Tips for beginners: how to choose the most suitable html editor

Today, the magical expanses of the Internet are filled with sites of various subjects. Multi-colored, with beautiful pictures, drawings, fonts and texts, they are more and more developing. Surely at least more than half of those “living on the network” tried, if not to create, then at least understand how these sites work, how they were created.

First of all, you should know that the basis of all sites is the "hypertext markup language" or, in other words, html . Any document in this language consists of small codes (tags), the totality of which is a web page. Writing tags manually is very difficult and boring. In order to facilitate the creation of web pages, there is an html editor . Rather, not one, but a lot of them. So you can choose a simple html editor , and there are advanced versions, not for beginners. There are more than a hundred such programs, and it is very difficult to choose the right one for yourself. Of course, you can look at the Internet and see which html editor is the sales leader or read in the blogs of famous web designers which editor they use, but it will not bring much benefit, since it all depends on the personal preferences and level of complexity of the html editor . So, let’s try among a huge number of beautifully designed programs that have different functionality and, accordingly, price, to find the right tool for each. This article will hopefully help you in this difficult choice.

All existing html editors are of two types and are classified as follows: the first are those that include visual editors working in WYSIWYG mode. They automatically embed the tag in the composition of the web page and, as a result, you get the web page that you see in the editor; the second group of html editors only help and automate the writing of codes. Which group is better unknown, there is a lot of controversy and disagreement about this issue. That is why html editors have been developed that combine the two types. Such editors were created by major high-tech corporations, for example, Microsoft created the FrontPage editor , Dreamveawer was created by Macromedia , and Adobe created the Gollive editor . These three editors allow not only to visually observe the display of codes on the site, but also edit the code. However, it should be noted that the professionalism of the site creator is precisely not to use layouts, ready-made templates and tips.

A simple html editor trains memory, allows beginners to develop, and professionals keep their shape and train their memory. In this context, the best html editor is Notepad . It is with him that you need to start learning the html language by entering tags manually, because in this way they remain in memory. Of course, it’s very difficult to find the right tag every time to embed it in the page code, but you can learn the main tags in this way, and then move on to working in html editors .

In addition to performing a variety of functions, html editors differ in price. Their cost ranges from 155 US dollars to free distribution. Free editors, respectively, perform fewer functions. However, you need to take into account the fact that if you are going to seriously engage in the manufacture of sites, it is better not to spare money and buy one of the above combined html editors , although they cost the most. Of course, you can always find pirated versions on the Internet, but they do not allow you to fully use all the features and functions of the html editor . For example, in the pirated version of Microsoft Editor Frontpage will not support JavaScript and ASP, and Macromedia Dreamveawer will have to do without a visual editor.

Of course, the choice is yours. Choose the best html editor according to your preference and capabilities, however, it is better to give preference to proven combined and most popular editors.


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