Immigration to Ireland: methods, documents and reviews

What do we know about Ireland? Thanks to the ubiquitous television, this country seems to be a modern analogue of the picturesque Tolkienovsky Shire. A kind of green island. Its inhabitants are engaged in agriculture and livestock. And in their free time they brew an unsurpassed foamy beer, which you can enjoy in any pub, and at the same time listen to stories. A similar picture makes many look for a way to move here. Let's look at all the legal possibilities to do this. And also find out what Ireland really is, according to immigrants.

The Land of Four Leaf Clovers and Leprechauns

If you look at Ireland on a world map, you can see that this state is located on the island of the same name in the north-eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean.

However, this country occupies 3/4 of its area. While the remaining quarter is Northern Ireland. It is part of the UK and is a separate state. This nuance should be considered by everyone who plans to move to Ireland for permanent residence. Despite the similarities, these are still different countries with different laws.

how to obtain citizenship of ireland

Modern Ireland (the one that is "Irish") is a rapidly developing EU state. As in past centuries, agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing play an important role here. However, today it is rather a tribute to tradition and an opportunity to provide the country with products of its own production. The fact is that agriculture in Ireland is a subsidized area of โ€‹โ€‹activity.

But the real profit for the country comes from the production of medical equipment and medicines, as well as mechanical engineering. In recent years, thanks to US subsidies, the IT industry has developed quite well in Ireland. Not only such equipment is produced here, but personnel are also being trained. Thanks to close cooperation with IBM, Intel, Hewlett Packard, Dell, Oracle, Microsoft and others, students of Irish universities get the opportunity to acquire practical skills during training.

As for the light and food industries, although its share of profit is less than that of the above industries, it is well developed. Moreover, a lot of its products are exported. These are beer, whiskey, tobacco, as well as linen and wool textiles.

Due to the fact that Ireland is rich in minerals, mining is developed here. It contributes to the almost complete non-volatility of the country. On its territory there are several power plants of various types. And in coastal areas are located wind turbines.

Based on all of this, we can conclude that the country today, although it has retained its traditional spheres of production, is actively developing the most modern ones. So, when planning immigration to Ireland, it is worth considering that this state will give preference to highly qualified specialists, who really need it here. But if you plan to earn a living as a laborer, then it is better to immediately start looking for another country to move.

Why is Ireland attractive?

This state, like the United Kingdom, is part of the EU, but not in the Schengen zone. Therefore, coming here is more expensive, and seasonal laborers from post-Soviet countries are less likely to be hired. Therefore, the number of our migrants here is relatively smaller than in other European states. Those who nevertheless managed to get here, differently describe their new homeland. Based on their reviews, one can highlight the following advantages of immigration to Ireland:

  • Beautiful nature and many architectural monuments and scenic attractions. Concerts and festivals are constantly held here. So a cultured person will find something to do.
  • Cheap food, clothing and essentials.
  • The laws of Ireland are not as stringent as in other European states. They are very close to the British. Of course, there are unique, characteristic only for this country. For example, Ireland was the first state to ban smoking in pubs.
ireland on a world map
  • A stranger arriving in this country does not need to learn Irish, as English is the second national language. However, it is worth considering that the local version is different from literary British or American pronunciation.
  • Many reviews of immigration to Ireland indicate the presence of a fairly developed Russian-speaking community. At the moment, there are several schools in this state where teaching is conducted in Russian. Newspapers in this language are also published, services are held in some churches, etc.
  • High quality education and the opportunity to find a job in the specialty after graduation. It is worth noting that Irish diplomas are highly regarded throughout the world, but education in this country is cheaper than in other English-speaking countries.
  • The stability of the economy and a fairly good standard of living.
  • Tolerance of local residents towards foreigners.

