Why is an ear blocked during pregnancy?

Some women in the situation complain that they feel like they are in a tank for nine months, while others like this kind of situation, more like living in an aquarium than a normal existence. And who would have thought that almost every second woman wonders why she puts an ear during pregnancy. It is important to note that all the fair sex describe the symptoms identically, only epithets change. It is noteworthy that the ears are laid completely at any time of the day or year, and this happens as unexpectedly as it starts. In this article we will try to understand the problem of why the ear is blocked during pregnancy.

Sources of the problem

why is ear laying

First of all, it should be noted that doctors express completely different reasons and theories about this. Moreover, and measures to alleviate this condition are offered different from each other. It should be noted that such a condition can occur both in the very first days and weeks of gestation of the crumbs, and already in the last months, immediately before childbirth.

Most often, the main reason why the ear is blocked is the pregnancy itself. The thing is that, as a rule, during such a crucial period in the life of every woman, changes in pressure are quite often observed. Many future mothers complain mainly about a decrease in pressure, although before pregnancy they could suffer from hypertension or did not experience such problems at all. Thus, if your ears are laying very often, you should regularly check the pressure, and if necessary, you should even undergo a course of therapy. In addition, the hemoglobin too low is also an indirect reason, which is most typical for the period of gestation of the baby.

lays ears pressure
If the left ear lays, there is a constant runny nose, as well as nasal congestion, then, most likely, all these symptoms are related. Try using traditional medicine to get rid of the common cold, and the unpleasant “deafness” will also disappear.

Of course, a woman in position should constantly monitor her weight. It very often happens that adding extra pounds too quickly is the answer to the question of why the ear is blocked. Being overweight, in turn, creates constant discomfort. Unpleasant sensations are felt much stronger when tilting the body, for example, when a woman puts on her shoes or turns her head sharply.


lays the left ear

If you have already found out the cause of the stuffy ears, now you need to try to get rid of it as soon as possible. For example, if the problem was caused by a change in blood pressure, it is recommended to try to normalize it. It can be either traditional medicine or alternative methods. However, in any case, preliminary consultation with a specialist is indispensable here. Of course, it also happens that discomfort in the ears disappears after five minutes. In this case, radical measures are not required, you just have to wait a while.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9281/

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