What is chocolate like? Chocolate: benefits and harms

What is chocolate like? Now we will talk about its types. We will also consider how chocolate is useful, and how to choose such a delicacy.


First, let's look at the varieties of this beloved by many goodies.

So what is chocolate like? Dairy. It contains milk powder, lecithin, chocolate liquor and cocoa butter. When choosing, you need to check the composition, since artificial (unnatural) components are often used to make milk chocolate .

what is chocolate

Sociological polls have been conducted more than once, as a result of which it became known that this is the most popular species.


What is chocolate? White. It is a sweet mixture of milk proteins, sugar and cocoa butter. It contains neither cocoa powder nor chocolate liquor. Very often, such a treat is prepared from hydrogenated vegetable fats. To summarize: it turns out that white chocolate has nothing to do with chocolate, which is made on the basis of cocoa. True, in the composition of this delicacy there is cocoa butter (a little), thanks to it the tile acquires a white color.

Black (Bitter) Chocolate

What is the most healthy chocolate? Of course, black. In it, the cocoa content exceeds 50%. This chocolate has tannins; it is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. Scientists have found that this treat is especially useful for girls during PMS. Such chocolate has a rich taste and a thick aroma.

what is chocolate

The main difference between dark chocolate is that it has a maximum of grated cocoa and a minimum of sugar. Due to its original composition, it has the most delicate taste without impurities. The British, by the way, found out that dark chocolate gives a boost of energy, so it is useful to eat it in the morning.

Benefits of Goodies

What is chocolate good for? Now let's take a closer look at this topic.

  • It has been proven that a few pieces of such a treat a day can overcome chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • It is believed that chocolate is an excellent tool for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Before the exam, it is advised to use it to improve memory.
  • It has a positive effect on performance, improves brain activity.
  • This type of goodies, according to scientists, normalizes blood pressure and saves you from depression.
  • Chocolate is good for teeth and gums. It contains essential oils of cocoa beans, which envelop the enamel, as a result of which the bacteria do not multiply.
  • I would like to touch upon an interesting fact, it concerns pregnant women. It is useful for a woman in a position to use chocolate, then her baby, when she is born, will be more stress-resistant and cheerful.

what is chocolate good for

Harmful goodies

We talked about the benefits of chocolate. Now let's talk about its negative effects on the body. Much has been said about the dangers of chocolate. Some people believed that such a treat is the cause of excess weight or acne. No confirmation of these facts was found, on the contrary, there was disproving evidence.

Therefore, chocolate can only be harmful to allergy sufferers, diabetics, and obese people. Other citizens may consume this product, but you must always know the measure. After all, too much has never benefited anyone. Chocolate will not harm your health if it is made to standards and from good raw materials. How to find the perfect treat? Weโ€™ll talk about this later.

Choosing the right chocolate!

How to choose chocolate? What should I look for when buying such a treat? We have already figured out what happens with chocolate, and now consider the features of its choice.


  • The first thing you should pay attention to is the content of cocoa beans. For example, in good dark chocolate, they should be more than 50%. Now in supermarkets a similar delicacy is presented with 70, 80 and even 90%.
  • What is more important is the content of cocoa butter in chocolate. Sometimes it is replaced with vegetable fats, so read the composition to choose a quality product.
  • If you are a sweet tooth, but want to lose weight, then it is better to choose porous chocolate. Despite the fact that the tile is the same as the standard one (whose weight is 100 grams), its weight is less - only 75 grams (the rest is holes).
  • When you study the label, pay attention to the flavors, choose that chocolate, which does not include vanilla essence, but vanilla. Of course, such a product will cost a little more, but its taste is simply incomparable.

how to choose chocolate

  • Good chocolate must contain lecithin, and besides cocoa butter, there should be no other vegetable fats.
  • If you will buy a domestic product, then pay attention to the name of the regulatory document in accordance with which it was manufactured. The best option is GOST 6534. The stringent requirements of this regulatory document guarantee the highest quality. If you notice the letters TU, then you should be wary, as not all standards can be met, but only the technical conditions.
  • An indicator of good chocolate - it melts quickly. Melting point 32 degrees. That is, if you put a piece in your mouth, and it doesnโ€™t melt much (and as you remember, the personโ€™s body temperature is 36.6), then think about whether to use such a treat.

what is the most healthy chocolate

In the end, I would also like to talk about how to feast on chocolate. So, sit back, relax, take one piece, but do not rush to put it in your mouth. First think about how he got to you, where he could come from, feel how he feels. Then bring it to the nose, taste its aroma. When you do all this, put a piece on the tongue, do not chew, taste its receptors. Then slowly, part by part, dissolve it. Here is such an interesting ritual. Having eaten one piece in this way, you will be completely satisfied with it. Try to enjoy chocolate like this. Believe me, you will like it!

Little conclusion

Now you know what chocolate is like. We examined in detail its types. We hope that the information in this article will be useful in your life! If you are asked about what chocolate is, you can tell in detail about its types, and also explain what their difference consists in.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9162/

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