Disadvantages of living on this island

Although immigration to Ireland has a lot of advantages, there are also disadvantages in it. Our migrants often write about this. Here is what is wrong in this country, in their opinion:

  • Damp weather and eternal temperature +10 ยฐ C. This is an analogue of British or St. Petersburg weather. Many complain about it. Therefore, before planning to move here, it is worthwhile to carefully study the climatic situation of Ireland on the world map, and decide whether it is suitable for you. Especially if there are chronic diseases that can worsen.
  • Utilities and rental housing here, as well as throughout Europe, are not a cheap pleasure.
  • Among the shortcomings highlighted in the reviews is the country's transport system. There are roads, and quite good ones. But public transport is poorly developed. In addition, since this is an island, you can get out of it either by plane or by ferry. Therefore, transportation services in Ireland are also expensive.
  • Another drawback is the poorly developed healthcare system. Moreover, its cost is prohibitive. And by the way, it is worth taking into account that abortion in Ireland is prohibited, except in the case of a threat to the life of the mother.
  • Although clothing and consumer goods in stores are cheap, their range is small.
  • Pubs and night clubs, in comparison with Russian and Ukrainian, close early.
  • Dear kindergartens.

Grounds for immigrating to Ireland from Russia and Ukraine

If after weighing the pros and cons, you still aim to move to this fabulous green island, you should find a reason for this.

Irish law provides for such opportunities for migration.

  • Through higher education.
  • Relocation as a wage worker.
  • Business immigration to Ireland.
  • Marriage to a citizen of this country or the birth of a child here.
  • Refugee

The latter category is the least likely way to move to the territory of this state. The fact is that, like other European states, Ireland suffers from an influx of refugees from Arab countries. As a rule, they donโ€™t want to work and pay taxes, but at the same time they worsen the criminal situation and become a burden on the budget. That is why the laws on this part are very strict. Refugees can only be accepted if Ireland is the first country to travel from their homeland. And it borders on the oceans only with highly developed powers.

How to obtain citizenship of Ireland

The migration system of this state provides for the passage of the following steps towards acquiring citizenship for foreigners:

  • Visa category D. It allows you to stay in Ireland for about 3 months. As a rule, this time is enough to complete all the papers and obtain a residence permit.
  • Having a residence permit, you can live and work from 2 to 5 years. Depending on the grounds or conditions of the employment contract. If you have been in Ireland for 5 years, you can apply for a permanent residence (Long Stay Residence).
  • To obtain citizenship will have to live here for another 3 years. Upon their expiration, you can initiate the procedure for granting citizenship of Ireland.

The minimum term for obtaining citizenship is 8 years. If you have problems with work or the law, it can drag on for longer. However, if you are a hard-working, law-abiding immigrant, after this time you will receive an Irish citizen passport.

passport of an Irish citizen

It is worth noting that, compared with other developed European powers, this is a very short time. Since usually this procedure lasts an average of 10-12 years.


Immigrating to Ireland through training is a frequent but very expensive way. The fact is that for non-European Union citizens the cost of one academic year is 10-20 thousand euros in ordinary specialties and 50 thousand in engineering and medical faculties. This does not include accommodation (about 700 euros per month) and medical insurance. Of course, there are many preferential programs and grants. But, as a rule, they are less than in other European countries.

immigration to ireland through training

A study visa allows you to officially earn extra money. But no more than 20 hours a week during the academic semester and 40 hours for the vacation period.

After receiving an Irish diploma, the law allows you to stay in the country for another 12 months to look for work. For this period, additional documents and visas are not required.

The higher education system is close to ours. There are undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses. For admission, you will only need a certificate / diploma, a TOEFL certificate (confirming the level of knowledge of English). In addition, in different universities may require additional packages of documents. All of them must be translated into English and certified by a notary.

Upon admission to the undergraduate, all papers are submitted centrally through the Central Application Office. For graduate or postgraduate studies - they are sent to specific universities on their own. Most of them have their own sites where online registration is available.

