Yoga for Back and Spine Pain: Exercises for Beginners

Today, many people need yoga for back pain, because almost every inhabitant of the planet faces this problem. The reasons for this are: sedentary work, poor posture, a long pastime at the computer and so on.

yoga for beginners from back pain

Causes of pain

Yoga against back pain is not familiar to all people, although it is actually considered a fairly effective way to solve the problem. Before you begin the exercises, you should understand the causes of such consequences.

The back itself is a complex structure. It consists of bones, ligaments, muscle fibers, tendons and intervertebral discs. Pain sensations arise due to ailments that have some kind of connection with these components.

Yoga exercises for back pain help fight the following problems:

  • sprain of muscles, ligaments after an unsuccessful turn or a sharp rise in heavy weight;
  • structural problems: osteoporosis, arthritis, disc deformation, sciatica;
  • serious diseases: neoplasms, cauda equina syndrome, infections.

Yoga Exposure

The advantage in getting rid of back pain with yoga is a positive effect on both the musculoskeletal system and the musculoskeletal system, consciousness and respiratory processes. Thanks to this system, you can learn to control your own condition and mental activity.

Yoga for back pain for 30 minutes can easily be used not only for the study of muscle groups. It allows you to develop stress resistance, as well as a positive worldview. Performing exercises will provide improved body flexibility and communication with the environment.

yoga getting rid of back pain


Yoga for back pain is prohibited for people suffering from the following ailments:

  • heat;
  • severe course of the disease;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • spinal or head injuries;
  • malignant tumors.

In addition, you should not start classes in case of taking medications and during the rehabilitation period after surgery. Otherwise, there are no restrictions and contraindications.


For home yoga for beginners, back pain will require preparation. It will not take too much time, but it is simply necessary to complete all these steps:

  • making a list of exercises;
  • elimination of extraneous sounds;
  • preparation of accessories and water bottles;
  • elimination of jewelry and excess items of clothing;
  • soft pad preparation.

Pose "Baby"

This yoga exercise for pain in the back and lower back allows you to remove pressure from its lower part, as well as straighten the spine. The execution technique here is extremely simple:

  1. Get on your knees, placing them on the width of the pelvis.
  2. Connect the feet.
  3. Take a deep breath and exhale while lowering the torso to the hips, defining the buttocks closer to the heels.
  4. Hands reach forward (you can put them in a lock).
  5. Hold on in this position for about three minutes, then smoothly get out of the situation and take a couple of breaths.
yoga against back pain

"Cat Cow"

Yoga for back pain is very popular with people because of this exercise. It helps to stretch the spine and quickly relieves tension in the lumbar. It should be performed in this way:

  1. Get on all fours, with your shoulders clearly above your wrists, and your knees under your hips.
  2. Take a smooth breath.
  3. Exhale and bend the spine, while lowering your head down.
  4. On inspiration, raise your head and round your back as much as possible.
  5. Perform these steps at an easy pace for three to four minutes.

"Dog face down"

Quite often, yoga for the back and pain relief are the daily rules of morning exercises. In fact, this is really the right decision, because thanks to such a warm-up, you can provide yourself with a charge of energy for the whole day.

Pain in the lumbar can often occur due to the fact that the back of the lower extremities is not flexible enough and too tight. This exercise allows you to stretch the hamstrings, as well as the hips. It is very easy to do:

  1. Stand in the pose of the child.
  2. Raise the buttocks, unbending legs and leaning only on socks and palms, so that the body forms an acute angle.
  3. Extend your fingers widely and try to put the heels on the floor (if the shin pulls strongly, they can be held above the floor, but as low as possible).
  4. Relax the neck by looking at the legs or navel.
  5. Keep at the top point for up to three minutes, and then exit it through the child’s pose.
yoga for back and lower back pain


This exercise can be called universal, because it stretches not only the spine, eliminating pain in it, but also the arms and legs. When performing it, it is necessary to concentrate only on this, since when the posture is delayed, unpleasant sensations in the back can appear. In this case, you need to bend your knees slightly, but in no case do not interrupt the exercise. The technique will be as follows:

  1. Stand in the pose "Dog face down."
  2. Take a slow step towards your arms, with your feet shoulder-width apart and as close to your wrists as possible.
  3. Straighten the lower limbs as much as possible, without lifting your palms from the floor.
  4. Press the chin to the chest and relax the shoulders, while feeling the extension of the spine.
  5. Hold the pose for up to four minutes.

