How cappuccino differs from latte: highlights

The refined taste of latte and the aromatic strength of cappuccino are familiar to many people. But, unfortunately, few know how cappuccino differs from latte. If you rarely drink coffee, you can easily confuse these two drinks, but for the real barista, the difference is obvious. To know exactly which drink you like best, consider the difference between these two types of coffee.

Cooking technology

what is the difference between cappuccino and latte
To understand how latte coffee differs from cappuccino, first of all, you should pay attention to the technology of making these drinks.

To prepare a classic latte, first take hot whipped milk, pour it into a cup or other container, and only then gently add hot espresso. Thus, an amazing drink in several layers is obtained. To make a cappuccino, you need to pour enough strong coffee into a cup, then put a layer of foam and mix thoroughly. The result is an almost uniform drink.

Proportion of Ingredients

One of the main differences between drinks is that latte is a coffee cocktail based on espresso, and cappuccino is the type of coffee itself. So, in the latter, the coffee content is much higher. It consists of three elements that need to be taken in equal proportions: strong coffee, hot milk and foam. A latte contains two elements: 1/3 part - coffee, 2/3 - hot whipped milk.

Milk foam

what is the difference between latte coffee and cappuccino
When answering the question of how cappuccino differs from latte macchiato, one must first understand what is the difference between latte and latte macchiato. Macchiato is its variety. It is obtained in the form of a three-layer drink with a speck on the foam, which is why it translates as β€œstained milk”.

What is the difference between cappuccino and latte? Milk foam. Such an invariable attribute as foam needs special attention. In a real cappuccino, she can support the weight of a spoonful of sugar. It has a dense and dense foam, and latte - airy, like a fluffy cloud. Milk foam should be so light that you can create a volume dome in a cup of coffee.

However, there is one requirement that combines foam in these two types of coffee: it cannot have excess bubbles and should look uniform. Previously, a little cinnamon or cocoa could be sprinkled on top of the foam, but now whole works of art are painted on it.

An experienced and professional barista will be able to draw any pattern, face of an animal, planet and star, write an inscription or recognition and much more. If the foam is made correctly, then the pattern on it will remain for 12 minutes. Even if you drink all the coffee during this time, the picture should just settle at the bottom.

Aroma and taste of the drink

what is the difference between cappuccino and latte macchiato
Some people love and drink only latte, while others prefer cappuccino. And to argue about which drink is tastier and better is completely stupid. These two types of coffee have a completely different taste and aroma. The coffee cocktail has a delicate and softer taste, its aroma is faint, barely perceptible. The ingredients in the cappuccino are correlated in such a way that the taste of coffee is slightly smoothed by foam and milk.

All people have different tastes and preferences, so some wholeheartedly become attached to a gentle coffee cocktail, while others invariably choose a rich cappuccino. It is the difference between the taste and aroma of these types of coffee that will help to understand how cappuccino differs from latte. Recognizing and distinguishing these two drinks is not difficult at all.


Above, we looked at a few differences between latte and cappuccino. However, there are still equally important points of how latte differs from cappuccino. The main differences:

  1. Latte is a gentle drink, rather, even a coffee shake, and cappuccino is coffee with milk foam.
  2. In cappuccino, you need to take the same amount of coffee, milk and foam (the third part), and in latte should be 2/3 of the foam and milk, and coffee - only the remaining third part.
  3. Cappuccino has a dense foam, and latte - soft and airy. It is on foam latte that an experienced barista is able to draw a real masterpiece.
  4. To serve latte, an irish glass is used, and for cappuccino, small porcelain cups expanding to the top.
  5. A coffee cocktail has a more delicate and delicate taste, and a cappuccino has a more noticeable coffee aroma with a touch of milk.

how latte differs from cappuccino main differences

That's basically all you need to know to understand how cappuccino differs from latte. Now, knowing all the distinguishing points, you can try both drinks, evaluate their merits and choose for yourself the one that will appeal to you the most.


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