Vietnam: weather for months and seasons

What is the weather in Vietnam for months? This question is increasingly interested in tourists who are going to visit this country. Vietnam is a Buddhist state, although many residents adhere to Catholicism. The capital of Vietnam is Hanoi. It is a cultural, political and economic center.

Where is Vietnam located?

Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia, in the eastern part of the Indochina Peninsula. The territory is washed by the South China Sea. Most of Vietnam is mountains, and the coast is lowlands. Monthly weather in Vietnam varies due to the fact that the country is divided into northern, central and southern climatic regions. The northern part has a humid and hot climate from May to September, from October to March it is warm and dry. In the central part from September to January - rainy weather. In the capital, the air temperature in January is +17 ° C, and in June +29 ° C. In South Vietnam, the climate is monsoon tropical. Throughout the year, the temperature here is +27 ° C.

Vietnam monthly weather

What attracts tourists?

The weather and temperature in Vietnam for months - information that should interest tourists first of all. But beach vacations are not the only entertainment in the country. At the resorts you can play golf, fish, surf and dive, there are many attractions and water parks. Tourists who prefer excursions to a beach vacation will appreciate local attractions: temples, factories (such excursions are popular), bays, mountains, villages. You can go shopping, visit the SPA salons, taste exotic dishes. In late January and early February, Vietnam celebrates the New Year, so the prices of tours are rising.

Climate in Vietnam

Climatic conditions in the famous Asian country favor tourist vacations. The monsoon subequatorial climate prevails here, in the summer it is humid and stuffy, in the winter it is dry and warm. In the northern part of the country, winters are mild and dry, and summers are hot and humid. In the center, air temperature is usually high, and humidity is elevated. South Vietnam is similar in climate to the northern regions, but the temperature is much higher. Northern Vietnam is dry from November to April. The coldest month in the area is January. Air temperature during the day +18 ° C. In summer it is up to +32 ° C.

Winter in the central part is warm, +24 ° C. January is the coldest month. In summer, the temperature is high, +34 ° C. In the south, the rainy months are July and August. In January, the temperature ranges from +21 to +30 ° C. The warmest month is April, + 33 ° C. On the island of Fukuoka, it rains only in October, and the rest of the time is dry. Vietnam is a beautiful warm country. If you are going to Asia, do not pass by the prospect of going there.

monthly weather vietnam and water temperature

Winter months

What is the weather like in Vietnam for months in winter? It is believed that this is the best time for a comfortable stay here. The North is an ideal place for swimming in the sea, sunbathing on the beach. However, it is also cool in the northern regions in winter - the air temperature drops to +15 ° C. The coldest in the mountains. It is cloudy and rainy in the capital during the winter months, but it will be interesting for tourists to see the snake and silk villages and local attractions. Winter is a great time for relaxing on the southern beaches. But in advance, find out the weather in Vietnam for months. Fukuok is an island where the air temperature in the winter months reaches +31 ° C, and water +27 ° C. In winter, the most comfortable in Nha Trang and Mui Ne. In the center, this time of year is cool, and in the north it is even cold.

In December, the south of Vietnam has wonderful weather, especially in Phan Thiet and Fukuoka. The air temperature there is +33 ° C, water +27 ° C. It is hot in Ho Chi Minh City - up to +35 ° C. It is cold and damp in Da Nang in December, + 22 ° in Hanoi, and + 10 ° at night. January is the coldest month to relax. The resorts of Phan Thiet and Fukuoka are sunny and calm. In Ho Chi Minh City and Vung Tau it is hot - up to +31 ° . In Nyanchang, the air temperature is +27 ° , of the sea +22 ° . In Hanoi, cloudy, cool and dry, +19 ° C. In the center of Vietnam in February, the weather is suitable for a beach holiday. In the north this month is damp and cold. In the southern resorts, the temperature is high, as in January.

monthly weather in vietnam and temperature

Spring months

The beginning of spring in Vietnam is the time when the temperature regime is equalized throughout the country. The air warms up, the season begins without rains. In March, it is not stuffy and not humid. The northern part of the country is still chilly, but at the end of March it is very warm. In the capital during the day +24 ° C. It may not rain, but sometimes in March they go up to ten days on the island of Halong and Katba. Air temperature +23 ° . Suitable time for excursions.

April is a border period. No rain, the weather is good. Tourists can sunbathe on the beaches, swim in the sea. In the north, in April it is cool, but the temperature rises all the time to +28 ° C. In Halong in April +27 ° , in Sapa +23 ° . The central areas are dry and clear. In Hoi An, Da Nang and Hue +30 ° . In South Vietnam it sometimes rains, in Nha Trang it is clear and warm. Fukuoka has quite comfortable conditions for a beach holiday.

