Correction of gel nails: step by step instructions

Modern women in the pursuit of beauty and practicality often wear artificial nails. Plates can be glued and extended. In the latter case, the pens look more natural and neat. However, such beauty always requires timely processing. Presented to your attention will talk about how to do the correction of gel nails.

When to carry out the manipulation?

The period of time through which the correction of gel nails is carried out depends on many factors: length, accuracy of wearing, prescription of the first building. After the first coating of the plates with strong material, it is necessary to process it in 2-3 weeks. Subsequently, it is permissible to wait 4-5 weeks. But remember that the growth rate of a natural plate also plays a role.

Correction of gel nails lasts about two hours. Therefore, you need to plan the time in advance. If you make a new coating yourself, then it can take from three to five hours. Keep this in mind so that no unforeseen situations arise.

gel nails correction

Necessary materials

Correct correction of gel nails requires all the tools. You will need:

  • files of different stiffness, grinding whetstone (bafik);
  • degreaser or nail polish remover (without acetone);
  • a primer;
  • gels of different phases;
  • stencil stickers (when changing the length of the plate);
  • lamp for drying the gel.

Some masters work as typewriters. Such devices can quickly grind the old gel layer. But this is optional. The machine only shortens the procedure time, but does not affect its quality and result. Correction of gel nails should be carried out step by step. Further, you can familiarize yourself with the main points that are carried out in the indicated order and not otherwise.

how to make gel nails correction

Removing the old layer and processing the working area

How to make gel nails correction? Before you start applying a new layer, you must remove the old one. To do this, use a nail polish remover to clean the surface of the plate. If a gel varnish was previously coated , then it must be cut off or cleaned with a special solvent.

Hard-sand the old layer. It is important not to overdo it. There is no need to clean off the gel to a natural plate. Just level it with the level of the overgrown area. If there are chips or detachments on the nails, then these places need to be cut well. Do not leave air under the gel. This will lead to rapid destruction of the material. Give the nails the desired shape. At this stage, it will be the main one. It is through the created sawdust plate that you will form a new nail.

Use a brush to remove dust from your fingers. Wipe your nails thoroughly with a degreaser. It is important that the napkin does not leave fibers on a rough surface.

how to do gel nails correction

Gel application

If correction of gel nails is carried out at home, then to simplify the procedure, it is permissible to use single-phase material. Masters in salons prefer to use three-phase gels: basic, basic (modeling) and finishing. If desired, they can be purchased independently. The advantage of a single-phase coating is that it does not provide additional costs. Such a gel is quite liquid and supple.

Before laying out the base, it is necessary to cover the nails with a primer. This bonding fluid acts as a primer. Pay special attention to the β€œbare” overgrown area. After the primer has dried out, do not touch the objects with your nails and wipe the plate. If you still did this, then degrease the surface again and apply the primer.

The gel is laid out in three layers. If you have single-phase material, then only it is used all the time. In the case of salon work, the base is first applied.

  • The first layer should be very thin. Gel as if rubbed into the nail surface. Next, the nails are placed in the lamp for 2-5 minutes (depending on the power of the device).
  • The second layer is performed by the main (sculpting) gel. The nails are covered with a sufficient amount of material. With this layer you form a nail. Fill in all sawn sections. If necessary, add more material at the tip. Be sure to dry this layer in the lamp for 10-12 minutes. After this, it is necessary to give the plate the desired shape.

gel nails correction step by step

Sawing and sanding: shape and finish

Using hard files, form a nail. The length and shape on each finger should be the same. When you achieve the desired result, you need to brush off the dust. Re-treat the nails with a degreaser and dry.

Next, apply the finish layer. We repeat that when using a single-phase gel, all work is performed only by him. The final coating should not be as thin as the base. But this layer must be significantly smaller than average. Find a middle ground. Try to paint the plate as if. Dry the gel in the lamp for another 5-15 minutes. It is important that all layers are well dried and strong.

After that, use the buff to grind the finished nails. Do not cut too much: you need to achieve smoothness of the plate. If necessary, then file again on the file.

Decorative coating

Each correction of gel nails provides for a final decorative coating. It can be made with ordinary varnish or gel substances. This part of the work depends entirely on your imagination and desires.

Often, women apply gel designs. In this case, the drawings are performed after the formation of the second layer. The finish coating provides for fixing the work. It protects the created beauty. Pay attention to the fact that simple varnishes hold relatively briefly even on gel nails. Therefore, for practicality and durability, craftsmen are increasingly using coatings that require the same drying in a lamp as gel.

correction of gel nails at home

Length increase

If the correction of nails requires an extension of the plate, then you will have to first remove the existing layer. Manipulation is carried out using a file or a typewriter. Pay attention to the fact that such a procedure does not have a favorable effect on the state of the natural plate: the nails become thinner, begin to crumble and lose most of the surface layer.

In the event that elongation is unavoidable, it is necessary to carefully cut off the gel. After that, stick the stencils on which the length is adjusted to the finger. Cover the native plate with a base layer. After drying, lay out the sculpting gel, making the preliminary form. Spread the middle layer with a new extension you need from one to three times. Much depends on the quality of the material, the desired shape and nails of a woman. The manipulation is completed in the same way as the usual correction.

correct correction of gel nails


To make the correction of gel nails at home is not as difficult as it seems. It is important to stock up on the necessary materials, time and patience. Perhaps for the first time you will not get exactly what you plan. But over time, you will learn how to quickly and correctly process nails. By doing the correction yourself, you can save a lot.

If you do not want to suffer and prefer first-class work, then visit the salon. The average cost of correction of gel nails is from 1000 to 3000 rubles. Do not forget to regularly do manicures for the beauty of your hands. Be beautiful!


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