Specialists give practical advice on the implementation of this exercise. It consists in feeling the bend starting not from the hips, but from the back. Experienced yogis argue that only in this case, "Utanasana" will bring maximum benefit.


Classical yoga for back pain is necessary in order to return to this part of the body a familiar and healthy form. Pose "Sphinx" provides a natural curvature of the lower back, makes the muscles of the press work. It is worth noting that it is aimed specifically at working out the muscles that support the lower back. Doing the exercise is required in the following sequence of steps:

  1. Lie on your stomach and connect your legs.
  2. Place your palms under your shoulders, lower your forearm all the way to the floor.
  3. Tear off the chest from the floor and straighten your arms.
  4. While pressing the hips down and relaxing the shoulders, you need to feel the tension of the spine.
  5. Bend as low as possible, but do not bring to discomfort.
  6. Hold the pose for a couple of minutes.
yoga for back pain 30 minutes

"Knees to the chest"

Exercise, ideal for beginners, provides not only the study of the necessary muscles, but also massage for the whole body. It will never worsen the condition, but it will bring benefits in any case. Performing it is quite simple:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Bend your knees and raise to the chest, clasping with both hands.
  3. At a slow pace, swing the torso in different directions, without releasing your legs.
  4. Perform movements for about three minutes.

During the exercise, the whole body must remain in tension. In no case do you need to raise your head, as this can lead to injuries. If at first you feel pain in the spine or tailbone due to pressure, then it is allowed to lay something softer.

Pose "Dove"

An elementary movement, which at first glance may seem too complicated, can be performed without difficulty even by a child. It does not require good stretching or strong muscles. The Pigeon pose is actively performed by both women and men, as it simply does not have any restrictions.

The exercise is aimed at stretching the hips. Both internal and external parts are involved here. In addition, the pose "Dove" relieves of back pain and helps to straighten your posture. And it is executed in this way:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Bend the right leg and place its foot just above the left knee.
  3. Raise the left lower limb to the chest, clasping hands.
  4. Hold on for three minutes on each side.

"Supta Matsyendrasana"

A magnificent pose from yoga, designed to improve the condition of the back, if improperly performed, can cause injuries, therefore, it must be performed carefully. If you feel pain in the back or lower back, you must definitely stop doing it. If they are not too strong, then you can simply ease your task by putting a rolled towel under your knees.

"Supta Matsyendrasana" must be done on a soft rug. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a few bruises, getting rid of which will not be so easy. The process of doing the exercise is as follows:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Raise legs bent at right angles to the chest.
  3. Lower both lower limbs to the side, touching the floor, but without changing the angle.
  4. Hold out in this position for a couple of minutes, then move your legs to the other side and withstand the same amount.
yoga for back pain relief

Vietnamese yoga

In modern times, Vietnamese yoga is popular for back pain. This special system includes several interesting exercises that help in the treatment of the spine. All of them are performed in a prone position, since this particular pose is considered the most advantageous for osteochondrosis, stoop, curvature and other problems.

The following exercises are recognized as effective:

  1. Stretch legs and arms along the body, bend up the neck and chest. Taking a deep breath, hold your breath and sway your back to the side 7 times.
  2. Focus on the heels and head, inhale, bend the lower back and raise the body up. Holding your breath, sway again from side to side up to 5 times.
  3. Place palms under the buttocks, pull the feet to them, bending the legs at the knees. On inhalation, push your knees as far as possible and slightly lower your lower back. At the final point, you need to hold out for two seconds, and then perform 4 swings in each direction.
  4. Lying on the right side, bend your legs, lowering the lower back and grabbing it by the foot with your hand. The foot of the upper limb is required to be placed on the knee of the second. In this position, it is necessary to hold your breath and perform 6 deflections of the spine.
  5. Roll over on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body. Tear off legs and head with chest from the floor. In this position, you need to hold out for 30 seconds, then relax, and then do a couple more approaches.
  6. Lying on your back, tighten your closed feet closer to the body, and knees maximize. On inspiration, it is necessary to tear off the pelvis from the floor as high as possible and hold it for 5 seconds, and on the exhale - return back. All you need to do about four repetitions. If possible, lingering at the highest point can be longer.
Vietnamese yoga for back pain

Zyongshin (Vietnamese yoga) is not in vain gaining relevance. Thanks to the above complex, there is a chance to fix problems with the spine in a short time. The most important thing is to adhere to the technique and observe the regularity of classes.


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