Wave gymnastics: purpose, description of exercises, recommendations for implementation and reviews

You must have seen on TV more than once how a person in the lap of nature performs a dance or exercise. His body moves smoothly, in a certain amplitude, at this time he forgets everything and moves as his heart prompts. This is wave gymnastics.

How to start practicing? What recommendations do professionals give and what do people who have tried it on themselves say? You will find answers to these and many other questions in today's article.

What is such gymnastics

These are physical exercises that are aimed at restoring the physical, emotional and mental state of a person. It includes smoothly flowing wave manipulations, thanks to which the muscles begin to function along their entire length.

As a result of such exercises, ligaments, joints and muscles are well developed. The basis of this gymnastics is the theory of Nikolai Kudryashov.

wave gymnastics exercises

All exercises of wave gymnastics should be smooth, fluid, resembling waves. You can work on any muscle groups. With proper exercise, the joints are worked out, so this type of exercise is also called articular wave gymnastics.

A certain amplitude and pace of movement resembles yoga. To get all the benefits from gymnastics, it is best to start practicing with a trainer who will select individual movements, and after that you can calmly do it yourself.

The benefits of such exercises

In the process of performing wave gymnastics, you not only strengthen and improve your body, you develop harmoniously as a person. There is work with the mental and emotional state, with the human mind. Here are the benefits of wave gymnastics:

  • All exercises can be easily and quickly learned.
  • Experts have recognized this method as safe for beginners.
  • After the basic movements are studied, you can continue to do it yourself.
  • The whole body is kept in good shape.
  • It has a psychotherapeutic effect.
  • Thanks to gymnastics, you can switch your usual pace of life to a more active one.
  • This practice is easily combined with other types of gymnastics.
  • A person increases stress resistance.
  • From classes a person receives a bright aesthetic pleasure.
  • All internal processes of the body are normal.
  • Movements become dynamic, natural, spontaneous, as a result of which a person is revived, as after awakening.

In this type of gymnastics, there is also a power complex, in which movements are also performed in a wave-like manner. The same principle is used in hand-to-hand combat, where the strength lies not only in the power of the fist, but also in the harmony of all components of the blow: you need to choose the right moment and be able to concentrate.

wave gymnastics with a trainer

To achieve this, one must master one's own body perfectly. For this, wave gymnastics is used, in which the plasticity and flexibility of the body develops.

With the wave system of exercises, asymmetrical movements are worked out, when the left and right hands carry out various elements. Thanks to these exercises, coordination and coherence of actions develops. Asymmetric wave motions make the brain work in unusual conditions. Athletes pay special attention to the study of the ankle in order to strengthen the blow.

Class result

As a result of regular exercises you will receive:

  • General healing of the whole organism. The joints and spine will become more flexible as their condition improves.
  • The body will become more lively, liberated. The practitioner will cease to feel constraint, tension. Through classes, he will learn to understand, as well as hear the prompts that his body gives, and this is extremely important for harmony, both external and internal.
  • The metabolic processes of the body improve, as a result of which strength, energy are added, a person acquires the necessary forms.
  • Mental abilities are improved and harmonized, since the right and left hemispheres of the brain are synchronized.
  • The hidden potentials of the human body are revealed.
  • Life forces increase, and healthy energy comes.


wave gymnastics in nature

If you perform at least three exercises from Kudryashov’s wave gymnastics every day, your health and psycho-emotional state will become much better.

  1. Become straight, straighten your back, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Feet should be parallel to each other, knees slightly relaxed and bent. It is important to understand the psychological aspect of this exercise. Imagine that a thin, almost invisible thread stretches from you to the ceiling. You should smoothly raise your head up, pulling this thread. Perform this exercise at least 10 times. If you regularly do this, you can get a perfect posture and forget about back pain.
  2. To perform the next exercise, legs should be placed shoulder width apart and straightened. Inhale - begin to slowly spread your arms to the sides. At the same time, the back arches, the chest leans forward. Then vice versa - the chest goes smoothly inward, the back becomes semicircular, the shoulders stretch forward, the arms close in the lock in front. Repeat the exercise about 10-12 times.
  3. Legs are pressed as hard as possible to the floor in a standing position. And so do wave-like movements, moving to the side, back and forth - only 10 repetitions.

Activities for the upper limbs

Become straight so that the body is both relaxed and straightened. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. For better performance of wave movements, imagine yourself as an alga in the river. Your legs are firmly rooted in the ground, and your hands are twigs or algae leaves.

A wave begins to slowly sway you, forward, backward, gradually picking up your upper limbs. With smooth free movements, move them back and forth, making wave-like vibrations. The torso stays level, only twists a little. These exercises are called “direct hand excitations.”

