House-building plant №1 "DSK-1": customer reviews, features and description

The most powerful industrial complex for the construction of housing DSK-1 is already familiar with the feedback of grateful residents. Since 1961, they fully satisfy the needs of future residents with high-quality, comfortable, functional and affordable housing, which the company erects using the most modern standards in the construction industry.

dsk 1 reviews

Company reviews

"Domostroitelny Combine No. 1" clearly follows long-established traditions in the organization of labor, the use of the latest technologies, which has always ensured this enterprise record-breaking productivity. Installation deadlines for new buildings are exceptionally fast. For example, to build a seventeen-story house in three months, it is unlikely that any other company will be able to, only DSK-1. The reviews speak of great experience, the leadership qualities of the plant in the housing market, the most optimal planning decisions, the quality of the fine finish ... There are so many grateful people who have responded that it’s difficult to list even the topics written by them. Most of all, the fact that most of the building materials are produced at the DSK-1 divisions is most pleasing, reviews mention that even the finishing prices for this reason are ultimately significantly lower than other companies.

For example, facing tiles of our own production are produced in twenty-seven different colors, which cannot but provide diversity in architectural solutions and maximize individualization of the buildings of each residential complex. But not only the external attractiveness of the famous houses built DSK-1. Reviews constantly mention their high technology: exterior panels - with perfect thermal insulation, smooth internal walls. This suggests that the process of manufacturing panels in their own factories contains many stages of mechanical grinding. No need to hollow the walls of new apartments for wiring, no need to align the ceilings, which are made of DSK-1 panels. Reviews very often mention this.

DSC 1 Russia Moscow


In 2016, DSK-1 (Russia, Moscow) opens a new page in its more than half a century of history along with its entry into the structure of the financial and construction corporation Leader. Now the plant has at its disposal, in addition to its rich experience, the experience of the largest developer in the region, which will allow presenting its own products at a qualitatively new level. And up to this point, "Domostroitelny Combine 1" (Moscow) has always been a leader in industrial construction, now no one will be able to catch up with it by any of the indicators. Here they are now working even more to improve the existing methods of work for the industrial manufacture and installation of buildings from reinforced concrete structures, and even more new methods are being introduced, the most modern, innovative.

Reviews of DSK-1 (Moscow) mention the best of the existing industrial series, truly classic, available in the production of the company. There are also innovative, unique ones, for example, DOMRIK, DOMNAD. The first was created by the workshop of one of the most famous architects of Spain, Ricardo Bofill, and the second - by a wonderful Russian architect - Alexander Nadysev. Despite the fact that the company is always focused on the latest achievements, the pace of work has never known a decline. Since 1961, the company has built 55 million square meters of housing, and since 1997, 86 independently completed large facilities have been sold. Once reviews of employees of "DSK-1" pleased with a comparison: "Work at this enterprise is just space!" After some thought, you can understand that this is not just a figure of speech. Indeed, in 1961, the first flight of Gagarin took place! And also in the spring. A bit later, DSK-1 was also born. Customer reviews are grateful for the comfort, for the happiness of finding their own home, probably even they celebrate the birthday of DSK-1, which gave them so much joy.

lcd nekrasovka dsk 1 reviews


In the sixties, our capital was not so big a city. Housing was built there, but extremely small and slow. Mass construction, especially industrial construction, was not even mentioned. Only two- or three-story houses were built, where even the floors were old-fashioned wooden. And each such project was almost individual. Such a pace of construction could not satisfy the housing needs of the capital's inhabitants. And the need was terrifying, and not only in Moscow. Everywhere people lived in crowded communal apartments or, worse, in barracks, where all the amenities are on the street. And while the designers were creating the spacecraft project for Gagarin, architects and engineers were working on the construction of the first "Khrushchev" five-story building. The symbol of those years was the house of the K-7 series.

It was a completely new, one might say revolutionary technology, a new word in modern architecture: to build a lot, quickly, cheaply and, of course, of high quality. The latter cannot be taken away from Khrushchev’s houses: they still resist demolition. The first workshop of Mosproekt, led by architect Vitaly Lagutenko, is working on this idea. At first there was a test. The predecessors of the same five-story building are still standing in Kuzminki and on Kuusinen Street. Outside, the first houses have rolling panels, and the second ones are frame-panel. The engineers did not completely reject such a project, but considered it very far from the intended result. Nevertheless, the first "pancakes are not lumpy" came from the products of the ZhBK plant on Krasnaya Presnya. It was there that DSK-1 (Moscow) was founded . Employee reviews testify to this time with all sorts of excitement. Meanwhile, Lagutenko’s design of a five-story building was developed and surprised everyone: a five-story building could be assembled quickly, like a whatnot. At that time, such a design was simply unique.

ooo dsk 1 reviews


The construction method was set at a good pace by which the building was mounted without the use of a solution! During the construction of any other houses it was not used and is not used. No one was able to repeat this decision, which Vitaly Lagutenko found. The first house of this series can already be made a museum. It was built before the birth of DSK-1. Customer reviews were not received, because apartments were not sold in those days, if they were not built cooperatively, but then the reviews of new tenants then went through all the newspapers. This house was built from panels of Krasnopresnensky and Khoroshevsky plants. And yet, even this first experience showed that the creators are still far from the planned level of construction. The walls were thin, and the interior partitions were even smaller - four centimeters in total.