In April, the weather throughout the country pleases. May in Vietnam is a period of tropical rains. In the center of the country - in Hue, Da Nang, Hoi An, you can relax with pleasure. Rains are expected only in July. In South Vietnam, +33 ° C due to high humidity, so those who can not tolerate stuffy weather, it is better not to go to the south of Vietnam in May. In Hanoi in May +27 ° C, in Mai Chau +22 ° C is a good time for excursions.

nha trang vietnam monthly weather

Weather in summer

What is the weather in Vietnam for months in the summer? It is hot and stuffy at this time of year. The most comfortable in the center and in the southeast. The most successful holiday on the beach will be in Hoi An and Da Nang. The southeast in June is the most comfortable. In Nha Trang, +33 ° C, little precipitation. In the south and south-west, June is the month of rains, although the air temperature is +30 ° C. In the northern part it is also hot and humid, the water temperature reaches +29 ° C.

In July it is very hot throughout the territory, but it is best in the center and in the southeast, in the south and north - the rainy season. In Nha Trang +31 ° , in Hoi An and Da Nang +34 ° . What is the weather in Vietnam for months? Phan Thiet in July will not please tourists. High humidity and temperature are unlikely to please anyone. It rains in Fukuoka, the temperature is high. Damp and hot in the north. In August, it is humid and hot throughout. Rains are everywhere, but in the center is best, as well as in the southeast. Air temperature +33 ° C. In the north of Vietnam it is damp and hot. In the south - the same weather.

Vietnam resorts monthly weather

Air temperature in autumn

Information about Vietnam, about the weather by months in the fall, is useful to those who gathered in the country during this period. Autumn is a low tourist season. It rains throughout Vietnam. In the south and north - showers, in the center - more comfortable conditions. If you decide to come in September, then choose Southeast Vietnam. In Nha Trang (monthly weather in the article) it rains, but there are sunny days. The air temperature is high, +32 ° C, and water +28 ° C, so a beach holiday will succeed.

The stuffiness is felt, but it is facilitated by the sea wind. Bad weather in Fukuoka, in the north. In October, the weather in Vietnam is dry and sunny, in the northern regions and the center - the rainy season. In the resorts of Halong, that is, in the north - a vacation in October will cost more. The weather is favorable. On the island of Phu Quoc at this time, rains, but short-term. The water after the showers is dirty but warm. Bad weather in October in the southeast and in the center - strong wind, rain, typhoons. In Hanoi there is little rain, the temperature is comfortable.

In November, those who love the sun, beaches, sea, heat should go to the south of the country. In Vung Tau +32 ° , in Fukuoka +27 ° , in Ho Chi Minh City it is dry and hot. It is cooler in the north, but swimming and sunbathing are also possible. After summer, the water temperature drops to +22 ° C. In Hanoi in November - +25 ° C, little precipitation. In central areas, the weather is unsuitable. In Da Nang and Hoi An - precipitation, typhoons, but the air temperature is high. It also rains in the southeast, and you can’t relax on the beach.

vietnam fukuok monthly weather

Where better to relax?

In Vietnam, the weather for the months at the resorts is important for those who are going to travel in this country. Tourism has flourished there recently, so the number of hotels in the country is growing. There are hotels here for any material opportunities of clients. It is better to book rooms in advance. There are few tourists in Vietnam during the rainy season, and prices for all services are lower. In the central and northern parts of Vietnam, tourism is underdeveloped, but there are guest houses, cottages, bungalows, hotels, restaurants and cafes. It is important to understand that in guest houses the living conditions are not the same as in hotels. There you will have to sleep on the floor, there are several people in the room, the beds are separated by curtain partitions. There are problems with hot and cold water.

However, Vietnam is very colorful, and the locals are friendly. The most famous resorts in Vietnam are Fukuok, Ho Chi Minh City, Ke Ga, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet, Vung Tau. On the territory of Vietnam - magnificent nature, beautiful beaches, ancient temples. The capital of Hanoi is modern. There are both skyscrapers and avenues. All this is adjacent to ancient culture, Buddhist traditions.

Phan Thiet Vietnam monthly weather

Water temperature

In Vietnam, it is advisable to know the weather for months for those who dream of a beach holiday. In January, the average water temperature is +27 ° C, in February - below +22 ° C, it does not drop. In the remaining months, the temperature is approximately in this range. The sea in this Asian country is very warm, so even if it rains, the water remains warm. However, swimming is not always possible. During the rainy season, the water is cloudy and turbulent. Swimming is dangerous.

Reviews about Vietnam

They found out the weather for months, but what do tourists themselves think? When is the best time to visit this country? In general, you will get a good beach holiday all year round, including various excursions. According to tourists, the climate in the country is favorable, the sea is warm, the beaches are clean, the locals are responsive and calm. The cities are quite lively. When a tourist comes to Vietnam, you need to be prepared for a clear difference between the climate of the center, north and south. In the south it is warm and hot, and in the north it is cool and rainy. In Asian countries, there is a high probability of catching Dengue fever, so take care of having insurance. In the winter season, vacation is much cheaper, from December to February you can sunbathe on the beach, swim in the sea, enjoy delicious fruits and seafood at low prices. If you want to save money, but still have a good rest, then go to South Vietnam in the winter.


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