How to configure channels on a satellite tuner yourself?

In today's developed community, no one can refuse to watch television. News, entertainment shows, educational programs - without this, an ordinary person can hardly spend his day. And of course, in order to enjoy TV as much as possible, people choose high-quality means for broadcasting TV channels. The satellite tuner is considered the most reliable and popular equipment for this. But if you get it is not a problem, then how to configure the channels on the satellite tuner? All information on this issue is presented below.

how to tune channels on a satellite tuner

What is included in the kit for satellite television?

Everyone can purchase a kit for installing satellite television today. The standard and most optimal kit will cost from 50 to 80 US dollars. Typically, a kit includes the following list:

  • A tuner, or receiver, is also called a receiver. This is the most expensive part in the installation kit, and you need to choose it very carefully, since the quality of the video broadcast depends on it. It is better to choose a broadcast in mpeg4 format, but mpeg2 is also suitable. How to install it, and how to independently configure satellite channels on the tuner will be described below.
  • Antenna. It is necessary in order to receive a signal. It can be from 70 centimeters to 1.2 meters in diameter.
  • Head, or converter. There may be several at once, but models with three heads are more common. Each of them is receiving from a single satellite.
  • Multi feed. This is the name of the special head mount. They are included in the standard set 2.
  • Disek. He switches the converters.
  • TV cable. It should have a resistance of 75 ohms and a length of 3 to 5 meters, with a small margin.
  • F-connectors. Designed to connect kit parts. For a satellite dish with three converters, 8 of these plugs are provided.
  • Bracket and dowels (anchors) for attaching the antenna.

Before you can independently configure the channels on the satellite antenna tuner, you should figure out how to properly install and configure the antenna itself.

Necessary tools

To begin installing the antenna at hand, you must have:

  • Extension cord for an outlet.
  • Puncher in order to make holes for fixing the bracket to the surface using dowels or anchors. You can use a drill for this purpose.
  • Drills for drill or punch.
  • Two wrenches, with a diameter of 10 and 13 mm.
  • Phillips screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Insulation tape. Instead, you can use plastic ties.

how to set up an inter channel on a satellite tuner


Next, we move on to the process of installing the antenna, and after that we will consider the process of how to configure the channels on the satellite tuner.

  • First, we fully assemble the antenna. All fasteners should be tightened tightly. Bolts, washers and engravers should be carefully checked for strength.
  • The next step is to attach the multi-feed to the head holder on the right and left sides. Here we fasten the converters themselves, that is, the heads. Do not tighten them much.
  • We fix the bracket to the wall and hang the antenna on it. It should be directed to the south or southeast. The side of the world can be determined independently, but you can look around and pay attention to where the antennas "look" at their neighbors.

What to do next?

In fact, the installation of the antenna is completed, now you should correctly connect all the cables between the antenna, tuner and TV. You should pay attention to the fact that the cables are connected to the tuner only when it is not connected to the outlet. It is not enough just to turn it off, it is necessary to unplug the plug from the outlet.

So, you need to make at least two connections. Then you need to figure out how to configure the channels on your satellite tuner yourself.

  • We connect the antenna and the receiver (tuner).
  • We connect the tuner to the TV.
  • If necessary, you can also make a third connection, namely, to connect peripheral devices.

how to configure the channels on your satellite tuner yourself

Connecting the antenna to the tuner

F-connectors should be screwed onto the ends of the cable from the satellite dish; they are needed for direct connection to the tuner. And on the tuner itself there is a connector called LBN IN, designed for this connection. This connector must be connected to the connector, screw. Before setting up the channels on the satellite tuner yourself, we remind you that the tuner must be completely disconnected from the electrical network during the connection process.

TV connection

You can connect the tuner to any of the TVs; for this, a number of special inputs are located on the rear panel of the receiver:

  • input for antenna cable;
  • tulips;
  • scart or HDMI connector.

How to connect, is selected either by the capabilities of the TV (it all depends on its model), or by the desired playback quality.

Connection via HDMI is considered the best, image quality will be at the highest level. Further, based on this criterion, a connection using a scart connector follows, followed by tulips. And in the very last place in terms of quality is the antenna output.

how to configure NTV channel on a satellite tuner
Only very old TVs have one antenna output without the additional ones listed above. Newer TV models have at least two of the above connection methods, and most often all four.
But if it happened that there are no other connectors on the TV, except for the antenna, then you will need an antenna cable with special connectors, which are called "antenna antenna" and "antenna antenna". These connectors are simply screwed onto the ends of the cable and the “mother” is connected to the tuner, and the “father”, respectively, is connected to the TV.