However, the house was lightweight, quick-assembled, technologically advanced in both construction and manufacturing. How to build - understood. Now it was necessary to create a production worthy of this idea. And in May 1961, the House-Building Plant was opened - a complex, but unusually viable organism that combines plants and their management. This enterprise worked in the strictest mode, around the clock using the latest cassette technology developed, which was the key for the DSK-1. The reviews (LCD Nekrasovka and many others) suggest that this method is still used: not one panel is made, but many are made at once, and they are immediately delivered by the units for installation. The K-7 series is simple for manufacturers and this has become its main advantage. For the entire five-story building, it was enough to make less than two dozen items of different products. That is why factories quickly mastered the necessary operations.

dsk 1 employee reviews moscow

To our days

You can talk endlessly about the history of DSK-1, because his life has completely and completely gone the same way as the whole country. In the seventies, the company was already building other houses. Buildings are taller and apartments are larger. Moscow grew already incredibly fast, and the enterprise expanded and went far beyond the capital region. Then came Perestroika, and soon the great state ceased to exist. Historical hurricanes that destroyed everything and everything went through the country, and for the established production giant, which the DSK-1 had become at that time, this also did not pass without a trace. Established partnerships have broken, government funding has disappeared, specialists have gone from lack of money to private owners.

The conveyor, which focused only on the production of building materials and construction, was to receive new links, otherwise things did not go well. The times have come tough, the skills of commercial activity have become necessary so as not to die in market conditions. We needed investors. And they were found. A new link has also appeared - SOPI, which is forming the company's investment program , establishing partnerships, preparing construction sites. In addition, new production segments appeared in the enterprise structure. This is "Braas DSK-1" - a factory for the production of natural tiles and "Fram-Windows-DSK-1" - a company specializing in the production of balcony doors and windows using modern technologies. And the "Cottage" unit installs a roof on already constructed buildings.

Series P-44

The famous P-44 series in the last few decades - these are all new buildings of DSK-1. Reviews say that such houses were never monotonous or static, the series changed, buildings built using the same technology were transformed.

Gradually, it turned out that the house of the P-44 series changed so much that he had to give new indexes, adding the corresponding letter "T", "M", "K" to the abbreviation. In 1997, the first house of the P-44T series was built on Marshal Vasilevsky Street. And at the end of 2000, an entire era in mass housing construction ended, connected with a series of P-44 houses in its purest form.

LCD "Nekrasovka"

And today the P-44T is one of the most popular series. So the DSK-1 Nekrasovka was built. Customer reviews of apartments in the Nekrasovka residential complex indicate that this series not only has not outlived itself at all, but has remained an absolutely modern project, providing residents with not only ordinary apartments from one to four rooms, but also five- and eight-room ones. In Nekrasovka there are twelve nineteen-story houses. DSK-1 mainly uses two modifications of this series here - P-44T and P-44K.

All of them have already been commissioned and are in operation, there are free apartments for sale, but there are very few of them, because they are sold out quickly. Still would! Fully finished high-quality finish with wallpaper on the walls, with laminate and skirting boards, with painted ceilings and installed interior doors, glazed with the latest building technologies - all this suggests that such apartments can not be in demand. The bathrooms are decorated with ceramic tiles on the walls and on the floor, the kitchen also has a working wall with an apron of beautiful tiles. Plumbing quality and complete.

What else does?

In 2016, the Nekrasovka residential complex won the competition for the best economy-class housing project for the prize of the National Association of Designers and Surveyors. This is a well-deserved victory. Although a pure economy class can not classify this neighborhood. Here, and stained glass windows on the front doors, and panoramic windows, and apartments with two bathrooms are often found, even two and three bedroom apartments.

In addition to the above two modifications of the P-44, which are industrial, there are buildings of innovative house-building technologies in Nekrasovka. These are the same DOMRIK and DOMNAD. The post-construction state of the residential complex can be called ideal.

dsk 1 customer reviews

LCD "First Anniversary"

And in Korolev, on Tikhonravova Street, another residential complex from DSK-1 will soon appear - LCD "First Jubilee". Reviews on the progress and pace of construction are already there, and they reassure buyers - both future ones and those who have already made their choice. DSK-1 carries out four seventeen-story houses here, and the remaining buildings of the residential complex are built by Skaygrad. In the "First Jubilee" there is also a triumph of panel houses of the P-44K and P-44T series.

On each floor there are four apartments of different layouts and sizes. Balconies and loggias are in all. Finishing, however, can be at the request of the client, and for those who decide to carry out repairs themselves, the following is provided. There is a copper in-house wiring with all sockets and switches. The floor screed was made and the loggias were glazed, the front door was installed. Bathrooms are already with tiles, bathtub, washbasin and counters. All this guarantees the residents of the DSK-1.

dsk 1 new buildings reviews

"First St. Andrew"

Customer reviews of apartments in Andreevka in the Solnechnogorsky district claim that this quarterly development project is destined to be very popular, although construction began a year ago - in the spring of 2016. DSK-1 at the same time with residential buildings and builds a kindergarten.

There are only three seventeen-story houses in many sections each. All cases are made of P-44K and P-44T panels, with insulated walls and tiled. The roof is made of real tiles. There are no multi-room apartments here, the largest are three-room apartments up to 84.6 square meters. The finish is also pre-clean for everyone who does not bother to order a complete turnkey improvement. The final finish includes: tile in the bathrooms, profile on the ceilings, water meters , copper wiring with sockets and switches, interior and exterior doors, glazing of loggias and balconies.

The organization of the space of the courtyard area is very well thought out: three large houses surround a large area of ​​the inner closed courtyard, where a kindergarten, children's and sports grounds, guest parking and recreation areas will be located. Walking paths will be laid, and the rest of the space is decorated with flowering lawns and flower beds. Regarding LLC "DSK-1", reviews note that the company provides all the implemented residential complexes with internal infrastructure, and is improving the adjacent territories. And this, in addition to the fact that residents receive beautiful modern houses with brickwork, glazed windows and a tiled roof, with spacious vestibules and with built-in entrances.


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