Medical Bix Smokehouse: materials and manufacturing instructions

In medical institutions, dressings and linen are stored and sterilized in a special metal box called a medical bix. But this device can also be used at home. From the old bix you can easily make an excellent smokehouse. How exactly? Consider in our article today.

Why is this capacity suitable?

An excellent smokehouse can be made from a medical sterilization container without much difficulty. Bix is ​​used for such purposes due to the fact that it has a cylindrical shape and other necessary design features.

home-made smokehouse

The sterilizer is ideally suited due to its dimensions, which are quite enough to put racks, a container for draining fat and products for smoking inside.

It is also suitable because of the presence of a convenient cover. The medical lens is made of heat-resistant material, which is important. It is able to withstand high temperatures when used. That is why during the burning of branches, leaves and sawdust there are no problems.

Since the walls have lattice openings, steam can freely escape. In medical bix, all the necessary conditions for smoldering are created. This process will produce the smoke needed for smoking.

What is it for?

In such a smokehouse you can cook:

  • Meat dishes - game, pork, lamb, rabbit.
  • Fish and seafood of different varieties.
  • Other meat products, including ribs and ham.
    smoked smokehouse

Necessary materials

Bix Smokehouse is made from the following components:

  1. A pallet designed for the accumulation of fat masses.
  2. Metal medical bix.
  3. Two stainless steel grilles.

All of the listed devices must be previously prepared and thoroughly washed. These are necessary steps in the process of designing a device so useful in the household.

home-made hot smoked

The basis of a home-made hot smoked smokehouse is a medical bix, which is made of metal. It should have dimensions of 390 x 190 millimeters. The pan in which fat masses will accumulate can be either metal or ceramic. Lattices are selected in accordance with the dimensions of the used capacity.

Manufacturing process

Bix smokehouse can easily be made with your own hands. Before proceeding with its creation, it is required to thoroughly wash all materials and devices. Only then can you start assembling.

First of all, you need to cut the grilles so that they fit tightly into the sterilizer. At the very bottom of the device is a pallet that is designed to store fat. The first grill is installed just above it. At the bottom of the bix smokehouse, wood chips and small pieces of wood are covered. It is best to use only fruit breeds.

How to make a lattice?

They are recommended to be made of stainless steel. The size of the gratings should fully correspond to the diameter of the bix. They should also be tightly fixed inside the device.

When choosing a lattice, it should be borne in mind that the bar of a stainless steel should have a small size. The smaller it is, the better. Otherwise, products can simply fall through large cells.

It is not recommended to use a grid made of ordinary metal, as it is subject to rapid rusting. As a result of this, it will often have to be changed, since rust has a detrimental effect on products during smoking. After manufacturing the gratings, they must be installed correctly in the smokehouse. To do this, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The first grate is installed in the smokehouse so that products can be laid out on it. It is recommended to mount it inside the cylinder at a height of 10-15 centimeters from the bottom.
  2. The second grate is necessary in order to install a smokehouse on fire. In this case, it is very important to observe certain distances. The length of the legs on which the grate is located should ensure relative proximity to the smokehouse. Usually 15 centimeters is enough.
    homemade smoked smokehouse

If the above recommendations are not followed, the smokehouse will not work properly, and the quality of the prepared products will be low.

Preparation of the necessary components

Before using a home smokehouse for hot smoking, you must pre-stock dry wood, charcoal, wood chips, twigs or sawdust. The fuel material should be selected especially carefully, since the taste and aroma of the resulting product will directly depend on it.

Without the right fuel, a home-made smokehouse will not work. The preparation of branches is an important step in the smoking process. Specialists in this field are advised to use stumps and wood chips of various types of trees. Depending on individual preferences, one or another type can be selected in order to achieve certain taste qualities:

  • the use of aspen will give the products a unique and mild flavor;
  • oak will saturate the products with a pronounced and strong aroma;
  • Birch will give a fresh, honey smell.
    homemade smokehouse hot

A great solution would be to use apple or cherry branches. During smoking, it should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to use softwood chips for these purposes, since they emit tar. In order to minimize the content of harmful substances in the branches, you must first soak them and thoroughly dry them. Otherwise, the product will not only smell unpleasant, but can also cause poisoning.

Smokehouse preparation

Before each use, the bix smokehouse must be carefully prepared. First of all, it is necessary to lay previously stored material on its bottom. Then you need to install a grid with legs, and put on it dishes for the accumulation of fat.

Products are laid in a single layer on the upper mesh. They must be placed so that there are gaps between the products and the wall. After everything is prepared, the home smokehouse for hot smoking is tightly closed and set on a fire. In a city apartment, it can be placed on an electric or gas stove.

hot smoked home smokehouse

As soon as the smokehouse from the medical bix is ​​on fire, you need to carefully monitor the appearance of smoke in the holes on the side of the device. As soon as he appears, begin to keep track of time. It takes 30 minutes to cook the fish. Chicken or lard is cooked for an hour. And for pork it will take at least two hours.

Possible problems

A mini-smokehouse for the home is an excellent option for preparing many dishes. But not always everything goes smoothly. Certain problems that can be fixed on their own are not ruled out.

home smokehouse for hot

If the product has a bitter taste, then this may indicate that too many branches were placed in the smokehouse. Eliminate this defect by reducing their number. When, when cooking fish, she does not get a very pleasant taste, this can occur as a result of the fact that an oily individual was chosen. Non-greasy varieties are best suited for smoking.

If the fish or meat is burnt, then this can be eliminated by adding rhubarb, cabbage or burdock leaves to the smokehouse. In terms of taste, aroma and mouth-watering appearance, products prepared in a smokehouse from a medical bix are no different from those that went through professional equipment. To prepare dishes of the same quality and taste, you will need a device that can only be used outdoors.


So, we examined what this device is and how you can do it yourself. Thanks to such a home smokehouse made from ordinary material, you can cook various delicious delicacies if you wish. It can be used both on the street and in an apartment or household. This compact and convenient device is practical and versatile.


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