How to sew a sofa with your own hands: step-by-step instructions, fabric tips, photos

Furniture is the main component of the interior of the apartment. Each house has sofas, armchairs. A person constantly uses upholstered furniture. Gradually the upholstery wears out, fades. The fabric becomes ugly, stains that are difficult to remove appear on it. When people understand that furniture only spoils the interior, they are in a hurry to get rid of it. Some take old things, sofas and chairs to the cottage, while others use garages as a warehouse. Some people immediately acquire new furniture. Nowadays, a soft headset is quite expensive, so people often wonder how to sew a sofa. Restoring upholstered furniture will be much cheaper than buying a new one. In today's article, we will pay special attention to this issue.

how to sew a corner sofa

What are the advantages of independent furniture upholstery?

Before you sew a sofa with your own hands, you should consider all the features of this venture. In the independent restoration of furniture, the following advantages are distinguished:

  1. It is often found that old furniture has a reliable frame that will last for many more years.
  2. You can use step-by-step instructions on how to sew a sofa with your own hands, and not spend the family budget on the purchase of new furniture, or the services of a restorer.
  3. When a person changes the upholstery of the sofa, he will simultaneously eliminate the breakdown of the frame or springs.
  4. Sofas, which were produced 30-50 years ago, were better than modern novelties. If a person has such furniture, then he can only update the appearance of the product without affecting its frame.
  5. Saving family budget.
  6. A person will not have to throw away furniture that is out of date. You can give old interior items a new life.

But you need to understand that this work will require some effort and take some time.

What design is now in fashion?

Before lining a sofa, you need to understand what design a person wants to see at home. Some come up with original covers themselves, others take ideas on the Internet. You can decorate the sofa with pillows, it will immediately be transformed.

There is a technique called patchwork. Nowadays, it is in demand. Unusual applications on an upholstery look good. Modern designers offer options in leather as well as denim. Tapestry, velor, and also a special jacquard for upholstered furniture do not go out of fashion. Often use artificial leather.

how to sheathe a sofa at home

What materials will be required to work?

Often people are interested in how to sheathe a sofa at home. To do this, prepare the following materials:

  1. Fabric for lining.
  2. Fittings.
  3. It is important to choose a foam rubber of a certain thickness.
  4. Edges will be required in order to mask the seams.
  5. Felt.
  6. To fill, you need a synthetic winterizer, you can use batting.
  7. You need to think about a fastener in advance, usually they install a zipper.
  8. Buttons for a decor.

The main task is the selection of tissue. It is important to choose a material that will last a long time and not get bored. You should take fabric with a small margin.

What tools for furniture upholstery are required?

Before you sew the sofa yourself, you need to prepare all the necessary tools. It:

  1. Sewing machine and sewing meter.
  2. A set of large-sized needles for coarse fabrics.
  3. Threads (it is better to choose high strength). You can take threads from polyester.
  4. A set of screwdrivers (it is better to choose flat models for work).
  5. Hammer, square and metal ruler.
  6. Antistapler (needed to remove old staples from the sofa).
  7. Pliers and scissors will also require a screwdriver and drill.
  8. A set of wrenches, with a diameter of 8 to 19 millimeters.
  9. Side cutters, as well as a special stapler for furniture.
  10. Staples from 6 to 8 millimeters.
  11. Chalk and glue.
    how to sew a fabric sofa

Preparatory stage

How to sew a sofa with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions will facilitate the work. There are several stages. Pre-disassemble the furniture. It is necessary to remove the old pillows and decor. It is necessary to separate the back from the sofa. To do this, use pre-prepared tools. In the same way, the sidewalls are separated from the sofa. The seat is disassembled from the base. It is important not to lose the fasteners. It is better to put them together in a separate container.

What do you need to do first?

Before lining the sofa, you should remove the old upholstery. To do this, use an anti-stapler, you will also need a flat screwdriver. Based on samples of old upholstery, you can cut out new elements for upholstery. Old foam must be discarded. Instead, it is worth putting a new layer, or a synthetic winterizer. When working, you should be extremely careful so as not to tear the old fabric.

After dismantling, you need to understand if the spring block or frame has broken. If there are minor breakdowns, they need to be repaired. It is important to strengthen the joints and tighten the screws all the way.