If you are accepted, this is the basis for a student visa. For its design, you will have to provide (except for the above documents) more such:

  • A certified copy of your passport.
  • Two 3x4 photos.
  • An official invitation from the university.
  • Bank statement on the availability of funds for accommodation.
  • Certificate of health insurance.

Those of our compatriots who studied in Ireland are advised to initially receive a bachelor's degree in their homeland. And only then try to enter the universities of the country of leprechauns. The fact is that Irish universities are more willing to provide grants and scholarships for the educational levels of "master" and "graduate student".


Another reason for obtaining a residence permit in Ireland is employment. Finding a job in this country is not easy, as vacancies are aimed only at highly specialized specialists, preferably with an Irish or European diploma. Most often, vacancies for IT specialists, doctors and medical staff, surveyors, architects, scientists in the field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology are open to foreigners.

How to immigrate to Ireland on this basis? The following steps should be taken:

  • Direct employment itself. After signing the contract, you get the basis for obtaining a residence permit.
  • Registration for migration registration. To do this, you can fill out an online application form on a specialized site and submit an application there. The term for its consideration is 15-30 days.
embassy of ireland
  • If the application is approved, you will receive a notification in your account on the website of the Irish Migration Service. Together with him comes an invitation to the consulate and a list of documents that must be collected. As a rule, they are the same as for admission to the university.
  • If your documents are in order, you will receive a residence permit. It gives you the right to live and work in Ireland for 2-5 years.

Please note: when changing jobs, you will have to draw up all the papers again.


If you are a wealthy person - such a basis for you. Opening your own company in this country is not difficult. In addition, the tax rate is only 10%. And the privileges for foreign investors imply a five-year period of full tax exemption.

However, there are nuances. Starting in 2018, the pre-existing immigration program for entrepreneurs has been closed. Now you can get a residence permit on the basis of a startup with an investment of more than 75 thousand euros or by investing 1 million euros in the country's economy.

Any investment is considered by a special interdepartmental commission. It should create / maintain existing jobs for Irish citizens or be beneficial to the local economy.

Otherwise, having received a residence permit on this basis, after 8 years you can apply for citizenship. At the same time, this nuance should be taken into account. Irish citizens are required to pay income taxes, regardless of whether their business is located on the territory of this power or abroad.

Family grounds for immigration

Relocation to this country is also possible thanks to family ties. So, having received a residence permit on the basis of a work contract, a migrant has the right to apply for a residence permit and his close relatives (family reunification program). However, for this he will have to obtain the written consent of the employer.

Another reason for moving to Ireland is marriage with a citizen of this state. By the way, same-sex unions are allowed here. In order to obtain a visa, and then a residence permit, the future spouse-foreigner should submit documents to the consulate. In this case, it is the same set as for training or employment. Only instead of an invitation from the university or a contract from the employer will you need a certificate of intention to start a family, as well as information about your soulmate.

immigration to ireland from russia

Having moved on this basis, you can apply for citizenship after 3 years. However, the last 12 months before applying, you can not travel outside the country. In addition, you will have to take an oath of allegiance to the new homeland.

Irish citizenship can also be obtained by a foreign child by birth. However, for this, his mother must live on the island for at least 10 months. This rule is designed to combat maternity tourism, common among illegal migrants from eastern countries.

Parents of such a baby citizen receive permanent residence as his guardians and landlords. In the future, they will be able to apply for citizenship on a common basis.

Representative offices of Ireland in the Russian Federation and Ukraine

Although most documents for immigration can be submitted online or through intermediary firms (work by proxy), you will have to interview and take papers at the consulate / embassy in person. Therefore, in conclusion, consider the addresses of such institutions.

In the Russian Federation, the Embassy of Ireland is located in Moscow, on Grokholsky Lane, building 5. However, before you go there, you will have to fill out a form on the official website. By the way, there is data on each consulate and embassy of Ireland.

immigration to ireland from russia

As for Ukraine, on the territory of this state there is only the Irish Consulate. It is located in Kiev on Khreshchatyk Street, 32-b.


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