Garden and country tricks

Arriving at the suburban area, we have the opportunity to change the atmosphere and pace of life, change the type of activity, get distracted from the problems associated with work, enjoy creativity and creativity. People leave the city in search of harmony, which is inherent in nature, and which is lacking in the city dweller. There you can experiment freely, applying in practice country tricks and tips for growing crops.

Entrepreneurship of summer residents

The owners of country houses are great inventors of small cunning tricks. The brain of a summer resident is an amazing organ. Spent time on earth, noticed patterns and properties of nature turn an ordinary city dweller into a cunning, dodgy, savvy and very practical summer resident. Only he can make a garden tool from a piece of rusty pipe, from a grid - a canopy for tomatoes, from an old shoe - a flower pot, from old window frames - a greenhouse.

window frame greenhouse

After all, only an enterprising summer resident can think of putting his cell phone in an empty bucket while working in the garden! And not because of fear of losing it, but to increase the volume of an incoming call. In the article, we will consider some country tricks or useful tips that significantly make life easier for home owners.


By the end of summer, the country garden is full of paints of a ripening crop. It's time to protect him from uninvited guests using the most humane means - the scarecrow. Just build a guard in the form of a spectacular blond. Scarecrow growth depends on the length of the vertical stick on which the horizontal stick is mounted. A spacious shirt or sweater is put on this basis, and trousers are attached below. If you stuff your clothes with straw or dry grass, you get a funny figure of a cheerful summer resident. The scarecrow’s face is made of pink fabric stuffed with straw. It remains to draw a nose, mouth and eyes, or to sew buttons and a cheerful look is ready. A hairstyle is made from the same straw and a hat is put on the head of the scarecrow. The original caretaker of the summer cottage is ready.

scarecrow in the garden

Light canopy

How wonderful to spend nice summer days with your family in the country! Silence and peace, a riot of colors, fresh air, a salad of freshly picked cucumbers or a tomato, a dessert of freshly picked strawberries ... Beauty and pleasure, until the summer sun begins to bake. Of course, in this case, an umbrella from the sun is needed, but he has a wonderful and simple alternative - to build a sail on the branches. To do this, tie a suitable piece of fabric with a light ornament to branches or wall hooks using ribbons - and any corner of the garden will acquire the charm of the Persian terrace somewhere in the Shah’s harem.

Strawberry Growing

In June, a real strawberry abundance sets in. Tasty red berries ripen in summer cottages. Strawberries, grown under natural conditions and ripened under the sun, are much tastier and healthier than its genetically modified clone. Experienced summer residents use a different method of growing strawberries from seeds. His country trick is that before sowing a layer of snow is poured on the soil surface in a container. And then seeds are scattered on it. When the snow begins to melt, it draws the seeds into the soil. Also, melt water has a stimulating effect, and the energy of seed germination due to this increases. When choosing seeds for planting, it is necessary to take into account the hybridity of the variety. Berries with the same excellent qualities will be only if the strawberry seeds are not selected from hybrid plants.

Cement garden vases

Flower lovers know how much work and investment requires decorating a summer cottage. How to beautifully decorate a personal plot with the help of improvised means, applying country tricks and useful tips? There are a lot of ways to build colorful flowerpots and flower pots with your own hands from all kinds of materials.

The cheapest and original version of the manufacture of flowerpots made of cement and fabric. The fabric fits any, even unnecessary towels or curtains, scarves. An old piece of cloth can always be found in the country. We mix cement mortar in a metal container, in equal proportions we take cement and sand. The solution by consistency should resemble thick sour cream. Tilt the bucket in shape, upside down, put on a low stand, so that the fabric can freely hang. Wrap the bucket with a protective film.

We dip the fabric in cement mortar and then straighten it on the prepared container. It should be carefully leveled so that the bottom is flat, without wrinkles. On the sides of the fabric dipped in cement, lay out beautiful folds. All this dries to solidify the solution for a day or two. Then the flowerpot is carefully removed from the mold. The edges should be filed with a hacksaw or sandpaper so that they are not sharp. Finished vase can be decorated at your discretion. It remains only to make drainage holes in the flowerpot with a drill, to fill the earth and plant your favorite plant.

cement vases

Each owner of a country house can realize original ideas for decorating his site, choose auxiliary materials for work. For the construction of such design it is not necessary to purchase special material. Having a little imagination, applying some country tricks, they realize the design using unnecessary furniture, old car tires, plastic dishes, toys, construction residues. For example, to create mini-flowerbeds in the country, broken pots, kettles, barrels, carts are perfect.

flowerbed from dummies

To create original cottage decorations, you can attract all the inhabitants of the cottage and listen to their creative wishes and ideas.

Tire application

Almost everyone will have old tires from the car, perfect for building neat flowering oases. By adopting imagination, a knife, and bright colors, you can make chic foundations for flower beds from rubber tires or cut out animals and characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons from them. Paint them with multi-colored paints and create colorful single-tiered or multi-tiered flower beds. They look very beautiful and fit any style of cottage or garden design. A few photos of suburban tricks from tires below in the article.

DIY tire crafts

From such material you can build various animals, interesting things, a swing. It is possible to apply for registration any paints for external works. It is only necessary to connect imagination and create!