All other connections are made using a connecting cable with the corresponding connectors. Such cables can be bundled with a TV or satellite dish, and they can also be purchased at any electronics store.

Receiver Setup

It is best to start the process of exploring the menu of the purchased tuner by reading the operating instructions.

The first thing to do is to check if the signal from the required satellite is being caught.

how to configure the tuner channels of a satellite dish yourself

The second is to check the settings of the satellite heads. On the label from the head, its type and the local oscillator frequency necessary for high-quality operation must be indicated.

Third, you need to set the correspondence between each satellite and the DiSEqC ports. To do this, during installation, you need to record which head is connected to which of the DiSEqC outputs. Then, in the tuner menu, set the switch in the order of connecting the heads to the ports.

If you didn’t do this when installing a satellite dish, then you need to perform this configuration using the selection method, alternately selecting the appropriate satellites for the ports.

These are the basic settings that should be made before tuning the channels on the satellite tuner.

Channel search

In order to search for channels on the receiver, you need to scan the corresponding transponder on a specific satellite.

First you need to find out the characteristics of the transponder. To do this, you need to decide on the channel that you want to broadcast. So, the channel is selected, now you need to find out on which satellite it is broadcasting, and see the transponder settings for it. As an example, consider how to configure an NTV channel on a satellite tuner. Note that the NTV channel is broadcast on the ABS1 satellite, and there are 2 types of transponder settings for it. If the receiver plays the video in mpeg-4 format, then you need to make the following settings: transponder 11473, polarization vertical, speed 22500. If this is not possible, then you need to choose a different speed (43200).

Now that all the information about the settings is known, the process of setting up an NTV channel on a satellite tuner will not take much time. You need to turn to the settings of the satellite tuner and select the sub-item that is responsible for setting the transcoder. In this menu, select or manually register the appropriate settings for the NTV channel, and press the button on the remote control to start scanning. A prompt should be displayed on the TV screen at the bottom of the screen (which button on the remote control is responsible for scanning).

Experts recommend automatically scanning the channel list once every two weeks.

Automatic search

When the button for scanning has already been pressed, a button with the ability to select the type of scanning will appear on the screen. Depending on the receiver model, the name of the menu items may differ slightly from each other. For example, when considering how to configure channels on an Openbox satellite tuner, the menu will prompt you to perform Blind Search, Automatic Scan, and Manual Search.
Automatic scanning is convenient because you don’t need to enter the transponder settings, the system will select all the transponders that the satellite dish receives.

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If the search returned no results

It happens that the channel search did not give a result, the antenna cannot play it and shows a black screen with the correct settings. The most common problem is that the antenna itself is poorly tuned. It’s worth checking, and it’s better, of course, to involve specialists in this field who can help at any stage of the installation and configuration of the satellite dish and tuner.

You can also independently check the availability of a custom channel according to the DVB-S or DVB-S2, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 standards.

You can also double-check the settings for the selected channel, maybe outdated information about the satellite, transponder and its speed was originally found. So, many users are faced with the problem of how to configure the “Inter” channel on a satellite tuner, because such a large media group is constantly evolving, growing and changing. And in parallel with these processes, it also changes the satellites for broadcasting. This happened recently, now you can watch Inter on two satellites - Astra 4A or Sirius 5 with the transponder settings:

  • Frequency - 12399 MHz;
  • Polarization - V;
  • Speed ​​- 27500;
  • FEC - Âľ;
  • Standard / Modulation - DVB-S / QPSK.

Today, the process of how to configure the “Inter” channel on the tuner satellites can be carried out only in this way, and in no other way.

Create a channel list

In the instructions for each receiver there is an item on creating a list of favorite channels, where everything is described step by step.

In order to go to the menu item on how to configure channels on the Eurosky satellite tuner, you should find in the general menu “Channel Editor”, then “TV channels” and alternately mark the necessary and most interesting ones.

how to tune satellite channels on the tuner orton

In most receivers, including the Orton tuner, you can configure satellite channels using the joystick buttons on the remote control, as well as using the additional color keys. This greatly simplifies setup.

All questions about how to configure the channels on the satellite tuner have been exhausted, so it’s worthwhile to carefully review the instructions on the points again, and you can proceed with installing the satellite dish.


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