Congestion and earache: causes, treatment methods, drops for ears

Pain and stuffiness in the ears are a common occurrence in colds. However, it is difficult to imagine a condition that brings more discomfort than this. Thinking about what to do with congestion and pain in the ear? In our article, we will talk about the causes of an unpleasant symptom, as well as about the methods of treatment and diagnosis of diseases that lead to a similar condition.

Why do ears suffer during colds?

An ear hurts in an adult - how to treat a similar ailment? If you ask yourself a similar question, then we strongly recommend that you first get acquainted with why it is with a cold that the hearing aid suffers. The main reason is that all ENT organs are located at a very close distance from each other. For example, if with sinusitis in the nose inflammation begins to develop, then there is a likelihood that it will be transferred to the ears.

The Eustachian tube, the special organ that connects the nasopharynx to the hearing aid, suffers the most during colds. This place is very vulnerable to various infectious diseases. If an inflammatory process occurs in the Eustachian tube, then a person has an unpleasant feeling of stuffy ears. Of course, pathogenic mucus will be secreted by sneezing and coughing, but until this point the ears will be very sore.

Characteristic symptoms

Most people are well aware that pain in the ear when feeling stuffy is quite common with colds. But sometimes it is so strong that it is simply impossible to move the jaw. However, this symptom may not be the only one among those that cause discomfort. Also, congestion in the ears is usually accompanied by the following sensations:

The red ear of a man.
  • noise, ringing or humming to the temporal region;
  • discomfort when chewing and swallowing food;
  • constant tingling in the ears;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the head;
  • fever;
  • pain in the temporal region;
  • increased symptoms with pressure on the sink;
  • flushing of the auricles and skin around them;
  • numbness of certain parts of the body;
  • total hearing loss.

Remember that if the infection reaches the middle ear, then a person may develop otitis media. For this disease, characteristic symptoms are severe headaches and ear pains, as well as copious discharge of purulent fluid from the nose. To avoid the development of the disease to such an extent, it is important to diagnose it in time and start treatment.

Which doctor should I go to?

In order to identify the cause of pain and congestion in the ear with maximum accuracy, it is necessary to contact a medical specialist for help in a timely manner. However, some people simply don’t know which doctor’s office they are in. Especially for such patients, we answer: with congestion and earache it is best to contact an otolaryngologist right away. If this is not possible, then an ordinary local therapist can provide first aid.

Doctor with a small patient

As diagnostic tools, a classic examination of a diseased organ (auricles and nose) is usually used. In addition, the patient will be recommended to undergo general tests (blood, urine) to exclude the development of more serious pathologies, such as otitis media. In rare cases, audiometry is performed - a procedure for checking the level of hearing acuity. Well, or instead, the doctor can prescribe an otoscopy - examination of the ear opening with a special device.

The main methods of treatment for colds

Congestion and pain in the ear (aching) can be cured by removing those causes that provoke the development of the inflammatory process. However, it is far from a fact that if a person manages to get rid of a cold, an unpleasant symptom will leave him alone. In some cases, an infection begins to develop in the body, which will make itself felt with a certain frequency. That is why it is important not to self-medicate, but to go to the hospital.

The main method of treating sick ears is the use of various drops and compresses, the action of which is aimed at eliminating pain and congestion. In addition, some drugs also tend to increase the overall protective function of the body so that the patient does not suffer from colds in the future. Just prescribe drugs or recommend this or that folk remedy can only a qualified specialist.

Otipaks - one of the most effective means

Stuffy ear with a cold? Most doctors will recommend you use Otipax drops, which contain a special oily liquid and a small amount of alcohol. The main active components of the drug are phenazone and lidocaine - two powerful painkillers whose action is based on the elimination of inflammation. As a rule, a noticeable improvement in well-being occurs after the first day of use.

Otipax - drops in the ears.

Also, one can not fail to note the fact that under the influence of this drug, the accumulation of mucus is liquefied and brought out. Therefore, drops can have a beneficial effect even with chronic otitis media. Otipax is dispensed without a prescription, but if you decide to use it without consulting a specialist, be aware that the maximum dose is 12 drops per day (4 drops 3 times a day).

Otinum against nasal congestion and pain

Drops appeared on the market relatively recently, but already managed to get their recognition from many patients. The main distinguishing feature of the drug is that it acts incredibly quickly. After the first use of the drops, pain and congestion should significantly decrease. In addition, the drug can be prescribed during pregnancy, acute forms of otitis media and bronchial asthma.

"Otinum" - drops in the ears.

The optimal number of drops for treatment for colds is 9 per day (morning, afternoon and evening). In severe conditions, the dosage can be increased to 12, however, this is allowed only after consulting with specialists. Also, the instructions for the drug say that drops are allowed to be used for children up to a year. However, any sane parent should understand that consultation with a pediatrician in this case is strictly mandatory.

"Garazon" is able to cope even with otitis media

Another medicine for nasal congestion and pain, which will help to cope even with severe forms of otitis media. In addition, the drug has an antiallergic effect, so asthmatics and allergy sufferers can use it. But during pregnancy, the remedy is contraindicated. In addition, you should think twice before prescribing it to a child under the age of 12 years, it has a very strong effect on these drops.

