International volunteer organizations and movements

Many of us love to travel the world, conquer new horizons, but often there are not enough funds for full travel and recreation. In this case, you can take advantage of the proposals of international volunteer organizations. They provide an opportunity to visit another country, get acquainted with the culture of the people, gain new professional experience, and all this for the job and a nominal fee for the person who wants it.

International team

Activist movement

This direction appeared a long time ago, in the XVII century. At first, volunteers were recruited to serve during the war without monetary compensation (in Italy, France, Germany). Volunteering was associated with activities useful to society only at the end of the 19th century (everyone knows the disinterested help of sisters of mercy to the wounded). In Russia, it began to take shape in an organized movement after 2000: more and more organizations appeared, they gradually moved to a new level and received support from the government.

Today, the movement of social activists is developed in many countries. In the current sense, volunteering is the implementation of various types of work (childcare, retirement, the provision of services, information education, training), based on the voluntary participation of volunteers. At the same time, volunteers, in return for the assistance provided, receive housing, meals, excursions, language learning and meeting new interesting people. The list of international volunteer organizations is quite large, and everyone can choose a project that meets their interests and capabilities.

Help children

What does a volunteer need?

Today, you can show your activity in many countries. In order to become a member of a social project, the following is required:

  1. The desire to help people.
  2. Active life position.
  3. A small amount of money (for paying a fee, visa, personal needs; when visiting the country as a volunteer, the costs are much less than when traveling as a tourist).
  4. Basic knowledge of English.
  5. Skill to work in team.

Often the centers invite people aged 18 to 30 to participate, but you can find offers where the age limits are expanded.

In international volunteer organizations, there are 3 levels of activists:

  • Managers They perform organizational functions (recruitment, counseling, task control).
  • Helpers - help those in need once a week.
  • Volunteers of direct assistance. They are attached to a specific person and work alone with him.

The complex of the above components helps to become an unselfish worker for the benefit of society and gain certain professional skills.

Volunteer Training

Main directions

When choosing a project, it is necessary to pay attention to the types of work proposed by the organizers. It is good if the selected classes are within the powers of the participant and correspond to his interests. Most often in the projects of international volunteer organizations there are such options:

  • restoration activities (reconstruction of ancient buildings, mansions), archaeological excavations (in France, Belgium);
  • environmental protection (animal care, territory cleaning);
  • farm work (fruit picking, assistance in obtaining dairy products);
  • preparation and organization of large-scale events (football championships, festivals, concerts, Olympic games);
  • teaching language, professions, conducting courses.
Teaching teenagers

How to become a social activist?

In order to become a volunteer, you need to find sources that provide information about projects. Choose a small (4-7) amount of resources, register and fill out the form.

Many associations provide for the payment of a membership fee (an average of 200 euros or dollars). After the organizer confirms participation in the project, you need to buy a ticket and make a visa if it is not. Almost always, the receiving party sends an invitation to the person who wants it. A week or two before departure, a person receives information about the place of residence and the conditions created for the participants.

Receive invitation

Popular international associations

To travel abroad as a volunteer, you can contact the following organizations:

  • Conservation Volunteers - is engaged in environmental protection, provides public health services.
  • VSO is a British society whose goal is to raise the standard of living of the poor.
  • WWOFF - offers those who wish to engage in agriculture in exchange for housing and food.
  • Kibbutz Volunteer is an agricultural community providing an opportunity to study different types of work.
  • "Sphere" is a youth movement, an organizer of trips to many countries of the world.

These international volunteer organizations develop projects and provide all the necessary information about them, or help to become a voluntary executor of public works.

There are also electronic resources for finding suitable options, such as Helpx or Help Exchage and Projects Abroad (the latter have registered farmers, cafes, and ranchers who are ready to provide travelers with food and lodging for fulfilling the agreed duties).

Performance of work

International volunteer organizations in Russia

The volunteer movement in our country originated in the early 90s of the last century. One of the very first organizations sending activists abroad was World4u. This focal point is still popular today. To participate in social work through this company you need: payment of a membership fee in the amount of 6900 rubles, visa and tickets.

Free to participate in the international project is also possible. It offers the world famous European Volunteer Service (EVS). It is more difficult to find an interesting offer in this case, since it can only be done through the organizationโ€™s representative office in their country. The program provides one-time participation for people aged 18 to 30 years.

International volunteer organizations in Moscow (World4u, AYA center) help to choose an interesting trip and provide all the necessary information right in the office of the capital.

Participation in the programs of young activists

Children under 14 years of age may also visit another country as a volunteer, although there are much fewer offers for them. In order to find a suitable option in the database, you need to carefully read the terms of the project and, if appropriate, indicate the age of the child.

International volunteer organizations for teenagers offer trips to camps in which they are engaged in certain activities. In order to register a minor participant and draw up documents, the presence of parents in the office and their permission to travel is necessary.

Conditions for children are the same as for adults. The child should be independent and responsible, because he will have to first work, and then have a rest for his pleasure.

Volunteer camps

International volunteer organizations and movements are a trend that is gaining more and more popularity. In the era of globalization, this is a great opportunity to discover new countries, make friends and expand your worldview at the lowest cost. And the good deeds that volunteers do, increase their personal self-esteem and ensure everyone's contribution to the development of a civilized society.


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