Java Island: first-hand exotics!

If even three or four decades ago a trip to the Crimea, to the Black Sea or to the Carpathians was perceived as something special, joyful, now you will not surprise anyone with local beauties. The boundaries of tourist geography have expanded almost to the borders of the globe. Various companies offer us to join in surfing in Hawaii and in the waves of California, to participate in a safari in the African savannah, to celebrate the New Year in Malibu. And still, the soul of a Russian person craves exotic! Her search for many adventurers led to the island of Java.

Familiar stranger

Once the island of Java (Indonesia) was familiar to us only from the textbooks of geography and programs of the "Club of Cinema Travelers", which were conducted by Senkevich. Plus the Golden Java tobacco. Since then, much has changed. And before Russian tourists, Java appeared in all its exotic beauty.

The word "most" is often associated with Java. The island is part of the Indonesian archipelago, the largest in the world. Of all the islands, it is the most populated. And it is precisely most of its territory, in comparison with the entire archipelago, that is occupied by dense, impassable and practically unexplored jungles. 30% of the land is covered with virgin forest - this is not old Europe for you!

Java island
In addition to the fact that the island of Java is the territory of the jungle, it is also the territory of volcanoes. No less, but 120 of them are located on the island. Of these, 17 are operational, because from time to time the island shakes, and quite strongly, and puffs of smoke burst from the vents. The spectacle is impressive, especially when you consider that the chain of active volcanoes is recognized as the most active in the world.

For several reasons, the island of Java pulled a blanket of popularity to its side, leaving far behind its neighbors - Sumatra, Bali, Kalimantan and others. And this is understandable. After all, all the most interesting, valuable in terms of “what to see, what to learn, what to admire” has already been collected here in Java! And the Indian Ocean, washing the southern part of the island, emphasizes this.

Exotic nearby

  • Java is an island with a relief of two types: mountainous and flat, which is unusual for a small land area. But lovers of mountain ranges can get a lot of pleasure and thrills, because the height of some of them is equal to three hundred meters! However, those who prefer the opposite part of the island - the northern, flat, will not stay on the loser - and there are miracles.
  • The climate here is unique in its own way, as well as the fertility of soils. In other areas, residents in their fields manage to harvest three crops a year! And this is during the rainy season, which lasts here for three to four months! Although it is then warm, not lower than +23. The rest of the year it is sunny and hot. True, the humidity is decent - up to 95%. However, according to tourists, the heat is tolerated quite easily: at least you get used to it quickly.
  • And the soil here is really legendary fertile. The main crop - rice. Java produces so much rice that many local rich people managed to make the most solid fortunes on it! And if you hear the expression: “Put a dry stick in the ground and it will grow”, know: this is said about the land in Java!
  • wa indonesia
    Three major religions of the world left their mark on culture, worldview, and everyday life of local residents: Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Each of them at one time was the main island. Now, by and large, Islam prevails, but many of the sights of Java - temples, monasteries, statues, monuments, etc. - keep the traits and signs of past beliefs. As well as myths, traditions, local magic and other types of folklore. This island is unusually interesting to a huge number of tourists and travelers from around the world.
  • The contrasts of the island are even more interesting. Still would! Ultra-modern metropolitan areas with skyscrapers coexist here with the pastoral landscapes of leisurely peasant life and the pristine jungle. And glaring poverty - with puffy luxury. However, the latter is very familiar to us from our native penates.

Let's go sightseeing

The island is divided into three administrative units - the provinces. Each of them has its own attractions. Once in the western province, tourists should first of all visit the city of Cirebon - the ancient royal residence. In addition, lovers of sunbathing and swimming the very reason to drop in Pandaran - the local beach is one of the best beaches on the island. And Jung Pendant National Park is famous all over the world. And the remnants of the famous Krakatau are amazing with their formidable majesty.

Java island
In the center of the island, the main Javanese city is Jogyakarta. It is called the cultural-historical heart of Java. The famous handmade batik is produced here. Many folk crafts are still alive, and in local shops you can buy wonderful silver souvenirs. And unique ancient temples, the memory of the Hindu and Buddhist religions - Prambanan and Borobudur - are visited annually by crowds of pilgrims and tourists. And the Sultan's palace can be attributed to the wonders of the world. The Shadow Theater Wayang Purvo, noted by UNESCO, is famous all over the world.

The eastern province of Java is, first of all, the city of Malang. Nearby is another Indonesia National Park - Semeru, in which Bromo volcano can attract special attention of tourists . And Malang itself, which was once the resting place of the Dutch colonialists, is known for its huge coffee plantations. You can also visit the world's largest botanical garden.

The southern part of the island is Pagandaran. These are tens of kilometers of natural beaches, where there is the opportunity to take your soul.

Java - volcano island

Having been in Java, you cannot help but glance “at a party” to active volcanoes. You can see the red-hot lava, hear the terrible rumble of the bowels of the Earth, watch the clouds of smoke and sulfur. What is not the surroundings from the disaster movie!

In conclusion, I want to add: there are so many unique places on our blue planet that, probably, there is not enough human life to go everywhere and get to know everything.


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