Pattern stage

Taking the old sofa upholstery as a sample, it is necessary to make patterns of new fabric. It must be remembered that for seams it is necessary to leave allowances. It is better to fasten the parts first with special needles, and only then flash them. Patterns must be of high quality, the appearance of the sofa depends on this.

How to calculate how much tissue is needed?

To calculate the right amount of fabric, add the length and width of the piece of furniture. The resulting number is multiplied by two, as a result, the footage needed to cover the sofa. The hardest thing to do is calculate for corner models.

how to sew a sofa with your own hands

If a person has chosen a large ornament for his furniture, or the sofa will be striped, you need to cut the fabric in one direction. The only drawback of this method is the increase in upholstery costs.

Do not forget about the additional number of centimeters that go to the seams. When buying upholstery, it’s best to take a meter more than required.

The filler is best made from foam, and buy two sheets of 20 millimeters. A layer of felt is laid between them. If thick foam is used, then it is better to wrap it with a thin layer of synthetic winterizer. Only then can the fabric be upholstered.

How to choose high-quality foam rubber?

For the sofa you need to choose high-quality foam rubber, which will not β€œsink”. It must be remembered that this material has small pores. If you squeeze it with your hand, it immediately straightens back. It turns out the original form.

Stage decoration

Many people ask how to sew a sofa so that you can add unusual decor. Unusual prints add originality. You can make bright pillows or the back of the sofa. You can add one large image to the case.

Upholstery that combines fabrics of different colors looks good. Some connect the strip with squares, or make strips of different types of fabric.

You can make several different covers and change them as needed. If there are children, it is better to choose a material that is easy to clean and has water repellent properties. If a person wants to see bright colors, then saturated colors are best done in the center of the sofa. More neutral tones are best placed at the edges. You can add a twist to the design by making pillows of an unusual shape. They can be round or triangular. Fur inserts look interesting.


If a person is interested in how to sheathe a corner sofa, then you should start from skills. If the owner of the furniture is engaged in lining and hauling for the first time, it is not recommended to use leather, as well as its substitute. It is better to choose simple fabrics. Most of the time it takes to disassemble the corner sofa. The stage of cutting the fabric, as well as sewing new parts, will be difficult. A larger amount of fabric will be required, respectively, the cost of materials will increase.

A mechanical stapler is required for assembly. Upholstery should be evenly stretched over the details of the sofa. It is necessary to ensure that the picture is not distorted.

Many use micro-velors for corner sofas. This fabric is characterized by increased strength. It does not fade over the years. Dust does not land on this material. People who have cats say that cats don’t peel such upholstery.

Faux suede is a good option. This material does not require additional care and is easy to clean. It is recommended for use in families where there are children and animals.

how to sheathe a sofa with your step-by-step instructions

What should I look for when choosing a material for furniture upholstery?

One of the important issues when upholstery is the choice of fabric. Please note:

  1. Design features of the sofa, as well as its type (corner, sofa book).
  2. Room design.
  3. The complexity of the constriction and sheathing of this type of structure.
  4. Price per meter of fabric. If the design of the sofa is very old, you need to think about whether it is advisable to sheathe it with expensive material.
  5. The place where the sofa will stand. If you plan to put it in the kitchen, then it is better to stay on the skin, or its substitute. If you choose a fabric, it will quickly get dirty, plus it absorbs odors. Few people will like it if the sofa smells of food. Therefore, some dwell on simple dermatin.
  6. Thermoshack cards are currently well bought for kitchen sofas.
    how to sheathe a sofa with your own hands

To summarize

So, we figured out how to sew a fabric sofa. Thus, you can significantly change the type of furniture. In addition, the skin has many advantages:

  1. Large selection of textiles. You can choose any material for upholstery.
  2. If the frame of the structure has broken, there is the opportunity to repair it, or change it.
  3. The old sofa will look like new and will serve no less. It often happens that old structures are much stronger than new ones. Such sofas serve after changing the upholstery for many more years.
    how to sew a sofa yourself

In addition, you can save money. But you need to understand that for cladding you will need certain materials, time, some skills and a set of tools. This work will take more time than buying a new sofa, but the result will definitely please. As a result, we will have reliable furniture that will last at least another 5-10 years.


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