Node is bramshkotovy. Step-by-step instruction. Useful Tips

Everyone knows that the strongest rope knots were invented by sailors in the sailing fleet. A lot of time has passed since then, however, in many areas of life maritime nodes continue to be used. After all, these are the strongest and most reliable rope joints.


The study of sea knots is not only done by sailors. Often they are used by tourists, fishermen, climbers and climbers. From the ability to quickly and correctly tie a knot on a rope, life and human health sometimes depend. You need to take training seriously, hone your skills to full automatism, then at the right time, no matter how extreme it may turn out, the knot will be fastened, skillfully and reliably.

How to learn to tie knots?

There are two ways to learn how to tie marine knots: algorithmic and visual. During the first method, the student remembers the sequence and stepwise movement of the rope. This usually happens in class with a teacher in seafaring institutions or tourism sections. The teacher shows the sequence of tying, and the student repeats after him.

knot sham knot how to knit

The second method is based on visual memory, when performing and memorizing methods of tying according to schemes, pictures, training stands. The student sees the end result and tries to make his node look the same as in the diagram.

Reliable and sturdy

In the sailing fleet, one of the most reliable and strong is considered to be the bromshkotovy knot (otherwise, the bromkot-knot). It is named after the tackle brom-sheet, which stretches the corners of the lower part of the direct sail when installing the brahmsel. It is also called double clew. Just a clew knot is not so reliable. Only single sheaves of sails are tied to them from below, and the bromshkot knot has a much wider application. This and the mating of bramshkot, bom-bram-shekhot, bram-halyards, bom-bram-halyards, brahma-gita.

knot shramshkotovy

Reliability of the knot lies in the technique of tying it. The loop or krengels is circled by the running end of the rope more than once, but twice passed under the root end. This type of assembly equally well holds cables of the same and different thickness. They can bind natural and synthetic ropes, thin and thick. Because of its convenience and reliability, it is widely used in mountaineering, because in the absence of cable tension it does not immediately untie, and this is important for safety at high altitude.

Step-by-step instruction

It’s easy to learn how to knit a knot brom-clew, you must carefully follow the instructions. First of all, when training, take ropes of different colors, it will be easier to distinguish the running end from the main one. The first rope is folded in the form of a drop. The running end is held in the other hand, directing it into the formed loop.


Then they knit a brahmschot knot according to the scheme, threading the running end in the middle of the loop, bypass the main rope, wrap it down. Another loop formed above, where you need to cut the end of the dark rope, acting in the direction of the specified arrow.

how to tie a knot

If you pull the ropes at the moment, you get a clew knot, but we need a double and stronger knot. How to tie it is shown in the following training photo. In the direction of the arrow, run the running end into the loop again.

knot shramshkotovy

Only after this process is it necessary to tighten the ends firmly. The resulting knot is bram-clew. It is also called double clew. For greater safety, especially in mountaineering and climbing, you must also tie up safety nodes.

knot shramshkotovy

When tying a rope from a tent to a peg or a tree, they don’t really think about reliability, since there is no threat to life, but an athlete hanging over a precipice at a great height thinks first of all about the safety of his life. The knot should not creep under variable loads, untie itself spontaneously and tightly tighten. Also important is the speed and ease of use, but here the brom-sheat site is the best to prove itself.

The need for insurance

Any use of knots on a rope reduces its strength. Tensile tensile under force, bending of the fibers when twisting the node reduces the reliability of the structure. Climbers often climb mountains covered with snow and ice, and wet and frozen rope is exposed to ice crystals on the fibers.

Other natural factors also influence rope quality. Dried in bright sunshine or impregnated with mud rope reduces knot strength by 30%. Wet in the rain - loses up to 10% of strength. So even knowing well how to knit a brahmschot knot correctly and quickly, it is better to play it safe and make additional protection, especially if your rope has been tested many times for strength.

Learn to knit knots carefully, and your life will be completely safe!


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