Gender-raising your baby

Our current modern world is very volatile and dynamic. He dictates his laws and rules to us, sets priorities. Global social changes are taking place in society , which, out of our will, often leads to a violation, or even complete destruction of the usual stereotypes associated with purely male or purely female behavior.

Today, gender relations are very democratic and this has led and continues to lead to the partial feminization of men and to the so-called civilization of women. Now profanity and smoking of the representatives of the weak half of humanity are almost not condemned, many women occupy leading positions and positions in the society of men, there are almost no professions and positions that can only be performed by a woman or, conversely, only by a man.

This question is extremely interested in specialists. After all, the “blurring” of the boundaries between a man and a woman is happening, and this adversely affects relations in the family and the health of the nation as a whole. Scientists took up this issue closely, after which it was decided to introduce a new term “gender”, which means “gender” in English.

Gender education of a child is a difficult task, but it is feasible for every parent. It is intended not only to help the child become aware of himself as a representative of a certain gender, but also for the baby, a clear concept should be formed: “I am a boy / I am a girl, and certain social roles, character traits and behavior are inherent in me.”

In the days of the Soviet Union, gender education was not taken into account at all, there was no gender separation in development, boys and girls received the same education.

Nowadays, gender education of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren are issues that receive increased attention both in kindergartens and in primary school. Without any doubt, the upbringing of girls should differ from that of boys not only in style but also in the composition of the educational material itself. Parents are often frightened by the very term “gender pedagogy”, although, as you yourself have seen, this is not difficult.

Experienced and progressive teachers try to share the educational process of kids as much as possible. This, of course, is correct, because, as proved by science, the basic skills and principles of behavior are laid down in a person at a very early age, and later it will be quite difficult and sometimes impossible to change something in the mind of the baby.

Perhaps you should not dwell on the characteristic features, principles and key points of gender education of your baby. Simply put, in educational institutions and in the family, a boy should be brought up in such a way as to later become a real man, a gentleman and a defender, and the girl after a few turns into a caring mother and the keeper of the hearth.

Gender education is a laborious process that requires full dedication and a huge amount of effort and attention. If you are lucky and there is such a separation in kindergarten, it is important that you continue to adhere to the same line and at home. Otherwise, such contradictions may form in the baby’s head that the whole process of education will simply go down the drain, because nevertheless, the greatest authority for the crumbs is not the kindergarten teacher, but the mother and father.

Nowadays, in large cities, it is not uncommon to see separate gardens and schools for boys and girls. Of course, this can be seen as its pluses and minuses, but gender education is designed to solve the threat of “depersonalization” of the gender created in the world, it will allow to grow and educate real men and women endowed with the right values.


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