How to convict a wife of treason - spy things. How to understand that a wife is cheating?

If today there was a female version of the dictionary with interpretations of Ozhegov’s concepts, then, of course, in front of the definition of “treason” there would be a bold, weighty question mark. Why? The fact is that for girls, in reality, everything is ambiguous in this regard. Did you find out that your wife is cheating? What to do Is there any way to prevent such an absurd awkwardness? You can find answers to these and other equally interesting questions in the process of familiarization with the materials of this article.

What is considered treason?

how to convict a wife of treason?

Before considering the question of how to convict a wife of treason , it would be advisable to analyze the term itself. The fact is that today there is no (apparently, in the future also not foreseen) consensus on what can be attributed to treason. The direct fact of connecting with another man? Or a kiss? Or maybe phone sex?

That is why it would be best to narrow the borders somewhat and discuss the signs of the newly formed novel on the side. How to catch a wife on treason ? The question is not simple, but lifting. If from time to time you get an incomprehensible feeling that something is going wrong, it would be advisable to use a very interesting cheat sheet. She will definitely help to figure out who is deceiving you: a friend or a hunch? If in more than three of the following paragraphs you recognize your wife or girlfriend, you will have to admit such an undesirable fact: she began a new romance on the side.

No complaints!

How to convict a wife of treason ? Her first “symptom” is that a woman suddenly stops digging into a man. For some unknown reason, she suddenly stops rolling up jealousy scenes, getting nervous, paying attention to a man’s barbaric habit, for example, picking with a screwdriver in his teeth or on trash bins that are not taken out.

How to recognize cheating wife ? Of course, a man can happily assume that it was not in vain that he choked on paper under the battle of New Year's chimes, and his desire finally came true. However, it is much more logical to explain such compliant behavior by the fact that the woman's focus of attention in a certain way has changed, and she elementarily stopped paying attention to her (most likely, already) man.

You may not know about it!

how to catch a wife on treason?

How to understand that a wife is cheating ? By the way, a man may not be up to date. Often a woman torments him with complaints, saws, and also expresses her own dissatisfaction, even if there is no good reason for this, not at all because she is hysterical and sadistic. No need to laugh, but this is due to the fact that she clings to her man, loves and does not want to ever stop loving him because of the absolute banalities. By the way, in the female language this is called the "struggle for relationships."

How to convict a wife of treason in a conversation ? Now, when an affair with another man is just flaring up with her, the woman has not yet managed to get entangled in an unreliable alibi, break firewood and finally become bogged down in debauchery and lies. She is not at all ashamed - rather, on the contrary, good and fun. Finally, she feels interesting and lively. That is why its dialect acquires lightness, spontaneity and, it would seem, sincere purity. But the thing is that at the described stage she does not care about her man (everything says that he is a former man) and what is happening around.

What then?

how to understand that the wife is cheating?

How to convict a wife of treason? Spy things are not needed here, it is enough to catch the very ignoring from the woman. By the way, a bit later this complaisance and immediacy are replaced by anger. Why? The fact is that remorse begins to torment her.

By the way, perhaps the man will be accused of treason. This is a kind of protective mask, an absurd excuse for its unworthy behavior. However, it will be after. So far, a blissful calm has come. And men should think that such circumstances should, at a minimum, be alarming.

New friends

How to recognize the betrayal of his wife?

How to understand that a wife is cheating ? The second sign of betrayal is the emergence of new friends. It was a long time ago that she had no one to go to a cafe or a movie with. Now almost all the evenings in the week are occupied by obscure Irishki, Nadenka and Olenka. By the way, most likely, this is not a cafe at all, but a room pre-booked at the hotel. In addition, she is not with Olenka, but with some Eduard Venediktovich.

How to convict a wife of treason ? It is important to note that these may actually be new friends. The fact is that the old guard, most likely, will not praise it for Eduard Venediktovich, especially if your couple was formed a long time ago. Surely, her old friends have already reconciled with your candidacy and, most likely, began to sympathize with the couple in general.

How to recognize cheating wife ? It is completely logical that she is unlikely to pay attention to male absences with friends and all kinds of business trips. By the way, most likely, she will even like it.

She looks great

learned that the wife is cheating: what to do?

How to convict a wife of treason ? The third sign of adultery is that a woman is certainly prettier. The sparkle in the eyes, the blush on her cheeks, the mountain of new dresses and shoes - all this is simple and obvious, like pasta in a navy style. By the way, dresses are, of course, good, but when a woman begins to pay close attention to what is under these dresses, it’s worth considering.

It is important to note that this does not mean at all that girls start to do pedicures and deep hair removal, pierce the navel and buy a lot of vicious lace only when they start a lover. However, it is worth agreeing that the relationship between a man and a woman who have lived together a long time ago is to some extent colored by the domestic plan of licentiousness.

It is a completely different matter if the fair sex is in full swing a new romance. It was then that she was fully armed around the clock. We can conclude that the life of an unfaithful wife is nothing but a complete impromptu and a challenge.

Other behavior

How to catch a wife on treason ? The next sign that speaks of the wife’s misbehavior is that she behaves and speaks differently. By the way, one of the main symptoms of the presence of a new gentleman in the woman’s life and the seriousness of his intentions is the suddenly changed direction of her interests and passions. In addition, her vocabulary in the event of a new man is significantly replenished by new words.

In short, a man should be in significant tension if his wife suddenly begins to speculate that crucian carp is best caught in windy weather and barley when he is completely sure: she was never interested in fishing and is very far from this topic.

Sex with a cheater

how to convict a wife of treason in a conversation?

By the way, traces of other people's influence are often manifested in an intimate relationship with his spouse. Today there is an opinion that the unfaithful wife by all means evades from conjugal duty. However, this does not happen to everyone and not always.

On the contrary, a woman who takes a walk can purposefully give her husband increased erotic attention in order to reduce his level of vigilance. No wonder they say that a satisfied man is an inexperienced man.

Does she always have a phone in her hands?

How to convict a wife of treason through the phone ? Of course, you can inadvertently call and start asking leading questions when there are suspicions about her being next to her lover. However, today, when social networks and other communication mechanisms appeared, everything became much simpler.

The unfaithful woman, most likely, wants to spend absolutely all her free time next to a new man, but she can not always afford it for very obvious reasons. That is why the cheater seeks opportunities to maintain communication, even if virtually. Thus, henceforth and, possibly, forever, a laptop and a phone become the woman’s best friends.

Whenever you look at her, she always looks at the screen with a loving (and therefore somewhat stupid) smile and at the same time is filled with a pink blush, and then says that she performs a very important work function or develops an incredibly serious conversation with her friend.

How to convict a wife of treason through the phone?

It is important to note that the main precept of the traitor is the exclusion of leaving evidence, getting rid of compromising messages and ruthlessly erasing the history of correspondence. However, unfaithful women are often ignored this commandment. Surely, she knows that getting caught on this is easy and simple. However, the somewhat vague prospect of being exposed is nothing compared to the excellent opportunity to re-read several times a day how you missed her and how they want her.

It is clear that by all means she will try to protect her personal life from her husband’s sudden intrusion by setting passwords on a computer and phone, entering social networks exclusively from her laptop, and also locking her own devices in a closet. That is why a completely harmless request from her husband to use her tablet or phone can lead the cheater to a heart attack.

Now you know the main signs of treason. But do not bring your observations to paranoia. Perhaps the wife is just making you a present or she has made new friends.


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