How to conduct a master class: expert advice

A master class is a modern way of learning, the purpose of which is to develop practical skills. Events of this kind are being held to improve skills, exchange experience, broaden one's horizons and familiarize oneself with the latest fields of knowledge. Each side gets its own advantages. The teacher acquires the ability to interact productively with the audience and learns to present himself / his product. Students, in turn, learn new techniques and technologies. Next, we will talk about the intricacies of the event and how to conduct a master class.

Topic selection

Theoretically, each person can begin to conduct such classes. The main thing in this business is to understand what you can teach other people, what your knowledge can benefit them.

Useful! Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, master classes are now in great demand, where they teach new skills and tell how to save money that was previously spent on paying for the services of specialists.

how to conduct a master class

So, what kind of master classes can be held? The following topics will attract the attention of listeners:

  1. Self-coloring hair.
  2. DIY knitting.
  3. Wallpapering.
  4. Do-it-yourself tap replacement .
  5. Hairstyles with weaving elements.
  6. Baking cakes with marshmallow mastic.
  7. Opening a company for one day.
  8. Profit increase 100 times.
  9. Internet advertising skills and more.

In addition, hobby related workshops are very popular. For example, applied art, drawing, embroidery and so on. And you can also seriously think about how to conduct a master class for children, as customers at such events are always easier to find. Whatever happens, but parents try not to save on children.

In order to start in such a business direction as conducting express courses, you need to decide what new knowledge people will be willing to pay money for. This can be absolutely any skill associated with work or even housekeeping. Master classes in new professional areas, which are not taught in higher education institutions, and information in textbooks lose their relevance after a few months, are in great demand. This mainly concerns work on the Internet: SEO promotion, SMM, email marketing and other modern areas. Such classes are attended by people of absolutely different ages.

Do not know how to conduct a master class? Even a woman sitting at home, not having a hobby, but knowing how to support her family for a modest salary of her husband, can start conducting master classes. The topic of training can be competent budget planning at the time of crisis. The goal is to teach people to live on 15-20 thousand per month.

Having decided on the topics of the express course, you can proceed to the following tasks regarding the question of how to conduct a master class.

how to conduct a master class for teachers

Organization Costing

For such an event, small investments will be required. Sounding a specific figure is quite difficult, since the amount will depend on the chosen topic. Before setting the ticket price for participation in the master class, you need to calculate the following:

  1. How much will be needed to purchase materials (stationery, handouts, paraphernalia for making items, etc.). The list of materials depends on the orientation of the lesson.
  2. The cost of renting the premises (if necessary). There are many variations where you can hold a master class: you will be asked to visit friends at the office on the weekend, rent a conference room in the hotel or one of the rooms in the anticafe and so on. You can think of a lot of things, but almost any option will cost something.

Cost of participation

The price of participation in master classes from specialists well-known in certain areas can reach 100-150 thousand rubles. For less sought-after professionals, the price tags are much lower.

Depending on the relevance of the chosen topic and the exclusivity of the prepared material, the cost of the ticket can vary from 500 rubles to several thousand.

how to conduct a master class

To make it easier to understand what scheme the average cost of an admission ticket is calculated, consider the following example: the girl decided to conduct a lesson in which she will teach knitting baby booties. For consumables (wool) she will need to spend 400 rubles, plus 500 rubles for the rental of premises (2 hours). She does not plan to hold a free master class, the profit should be at least 1 thousand rubles. What should be the price?

It turns out that in order for the event to pay off and bring the expected amount, it must be visited by at least five people and pay 400 rubles each.

The amount of your earnings will directly depend on the number of visitors and the frequency of classes.

Master class organization algorithm

There are no strict standards for holding such meetings. Classes are held in an improvised form, depending on the desire of the teacher and the sensitivity of the students. The question of how to conduct a master class should be answered as follows - it is customary to single out the following main stages:

  1. Presentation of the topic.
  2. Demonstration of a product / service.
  3. Discussion.

The first stage includes substantiating the significance of the meeting and proving the skill of the teacher. This is accomplished by providing a brief description of the main idea and a detailed consideration of the plan for the upcoming work. At the second stage, a demonstration of the theoretical and practical skills of the teacher takes place and the participants in the work are actively included in the work. In the final part of the lesson, a discussion begins on the results of joint work, students ask questions to the master. The success of the event depends entirely on the initiative of all those present. For the teacher, this is a great opportunity to share their creative ideas with students, as well as to feel in a new role and get a boost of energy.

how to conduct a children's master class

Training and organization

You think how to conduct a master class? In order to decide on such an event, it is necessary, firstly, to possess the necessary knowledge and skills in any field. Secondly, you need to be ready to share with other people your "chips" and secrets acquired over the entire time of work. Thirdly, at least basic knowledge of pedagogy will be required from the facilitator, since the presented material should be accessible and logical.

