How to make a homunculus at home? Is this possible or not?

More recently, Runet users actively discussed the topic of how to make a real homunculus from an egg at home. The authors of numerous videos on YouTube hosting claim that they know this secret. In evidence, they produce small embryos. Let's try to find out if this is true or not using scientific knowledge.

How to make a homunculus at home?

This term appeared in the XVI century. At that time, Paracelsus (the famous chemist) proposed a way to create a homunculus. To do this, male sperm was placed in the flask, and with the help of magnetization, horse manure and other procedures, a creature was obtained under the Latin name homunculus.

In the XVII and XVIII centuries, many people believed that the homunculus is in the sperm itself, and getting into the female bosom, it begins to develop. The result is nothing more than a human body. But this theory was exposed by the Russian physiologist and anatomist Friedrich Wolf. On behalf of academic science, he declared the impossibility of creating an alchemical cub.

Now the 21st century is in the yard, and to refute the words of the authors of the viral videos, it is enough to use the basic knowledge of physiology and biology. And the answer to the question of how to make a homunculus at home will be found instantly. You do not even need to conduct a laboratory experiment.

how to make a homunculus at home

How to make a homunculus from an egg?

This is described by many experimental alchemists in popular photos and videos on the Web. With their own seed, they fertilize an ordinary chicken egg. As soon as the incubation period expires, a homunculus appears in their light. Well, what can I say? Just the wonders of selection!

It is written in any school biology textbook: “Crossbreeding of animals that belong to different classes is simply impossible.” In this case, hybrids either die, or produce infertile offspring. The main reason for this is the big difference in the genomes. So the hybridization of homo sapiens and chicken is impossible, if only because even artificial breeding of chimpanzees and humans is considered unrealistic by scientists. Well, let's "dig" deeper.

how to make a homunculus from an egg


It is well known that the cellular nuclei of domestic hens contain 78 chromosomes. Well, a person has only 46 of them. If, in connection with mutations, a change occurs in one direction, this will lead to serious diseases (Down syndrome, autism, etc.).

Another fact that refutes the possibility of creating a homunculus from an egg in reality is the difference in the division and sequences of the DNA molecule, as well as the RNA and proteins encoded by it. The principles of the structure of eggs and sperm are completely different.

In all birds, conception occurs exclusively within the body. To be precise, then in the oviduct of the animal immediately after ovulation. And the female reproductive cell quickly loses the ability to fertilize. But in simple terms, then after the chicken egg has already been laid, it is impossible to fertilize it. Now, if male sperm is introduced into the oviduct, the chicken is already much closer to reality. But even here it is reliably known that if the cells of a hamster and domestic chicken are artificially fused, then in most cases the obtained hybrids will immediately begin to throw out chromosomes of a separate species until they are completely eliminated.

how to make a real homunculus

Truth or lie?

Now you know the answer to the question: "How to make a homunculus at home?" It is simply impossible to grow. Neither in the laboratory, nor at home, nor anywhere else. This is perfectly proved by the principles of Darwin's evolutionary theory and basic knowledge of selection methods.

Homunculus is an ordinary fake that misleads gullible people. And now this creature has already turned into a popular meme. If the authors of the video really knew how to make a homunculus at home and were able to grow it, then they would definitely be awarded the Nobel Prize.


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