How to set up a satellite dish with the best result

To independently cope with the task, you need to know how to set up a satellite dish. To do this, decide which antenna you will install and configure. They are offset and direct focus. The direct focus antenna should be a little larger in diameter, this is due to the fact that the converter obscures part of the antenna. If your region belongs to the field of application of antennas with a diameter of 0.9 or 1.2 meters, then choose an offset antenna. When setting up a satellite dish with a C-band, a C-band converter is used, and when registering and monitoring a signal, the properties indicate a frequency of 5150 NHz.

Antenna orientation

Before answering the question of how to configure a satellite dish, you need to choose a place to install it. All antennas should be oriented southeast or southwest. If the installation on the wall of the house does not make it possible to orient it in this way, then the antenna is installed on the roof. There should be no interference in the form of tall buildings or trees.

On the Internet there is a table containing information about the orientation of the antennas to the selected satellite in the sun, you can use it to select the satellite, which then orient the antenna.

How to choose a place for the antenna and how to connect a satellite dish

The antenna mounted on the wall of the house is mounted on a special bracket, which then holds the antenna, a cable is connected from it that connects the converter and receiver. The cable usually gets into the house at an angle so that moisture does not enter the hole, which, in turn, is sealed. The cable should not be too long, it should not be connected. This reduces the quality of the transmitted signal, it will be difficult to figure out how to set up a satellite dish so that the image is of the best quality if the cable does not transmit the signal satisfactorily.

The beginning of the installation of the antenna is the correct assembly of the C-band converter on the antenna when the Yamal satellite antenna is tuned. He is responsible for the strength and quality of the signal, and, therefore, for how high-quality the image will be. The converter can be either standard or modified, for example, such as "Agliano". A modified converter can give a slightly higher signal level.

Install the converter on the antenna

Before answering the question of how to configure a satellite dish, you need to install a converter, standard or combined. The combined converter slightly reduces the signal level, so the diameter of the plate should be increased. In order to configure the dish on the Yamal satellite, it is enough to install a conventional C-band converter, only you need to remember that broadcasting from it will go in the C-band. There is a sticker on the converter case showing what level (coefficient) of noise is for this model. The smaller it is, the better the signal transmission.

The noise level in the converters is measured in Kelvin. The standard value of this indicator is 17 K, less often - 13 or 15K. For converters, an indicator such as gain typically has a value of 65 dB. The irradiator on the antenna is the element that focuses the signal. It differs for offset and direct focus antennas. It is only necessary to install the irradiator that is suitable for this antenna, otherwise the signal level decreases.

The depolarization plate is mounted on the antenna so that the pins of the waveguides are located on one side thereof. Then the converter is installed, its location in relation to the angle of inclination is selected. The zero value marked on the scale should be at the top. The angle of the converter must be zero.

To get the best signal quality, you need to slowly shift the irradiator, watching its level. You can also do with the converter, rotating it and, thus, tracking the signal. The shift should not exceed several degrees in one or the other direction. When the best indicator is obtained (at least 60% of the filled indicator on the screen), we can assume that the antenna is tuned.

Directly setting up a satellite dish and receiver takes a lot of time. Its step-by-step passage is written in detail in the attached instructions and consists of certain parameters, depending on the type of antenna selected, satellite and your area (signal coverage area).


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