Original fence

The times when the owners of country houses erected inconspicuous fences and fences have already sunk into oblivion. Modern summer residents for this construction apply country tricks with their own hands from improvised means: hand-drawn pictures, painted jugs, colored crafts, flowers in pots. If you decorate the fence with shiny computer disks, they will not only make the site original, but will also beat off the sunbeams, creating bright highlights.

Greenhouse from the refrigerator

Many old-fashioned unnecessary things with the help of country tricks and practical knowledge can be very useful. For example, a broken refrigerator can turn into an excellent greenhouse. To do this, put it on wooden logs and pour a layer of grass inside, then manure and another layer of grass. From above, cover everything with a layer of earth mixed with ash. Close the door and leave for the winter. In early spring, open a greenhouse created by your own hands and pour everything with hot water. You can sow seeds for seedlings. Cover with glass or transparent film and water from time to time. With the first warm days you will have seedlings ready for planting in the open ground.

If you have a large number of glass bottles, you can beautifully arrange a flower bed in the country or in the garden, as well as build original paths or fences from them, there are many options for their use.

flowerbed design

Old furniture - new life. Furniture that is outdated and replaced with new furniture can get a new life for many more years. Having removed the old paint from it, they realize the cunning tricks of improvised materials with their own hands:

  • removing the seats of chairs, instead of them put large flower pots;
  • from the back of the chair in various versions, build a shelf, a hanger for small things, a unique photo frame;
  • if you remove the legs of a wooden bed and hang it on solid ropes or chains, you get a garden swing or an original hanging bed;
  • it is enough to remove the legs of a chair with a back and tie a rope, you will get a children's swing;
  • excellent material for racks, shelves, mirrors, hangers is obtained from old doors.

How to apply plastic?

Plastic is a cheap raw material with properties such as strength, flexibility and a long service life.

Inventive summer residents came up with a lot of old use cases for old plastic:

  • interesting crafts;
  • garden assistants;
  • protection for trees and flowers;
  • mini-greenhouse for growing seedlings;
  • bird feeders;
  • washbasin;
  • watering can;
  • pots for street flowers.

Such cunning tricks, made with their own hands, will not only bring great benefit to the household, but will also serve for a long time.

Partitions from plastic bottles

Original products - curtains or air partitions for dividing the cottage space. Such curtains from plastic bottles look like weightless flowers, shimmering in sunlight. They serve as an interesting decoration of the veranda or terrace in the country.

curtains in the country

Garden Tricks

Many suburban tricks or useful tips greatly facilitate planting and caring for plants. If the cottage has a cardboard tray of eggs, it will undoubtedly come in handy for planting seeds. All summer residents know how laborious the process of thinning carrots in summer gardens. In order to prevent densely planted carrots, you need to put the tray on the bed before planting the seeds and gently press it. So get many cells at once at an equal distance from each other. Thus, planting, as well as weeding carrots will be greatly facilitated.

If there is very little room for a garden near the dacha, and you want to plant as many plants as possible, there is a way out. The owners of three hundred square meters should not be sad about the lack of space, because with a skillful approach it will be enough for a beautiful flowerbed and garden. Many of the vegetables ripen until mid-summer, this property must be taken into account to seal plantings. As a rule, it is advisable to plant onions and garlic between strawberries, and cabbage between potatoes.

It has been confirmed by practice that it is better to plant tomatoes next to blackcurrant bushes - they will be easier to tie up, and currants will be protected from insects with the help of tomato volatile.

To accelerate the ripening of tomatoes, it is enough to put an ordinary plastic bag on the bush with ripe and unripe fruits. At the same time, volatile substances that help tomato ripening will accelerate the ripening of unripe tomatoes. The result will be obvious in 2 days. The same result can be achieved if 3 cm from the root of the stems of the tomato is entwined with wire. In addition to rapid ripening, this method also increases the sweetness of the fruit.

Summer residents increase the carrot yield by the haircut method. If you periodically shorten the leaves, the root crops become thicker and gain weight. As a rule, the yield of young trees is small, but in order to increase it, a country cunning is used - all side branches are tied at an angle of 45 degrees. At the same time, more flower buds appear on them, and a year later they will become full-fledged fruits, which will increase productivity several times.

Vertical garden on the wall

They can decorate the empty exterior walls of the house, garage or fence. It is a great idea to grow a vertical garden in plastic bottles. This will require several dozen two-liter plastic bottles, scissors, twine or wire and two washers for each container. It is necessary to puncture several holes in the bottom of each bottle, and lay drainage, sand or a special filler under the soil. And you can grow a garden in such vertical gardens: herbs, spices, flowers, and medicinal plants.

strawberries in columns

There is one more of country tricks - growing strawberries in a column. To do this, fill the column with nutrient soil and make holes in it along the entire height into which strawberry seedlings are planted. It is much more convenient to collect ripe berries - it hangs from the garden and is always clean from the ground.

The use of this design not only frees up a lot of space, but also makes the strawberries protected from garden pests, and the ripened berry will remain unscathed.

And, importantly, the whole, because the berry does not touch the ground at all, which means that the berry will not deteriorate.

There is another plus to this method of planting strawberries - decorative. Vertical beds look very beautiful, especially when green bushes are full of red ripe berries. Place such berry columns under the windows of the country house, and you can admire them in the moments of rest.


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