An event can be announced only after all organizational and preparatory processes have been thought out. In particular, it is necessary to calculate the amount of time that will be spent on each stage. If a creative master class is planned, then the teacher should pre-fabricate the thing, the production of which he is going to demonstrate to the public. For example, to make jewelry with your own hands, you will need to calculate the time for drawing a diagram of a future thing, selecting materials, assembling, trying on and so on. In addition, it is worth considering that newcomers will need twice as much time.

Seat selection

After thinking about organizational issues, you can proceed to their implementation. And the primary question is where to hold a master class? You can even organize a small event on your own territory if you have a free room with the necessary set of furniture (tables and chairs) based on the estimated number of participants.

Conducting classes in your own home will be cheaper, because you will not need to pay rent. But it is worth considering that this option is not suitable for every topic. For example, it will look doubtful if you are going to talk about increasing profits or are thinking about how to conduct a master class for physics teachers.

Hall rental, of course, will affect the cost of participation, but will give the event an official status. If the rented premises will be located in a prestigious area and stylishly decorated, this will only further fuel the desire to attend a master class. Importantly, you can invite many more participants to the conference room than to your home. One of the main tasks in this case is to prevent the situation of replacing quality with quantity.

It’s better to conduct several trial classes on your territory, work out the program and get used to people, and if you are considering how to conduct a master class for children, then this is just the perfect option. Subsequently, you can safely proceed to the organization of high-level professional master classes.

how to conduct a master class for children

Preparation of materials

To conduct a training session, material and technical support will be required, with which participants will interact. Each of them must provide a personal set of materials. If, for example, you think about how to conduct master classes in drawing, then we are talking about paints, brushes, paper and other accessories.

All materials issued by the organizer must be new, practical and of high quality. Previously used things will badly affect the reputation of the master.

The number of attendees should be clarified in advance so that you can determine how leaders are allocated. It is recommended to give badges to listeners. This will help to establish contacts and highlight significant people who will later become sources of energy for someone.

Final preparations before the performance

Before the start, you should check everything again to avoid possible hesitations and hesitations. It is recommended that you arrive at the event a little earlier than others, check the availability of paraphernalia, handouts and the availability of equipment (if necessary). If possible, you should check multimedia systems and other playback devices. Reservations must be reserved for invited guests. Regardless of the place chosen for the training, writing instruments and paper should be visible to everyone.

where you can hold a master class

The stages of the master class

Any teacher knows that each lesson consists of three parts: repeating the material covered, studying a new topic and fixing it. Since the person conducting the training is also a kind of teacher, he must know at least elementary teaching methods. The whole process should be divided into several stages:

  1. The stage of studying new material should include not only practical skills, but also an obligatory theoretical part. The narrator should not skimp on the information. And it is also important to answer questions of students in detail on the topic of the lesson.
  2. The practical part should be held under the close supervision of the teacher. Each action should be commented and shown in great detail. Products created by participants at the master class should not differ much from the sample made by the leader. Otherwise, beginners may think that they have wasted money and time.

Professional Tips

When planning an event, do not forget about time to relax. And when considering the question of how to conduct a children's master class, it is worthwhile to think about sweet treats, juices and more. By the way, adult participants will also not refuse coffee / tea with cookies. This is a must, because in a few hours of work everyone will be very tired and lose interest. In addition, in their free time, students will be interested in talking with each other, discussing the topic of the lesson and sharing new knowledge and first successes with each other.

During the meeting, it is very important for the teacher to monitor the general atmosphere. Throughout all time, participants should be in a good mood and share positive emotions with each other. At the end, everyone should have only good feelings and the thought of having a good time. Despite the fatigue, participants should get a sense of complete satisfaction from the work done and from what they created at the master class.

what master class can be held for children


The most effective tool for promoting goods and services are social networks. Their use helps to attract as many interested people as possible without spending money. To advertise a master class, you need to create a special community and invite people from groups of similar topics there. After recruiting the required number of participants, you should make an announcement of the planned event and post on the topic.

In addition, you can use old methods, for example, send out invitations to interested parties.


Every person, even a mother with many children, can start making money on conducting express training. She knows exactly what kind of master class can be held for children. The main objective is active work in social networks to attract an audience, and, of course, the development of a unique event program. The lesson should be interesting and benefit the participants. This will contribute to the development of word of mouth, which is an excellent source of loyal customers. Learning new things is always investing in yourself, and today many are willing to pay big amounts for it.


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