How to make an apple crusher with your own hands

It is no secret that all fruit juices include nutrients. In addition, they are also very tasty, so they are especially loved by both adults and children. Today, the most common juice is apple. There are a lot of apples in our country, and the juice from them is both tasty and healthy. Therefore, many people wonder how to make juice with their own hands, without preservatives and flavors. After all, this in stores, unfortunately, can not be bought.

In order to solve this issue, you need, firstly, to use the so-called fruit chopper, and secondly, a juicer, which is perfect for apples. Using the above apple crusher, you can get more juice. At the same time, you will make much less effort to prepare it.

In our article, we will consider how to make an apple crusher with your own hands (drawings of it will also be presented to your attention).

DIY chopper

So, we need to create a so-called chopper with our own hands. First of all, it is worth noting that the device itself is of various types. It all depends on the material from which it is made. The choice is wide - from wood to metal. But this is not the most important thing in the crusher, it is very important how it carries out its work.

We will consider the crusher immediately from two types of material - metal and wood. First, we need a sheet of stainless metal, the thickness of which will be no more than 8 centimeters. From this piece, it will be necessary to make steps for the bearings and for the output of the shaft. This stage of work must be done on a lathe.

apple crusher

Crusher creation process

Further, to create an apple crusher, the drawing of which you can see in the article, we will already need a milling machine. On it we will create a gear shaft. As can be seen in the drawing, it will be necessary to remove 8 faces. And in order for the crushing of apples to be sufficiently effective, it is also necessary to make special triangular notches with the help of a grinder on the teeth, along their entire length. This is what will help to crush an apple simply and quickly.

do-it-yourself apple crusher drawings

To make the case of the described device, many use the case from an old washing machine. But it is worth noting that when choosing it, it is necessary that the body metal be stainless, and the machine itself would belong to devices with vertical loading. Her walls should be at least two millimeters thick.

It must be cut into 4 equal parts - two end and two side. Then we add the parts and get the boxes, which must be welded around the edges. But before you completely finish the welding process in the side parts, you will need to slightly bend the metal and leave a small gap. This clearance is necessary between the working shaft and the wall of the chopper itself.

Do-it-yourself apple crusher is made in this way.

DIY apple crushers

Making the crusher body

In order for the shaft of the apple crusher to be well fixed and at the same time rotate smoothly, you can use ordinary bearing units, which are available in all circulars. From the corners it will be necessary to weld the support frame, and the base of the apparatus can be made of wood. The board base should be placed below, since it will place containers in which the mass leaving the grinder will fall.

We made the basis of the apple crusher with our own hands, Now let's get into the motor.

drawings of an apple crusher

Crusher control unit

To create a do-it-yourself apple crusher control unit, we use the usual button, which will be responsible for starting and turning off the device. The belt, which is visible in the drawing, will be tensioned using a special clamp bolt while the housing is moving along the guides.

Do not forget to screw the handle, which will increase the usability of the crusher. To make spraying less, use a wide basin and make the frame low. Place the electric motor on the side, then moisture will not get on it.


Such apple crushers, which are made exclusively by their own hands, do not differ much from those produced in factories and sold in stores. It is worth noting that if you have an old washing machine, then you can not buy a motor, because you can also take it from the washing machine. Both technically and externally, the device is identical to others.

It is also worth noting that this grinder, which operates on electricity, is used not only for the production of juice, but also for the production of wine. A self-made apple crusher, the drawings of which you saw in our article, is always useful on the farm.


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