How to decode channels for watching satellite TV?

Satellite television has firmly entered our daily lives. Now almost every house has a special kit that accepts free satellite TV channels. When viewing them, you probably noticed that when you turn on some channels, the message “Coded Channel” is displayed on the screen. But from time to time they are included in the open mode (to attract viewers who have to pay a monthly fee for watching them). Of course, this is the easiest way, but expensive. How to decode channels for constant TV viewing for your own benefit?

How to decode channels

It turns out that there are many ways to watch satellite TV channels, which most of us are not even aware of.

How to decode satellite channels in the usual way

To polish a television signal, there are many different types of encoding (we don’t need to know exactly how this happens, the only thing we need to understand is that there are hacked and non-hacked encoding systems that allow you to watch channels much cheaper than with an official subscription).

Encodings that were among the first to be hacked include the most common frame coding systems. They imply a certain algorithm that works on the basis of the same principle, in other words, on the same key, which rarely changes, so many people know how to decode channels of this format. Those channels for which this encoding method was used can be viewed using the tuner emulator, into which the key is entered, after which the channel is turned on and starts working. Not only, but one of the most striking examples of such an encoding is the BISS system. It is possible that you are just watching channels that are closed in BISSe, but you don’t know that they are encoded. Almost all the tuners of the latest models support BISS encoding, and the keys for viewing such channels can be entered using the remote control.

How to decode satellite channels

How to decode channels with more complex encoding

When encoding BISS, everything is done quite simply - just enter the key. But the most interesting channels are paid, which no one encodes in simple hacked encodings. Paid, expensive providers encrypt their signals using the most complex algorithms. Here the key changes every 10 seconds. And in this case, the emulator will not help you anymore, and this does not mean that you will not be able to view them without using the official card.

Pay television began to be hacked immediately after it appeared. One of the most popular methods used at one time is fake official cards used for conditional access. It was possible to get them from pirates cheaply enough. Now practically no one uses this kind of viewing method, since it has been replaced a long time ago by a new method - card sharing.

How to decode tricolor channels

How to decode Tricolor channels

Different methods of viewing paid satellite TV channels using one official card designed for several tuners have long been invented. As a result, it will look something like this: five people purchase one card, which they subsequently do not officially register, after which they watch channels five times cheaper. It is precisely on this principle that card sharing is based. One card is designed for several subscribers, and their number can be any. The Tricolor channels are watched by the same principle.

How to decode channels using card sharing

This method of watching satellite television has become popular with the advent of the Internet. It looks as follows. One user, that is, a card-sharing provider, purchases an official card with access to a paid package of TV channels. Using a server and special equipment that is constantly connected to the Internet, he distributes keys to numerous users. This, of course, will not be free, but much cheaper than the monthly fee to the official provider. To use this service, you just need to place an order with a card-sharing provider, then connect your tuner to the Internet and make all the necessary settings. As a result, it turns out that the tuner downloads the keys from the Internet, and the channel itself is received through the antenna.

At the moment, this method of viewing paid encoded channels is the most optimal for the average user.


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