Circular waves, or funnels

wave gymnastics in nature

This is an important part of wave gymnastics. Imagine a whirlpool, which happens in the rivers, where there is a very strong current. In such a place a funnel forms. Begin to make wave-like vibrations with your hands, first in front of you, then on the side, and in the end - behind you.

In the process of performing wave-like manipulations, your torso should twist a little. It will be a spiral wave gymnastics. When you make a whirlpool behind you, twist the body a little more.

Circles and eights at wave gymnastics

First of all, start to do the eight hands first forward, then back. You make the first circle in front of the body, and the second behind. Next, form the figure eight left-to-right with your upper limbs, swaying in different directions like a wave.

Then do the imaginary figure eight down and up. When your hands go up - do circles above your head, and when down - circular manipulations should be approximately at the level of the press.

girl doing wave gymnastics

Hands during all exercises should be in a relaxed state, as if they are branches of soft algae. Sometimes such exercises are called Solnyshkov wave gymnastics. He claimed that power to hands, as well as to the whole body, comes from the earth.

This force is especially felt at the moment of complete relaxation, when the body is attracted to the ground. In order to direct such a force to the right place, you need to make a kind of loop inside yourself, grab your own body and send the force into the upper or lower limbs with a wave. This is a psychological exercise that you will begin to do after a while.


The legs relax and also appear in the form of algae, where one limb clings to the bottom and the other sways in the waves. Lift one leg, bend at the knee and make direct excitement to the sides, forward and backward.

As with your hands, make circular movements first, then funnels and eights. Be sure to do exercises on both lower limbs. After the legs, work out the body in the same way.

Wave gymnastics for the spine

It is aimed at working out the deep muscles located on the back. Thanks to such manipulations, a wave of vibrational movements is created, which are transmitted from the vertebra to the vertebra, as a result of which the deep muscles of the spinal column are healed.

Wave gymnastics of Nikolai Kudryashov is performed while lying down. Do each exercise for a minute.

wave gymnastics for the spine
  • Foot movement. Lie down on your back, place the left hand under the lower back, the right should be located under the neck, so that the natural curves of the spine are supported. You can use a rolled towel instead of upper limbs. Then the arms just have to be extended along the torso. Bring the feet together and begin to swing them in different directions. The wave will be transmitted to the whole body. It is necessary to completely relax and feel the swing of all parts of the spine.
  • Waves of hands. The position is the same as in the previous exercise. Hands are clenched into a fist, bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Start making synchronous swinging movements with your fists. You should feel the vibrations in the thoracic and cervical spine.
  • Waves with one foot. You continue to lie, bend one leg at the knee, stretch the other. Start to swing smoothly with your bent leg in different directions. It is not recommended to swing immediately with two legs, as this causes too strong fluctuations in the parts of the spinal column.
  • We move our head and feet. You need to do simultaneous movements of the head and feet to the sides. They can be sent in one direction or in different directions.
  • Waves with hands that are locked in a castle. You clasp your hands in front of your chest like hooks. Perform a circular motion lock from side to side. With this exercise, the most severe fluctuations in the spine occur.
  • Wave-like movements from a supine position. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body, connect your feet together, and rest your fingers on the floor. Start to swing smoothly with both feet.

Such wave gymnastics of Nikolai Kudryashov is not accompanied by muscle tension. On the contrary, the main task of the exercises is to relax the deep back muscles as much as possible.

Classes are ideal for the elderly, who have problems with the spine. They can be performed with exacerbation of the pain syndrome, which is associated with osteochondrosis. The only thing is that you cannot do exercises through force.

It is important when performing the entire complex of exercises to maintain the natural bends of the spinal column. It is ideal to close your eyes and completely relax your abs.


do wave gymnastics

Wave gymnastics has no contraindications. Even a child can do it. It is equally useful to men and women, young and old. If a person does not feel well, a few exercises of wave gymnastics are enough to make him feel much better. This is a proven fact.


Classes in wave gymnastics are gaining more and more popularity not only among the elderly, but also among young people. Those who have already tried its effect on themselves, claim that they have improved well-being, vitality, the body has gained lightness and mobility.

Also, according to reviews of wave gymnastics, people have lost pain in the spine, joints become more mobile. A huge plus that those who celebrate is the factor that you can deal with it not only in the hall, but also at home and on the street. Only 10-15 minutes of wave gymnastics after work help relieve stress and fatigue accumulated over the whole day.


Wave gymnastics is ideal for those who want to be full of energy and healthy. Exercises are unique in that they positively affect not only the physical, but also the emotional state. They set up a person’s personality for harmonious development, understanding of self and real needs.

Just 15 minutes dedicated to such activities will make you happier and more active. Do not miss the opportunity to feel great physically and spiritually, because wave gymnastics is the best panacea for fatigue and many diseases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9259/

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