How to quickly clean the apartment to be clean?

Dedicated to young inexperienced owners of an uncleaned abode! Suppose you are expecting guests, or maybe you have a date? Or do you want to please your parents with a newfound cleanliness and accuracy? Or maybe the reason is different: you had a party, and in the morning the house turned into a terrible story with a bad ending, and in an hour your mother or wife will be at home?

how to quickly clean the apartment

You still did not know how to quickly clean the apartment, where to start and how to achieve a quick result? Then this article is especially for you! We will teach you how to clean not only quickly, but also efficiently!

First, consider what tools and special narrowly targeted tools you will need, if you really decided to find out in practice how to quickly clean the apartment.

how to clean the apartment

Household chemicals

  1. Toilet duckling or its equivalent.
  2. Dishwashing liquid.
  3. Shine and dust remover for furniture.
  4. Universal cleaning product.
  5. Abrasive for cleaning dishes and kitchen utensils.

Household supplies
how to clean the apartment

  1. Household gloves.
  2. Rug, mop.
  3. Toilet brush.
  4. Sponge for dishes.
  5. Universal wipes.
  6. Garbage bags.

So, it's time to learn how to quickly clean the apartment, without making much effort

First you need to decide what should be where. I assure you, if you find socks in the refrigerator, and slippers - in the bread box, then you are clearly not in order! We don’t think it’s worth listing the places where objects are placed in places; But the most important thing - everything edible - in the refrigerator, everything textile in the dressing closet (wardrobe), everything else is pushed through the cabinets and chests of drawers, and not to forget what was hidden away.

how to quickly clean the apartment

The next step is to arm yourself with chemistry and shoot all the dirt in the house! In the bathroom, all plumbing should be sprayed with the necessary means. And leave her for at least half an hour. From there, go to the toilet and fill the toilet with a toilet duck. In this state, leave it at the very last stage of cleaning - let the product dissolve.

Then go to the kitchen and collect all the dirty dishes in the sink. Anything that is no longer suitable for food should be sent to the waste bin. Trash bags will come in handy.

Further - the dishes should be washed by pouring a generous amount of dishwashing sponge onto the dishes and soaping each plate separately. It is best to lather everything first, and then, turning on the water at high pressure, rinse everything quickly and immediately lower it into the dryer. It’s better not to save on water, rinse thoroughly, household chemicals can harm your health if it then gets from a plate into your soup!

how to clean the apartment

We move on to the next point in the plan, entitled "How to quickly clean the apartment." All surfaces of tables, cabinets and the refrigerator should be lubricated with abrasive agent. The plate is better to pour more. While everything will be soaked, we return to the bathroom and wash away the household chemicals from the plumbing. The sponge for dishes will do just fine (just beg, take a new one from the package, do not wash the same as the dishes). Rub the surface of the bathtub and sinks well, rinse with plenty of water from the shower.

Return to the kitchen and wash away the abrasives from the furniture. The kitchen, in theory, should shine.

Next - grab the vacuum cleaner and go with it on all surfaces of the floor. If your sock and cat food got there , it means that you poorly performed the first point of the plan.

Next, take the furniture rubbing agent, pour a small amount onto a clean, dry napkin and go through all the polished, laminated and just dusty objects.

The last point is my floors. To do this, simply pick up water in a bucket and wipe the entire floor in the apartment. It is important to wring the rag so that the floors do not become dirtier. Rinse and wring carefully, after you should not remain puddles and floods.

how to clean the apartment

When the floors are finished - return to the toilet and flush it. Now the brush will cope with the task - drive it well along the perimeter of the toilet, let it work!


So, now you know how to clean the apartment!

Stop! Did you make the bed? Well well! Run to the bedroom! At any moment, the doorbell may ring!

Come back! Take off the gloves from your hands! They are no longer needed!

Well, that's it, and we will go further to explain to other craftsmen how to clean the apartment ...


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