The composition of the drug contains betamethasone - an antibiotic that can not only alleviate the patient's condition, but also remove the accumulated infection from the body. It is recommended to warm the drops before use so as not to cause a feeling of discomfort from the cold. After the first application, a person will feel a noticeable improvement in well-being: the headache will go away, the swelling of the vessels will go away, the hearing will return.

Is it possible to cure pain with folk remedies?

Of course, severe pain in the ear and congestion (for example, with otitis media) can be eliminated exclusively with medications prescribed by a specialist. However, if the disease is not too severe, then various traditional medicine can be used for treatment, which can also be very effective, since they have practically no contraindications (except for individual intolerance to substances).

A man touches his ear.
  1. Warming up. One of the most common methods of treatment among the people (although doctors are very skeptical about it). Typically, they use a classic heating pad, a boiled egg or an iron heated to a small temperature. A noticeable improvement in well-being will come after the first application. However, in acute forms of otitis media, heating is strictly contraindicated, since it provokes an inflammatory process.
  2. Washing. What could be better than using a classic infusion on medicinal herbs? Such funds are often used in order to get rid of the inflammatory processes of ENT organs. The greatest effectiveness will show the infusion of chamomile. For cooking, you need to use 50 grams of dry matter and 0.5 liters of boiling water. The product must be poured into the ears warm, but not hot.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. In some cases, regular hydrogen peroxide mixed with vegetable oil and glycerin in equal proportions helps to cope with the inflammatory process and pain. Each of these components has its own role and goes well with its “neighbor”. Just do not forget to warm the mixture so that washing does not bring discomfort. The optimum temperature is 40 degrees Celsius.

There are still quite a few different recipes for decoctions, tinctures and compresses that help fight ear pain. However, the three of the above are the most common and are even advised by some relevant specialists as treatment aids. But only in acute forms of otitis media it is strongly recommended to refrain from alternative medicine, and give preference to conventional medicines.

Blow your nose correctly!

Many people are unaware of the fact that congestion and pain in the ear can increase dramatically if a person does not properly get rid of mucus accumulated in the nose. Most patients make the same common mistake - they try to push the contents out of both nostrils. As a result of such blowing, the effect on the Eustachian tube increases several times, and congestion and pain only increase.

Therefore, most doctors strongly recommend that you properly bark to prevent air leakage into the ears. To do this, you first need to pinch one nostril and blow your nose (slowly, not sharply). After this, you must repeat the procedure, but with a different nostril. By the way, blowing your nose is best in disposable paper napkins that are thrown away after use. Handkerchiefs are a hotbed of various bacteria.

Minor Causes of Congestion

Stuffy ear? Do not forget that a similar symptom can be caused not only by a cold. There are a number of factors that can trigger this feeling. Therefore, carefully read the information on the list to get confidence that you have a common cold:

Girl with a sore ear.
  • pressure surges caused by a rise in height (for example, in an airplane);
  • water entering the auricle (after bathing or rain);
  • the presence of foreign objects (often observed in children);
  • various fungal infections in the ears (a rare occurrence);
  • general changes in blood pressure (arterial);
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • the formation of sulfur plugs;
  • Meniere's syndrome.

Also, one can not ignore the fact that in some cases, congestion in the ears and headaches can occur in pregnant women. The reason for this phenomenon is simple - hormonal changes in the body. Pregnancy in this case is not of particular importance.

Possible complications of ear pain

Stuffy ear - be sure to contact the clinic for help. If a person does not do this, then he risks provoking the development of more serious diseases that may accompany the common cold. Here are just the most common and dangerous of them:

Man with a sore ear.
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • significant hearing impairment;
  • lesions of the facial nerve;
  • purulent otitis media;
  • sinusitis.

If the patient does not seek medical help in a timely manner or neglects the advice of a medical specialist, then he risks permanently losing his hearing or even provoking the development of cancer. Meningitis is especially dangerous - it is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain.

Is it possible to prevent stuffiness?

This question will arise in the head of every person who at least once experienced pain of this kind. It should be understood that congestion of the ears is precisely the problem that can be prevented. The most important thing is to properly clean the nasal passages during a runny nose, because it is the accumulated mucus that becomes the main cause of nasal congestion and pain. Of course, the exception is when a person just blows his ears in the cold.

So, in order to prevent the development of complications from colds, it is necessary to use not only nasal sprays and drops, but also to clean the nasal cavity with a solution of sea salt. You can also apply various decoctions and tinctures from medicinal herbs, which allow you to feel a significant improvement in well-being in a matter of days. So if you fight the common cold right, your ears will never hurt.


We hope that now you will not ask yourself questions about what to do if an ear hurts in an adult and how to treat congestion of the organ of hearing. Yes, such a condition can bring great discomfort to a person, but in most cases the cause of the symptom is commonplace - the wrong treatment for the common cold. If you do not allow the development of complications, then discomfort in the ears should not arise. Well, if the worst has already happened - be sure to seek help from a medical professional, as self-medication can lead to more serious illnesses.


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