Do-it-yourself drilling rig: a practical guide. How to make a drilling rig do it yourself?

Drilling a well today is quite expensive, which is why not everyone can afford such a pleasure in a summer cottage. The final price largely depends on the depth of the object. The larger this parameter, the more expensive such a source of clean and cold water will cost you. Nevertheless, a do-it-yourself drilling rig is made quite simply. Thus, you can make a well not only yourself, but also earn some money. Let's talk about everything in order.

do-it-yourself drilling rig

Drilling rig classification

To date, there are only 4 varieties of drilling rigs that are somehow used. Some are more popular, others less. For example, an installation operating according to the shock-rope principle of action is the easiest to manufacture. In fact, this is a triangular-shaped frame to which a cable and a bobbin are attached.

Screw installations are more popular. A screw is used as the working part throughout the entire process. It is noteworthy that the borehole is not washed with water during drilling.

Rotor units are even more difficult to manufacture. They work on the principle of hydraulic drilling, which already complicates the design. There is also a rotary manual hydraulic drilling rig. It is relatively simple to make such an assembly with your own hands, we will talk about this a little lower.

About the benefits of homemade installations

Of course, there are a large number of advantages of a drilling rig assembled on its own. The first is cost savings. Of course, you will have to buy some components, but this does not compare in price with the finished equipment. In any case, you save about 40-50% of your assets and at the same time gain experience. Secondly, a home-made drilling rig will have the same technical characteristics as a factory-type product. This is quite an important point, since you can assemble a completely productive device. Typically, the weight of the installation is relatively small and can be quickly disassembled and assembled. Along with decent mobility, this will allow you to drill wells even in the most inaccessible areas. As you can see, at least take away the virtues. Let's move on to the practical part and talk directly about the assembly.

homemade drilling rig

What do you need to start?

Naturally, just to take and make a drilling rig will not work. To do this, you first need to prepare. It is advisable that at the time of assembly you had minimal experience with welding. This will greatly facilitate your life, since you will not need to attract specialists or acquaintances. Also at hand should be an electric drill and grinder. Why all this is needed, we will consider a little later.

But this is not the whole list of tools. It will be difficult for you to do without a device for creating an external thread, as well as an adjustable wrench and a plumbing cross. As a material, we need a galvanized pipe and ½ inch bend. A special coating in our case is necessary, since if there is no zinc, the pipe will quickly rust. This is not good, since replacing it is a very problematic task. Well, now let's move on to the practical part of this article.

do-it-yourself hydraulic drilling rig

The first stage of assembly work

At the very beginning, we need to prepare the pipe sections of the drilling rig, which are its main part. Their connection is realized by means of carriages and crosses. In order to avoid any problems, a 2-cm external thread is provided at the ends of each pipe section. A metal plate is welded to two segments, it will be a tip. Such an installation will be effective only if water is constantly supplied to the drilling site. This will remove the soil, and thereby gradually deepen the hole. To supply water, you can use a regular hose that connects to the hole of the cross blank. In priority, the connection should be made using a suitable adapter. Well, now let's move on.

do-it-yourself mini drilling rig

Do-it-yourself mini-drilling rig: continue work

At this stage, you should deal with threaded connections. It is necessary to ensure that they are durable, since the duration of the drilling rig depends on this. The equipped tip should be connected to the lower end of the pipe, that is, to the one that will be in direct contact with the treated surface. The connection should be carried out using the drive.

You should have several tips at hand. This is necessary so that in the process of work they can be changed. That is, at the very beginning of drilling, the shortest one is used, and after we get a hole of 1 meter deep, we put a longer one. In this case, you should understand that the length of the tip and the workpiece is different. Drilling is carried out by rotating the working unit. The rest of the work with a pointed tip and water will do for you. In general, this stage is quite simple, the main thing is that the connections turn out to be high-quality, and the tips are durable. By the way, the latter must be periodically changed, as they will break, blunt, etc.

how to make a drilling rig do it yourself

How to make a drilling rig do it yourself?

We have already done about half the work. But then the most responsible and important stages remained. The base of the drilling structure is assembled from a square section profile. By and large, this is a rack with components of our design. To connect the supports to the uprights, you must use an adapter pad. It is natural that in this case it is problematic to do without welding. If you can, then cook it yourself, if not, call the one who does it in a quality manner.

DIY do-it-yourself drilling rigs

The platform and motor are attached to a square profile. The latter is mounted on the rack so that it can move on it, that is, articulated along the guides. It is desirable that the dimensions of the profile at least slightly exceed the dimensions of the rack. Any small-sized drilling rig, made by hand, must have a suitable electric motor or gasoline engine. Regardless of the type of power element, its power should be at least 0.5 liters. from. This will be quite enough for the drilling process to proceed normally. It is desirable that there is the possibility of adjusting the power, for this an intermediate shaft should be installed between the engine and the working body.

We are finishing work

Now connect the water. Please note that it must be supplied to the drill during the entire period of operation. If this simple rule is not followed, then the drilling efficiency will be significantly reduced. High-performance drilling rigs with a large number of revolutions often imply the presence of water cooling. In our case, this is not necessary at all, but you need to remove soil from the well in any case. If you adhere to all of the above rules, then everything will be fine. In any situation, homemade drilling rigs require maintenance and periodic maintenance. With your own hands, you will repair them, change the tip, replace the grease in the gearbox, etc.

do-it-yourself small-sized drilling rig


Currently, there are a huge number of varieties of homemade drilling rigs. Some of them are really good and have high efficiency, the design of others is poor. For example, if you decide to do a drilling rig with a cartridge, then the weight of the latter should be as large as possible. This is due to the fact that it will be drilled by them. As a workpiece, you can take a pipe with a diameter of 10-12 cm and 10-20 cm long. This should be enough for effective work.

Now you know how to make a drilling rig with your own hands. In the assembly process, it is desirable to use popular drawings, which will allow you to comply with the dimensions and design features. Your home-made drilling rig will be no worse than any factory one, and maybe even better.


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