the form of payments:

  • With the organization’s bank account:

a) funds are delayed for no more than five days;

b) information about a person who donates no more than three weeks is delayed.

  • Using a bank card:

a) funds are delayed for no more than five days;

b) information about the person who donates money arrives on the same day.

  • If virtual wallets are used:

a) cash financing comes on the same day;

b) information about the person who donates money arrives on the same day.

Where help goes

The donor chooses what purpose the incoming funds:

  • support for a particular needy person with a designation of his personal data, or the full official name of the institution that is the object of assistance;
  • to use a program with a designated name;
  • for the general necessary services of the Rosspas Charity Fund.

bf rosspas

Under the assistance to the needy, according to the rules, any charitable support provided by the organization is indicated, here also include the supply of social welfare items, equipment (including medical), consumables, other services and basic necessities.

Finance spending

The money that goes to execute one of the existing programs goes:

  • to help children with disabilities who have serious illnesses, who are undergoing rehabilitation, or who suffer from mental pathologies, if they seek help through the organizers;
  • for all programmatic purposes of the organization’s activities, if no specific goals have been indicated by the donor.

The Fund provides assistance:

  • Only with citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • In providing medicines, medical equipment.
  • Paying for rehabilitation and treatment in hospitals.
  • Psychological help.

So that a person can receive funding, you should submit a letter of appeal to Rosspas:

  • It indicates the personal data of the sick baby with his age, contact phone and address data, diagnosis, a detailed description of what kind of support he will need.
  • An extract from a medical institution that contains the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation methods (medicines, medical equipment and services, for the financing of which help is needed).

letter of appeal to Rosspas

  • Personal passport details of parents, adoptive parents or institutions where the child is kept.
  • Confirmation that the baby has a disability.

Money for a specific child

  • The Rosspas Charity Fund provides for the submission of personal donations that are summed up and spent for the treatment of the patient in whose name the transfer is made.
  • After treatment, the residual money that was raised for the child goes to support another person. The fund independently selects the patient who will receive the residual amount.
  • A notice on the use of money that has been transferred for a particular needy person is immediately viewed on the official website and is provided in the form of a written request to file a charity individually.

The Fund takes full responsibility for the allocated funds on itself, it cooperates with many rehabilitation centers and hospitals throughout Russia.


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