Coffee Paulig: description and reviews

Fans and specialists are well-known for the famous Finnish coffee Paulig. Among the numerous brands and trademarks, it does not take the last place.

Product history

Each product has its own story. And in this Paulig coffee is no exception. It all started in 1876, when the unknown Gustav Paulig came from Germany to Finland. To support a family, it was necessary to have your own business in hand. In those years, industry was just emerging in the country, so trade was the main occupation. Oriented on the spot, the enterprising German engaged in the purchase of food products from abroad and selling them in Finland. It was mainly groceries and colonial goods: cognac, port, salt, spices, flour, coffee and others.

coffee paulig

Things were going well, and Paulig even opened his office in the capital. But the usual sale with delivery was not enough for him. As an enthusiast, he decided to excel - to make his products recognizable. It was then that the first logo appeared on the packages of Paulig green coffee sold by him - the capital letter R. And when the Americans invented the roasting plant at the beginning of the twentieth century, he immediately opened a workshop at one of his warehouses, where he put this process on industrial rails. Since then, Finnish housewives could no longer waste time, but immediately buy coffee beans, which are already ready for consumption.

Systematic growth

Today, Paulig coffee has become a familiar commodity on the shelves of many stores in the world. Now this is no longer an ordinary package of fried beans with a modest logo on the package in the form of the letter P enclosed in a strict rhombus. Over time, the company grew and significantly expanded its range. From the very beginning of its existence, the company's policy was aimed at meeting the growing needs of the population. The first steps were home delivery on order. Then, Paulig enterprises were the first in Europe to indicate the date of packing of goods on the packaging. In the future, technologists improved production so that it was possible to regulate the processing of products. This allowed the production of coffee with varying degrees of roasting. In addition, given the characteristics of customer demand, new types of packaging have been developed . As a result, ground coffee and beans appeared. This made it possible to compete with the most powerful and well-known companies in the world.

Natural product

At all times, coffee beans were the most popular. Otherwise, it all depends on who and how will cook it. Now there are many different ways, but before the question was a little different. They made a drink using exclusively Turk. Therefore, the grain itself was a fundamental quality factor. Here, Paulig can give the buyer a guarantee, because it uses only one hundred percent Arabica with its rich classic taste and tart aroma.

whole bean coffee
Packages weighing from 200 grams to 1 kilogram with a 3rd and 4th degree of roasting go on sale. Using modern technology, the company has mastered the production of various types of coffee beans. Among them: “Classic”, “President”, “Espresso”, “Mocha”, “Extra”, “Arabica”, “For the Turks”, “Paula” and others. Each of them has its own characteristics and indicators. But all has one thing in common: excellent quality and an excellent selection of coffee blends. Specialists made sure that every customer could find in the rich product line exactly the copy he liked.

Legend Beginning

The very first product of the famous company from Finland was Paulig Arabica coffee. For its production, selected raw materials imported from the countries of Central and South America are used. This culture is especially popular here, and the local population knows a lot about it.

coffee paulig arabica
Still green grains are delivered to Scandinavia, where they are subsequently processed. A well-chosen composition allows you to get a product that, after brewing, turns into a wonderful drink with a unique aroma. Its velvety taste is rich in shades, among which soft sourness and notes of chocolate prevail. After a cup of such coffee, a person feels a surge of vivacity and self-confidence. This product is produced in two types:

  • beans
  • ground.

In addition, it differs by type of roasting: medium and dark. On a standard scale, they correspond to levels 3 and 4. This gives buyers the right to choose the strength of the product. And three types of packaging (250, 500 and 1000 grams) allow you to purchase the right amount of goods.

Opinion from

Over the years, people have learned to understand the quality of products. This need is dictated by time. After all, there are so many similar products around, and we must be able to find the best among them. This probably explains the growing popularity of Paulig coffee in recent years. Reviews about him are usually positive. This is understandable, because a trademark that has been firmly holding its position in the market for almost 150 years cannot have another relationship. Buyers value absolutely everything, so opinions are usually based on all the criteria.

coffee paulig reviews

The quality of the coffee beans in the package is especially noted. They are always matched to a surprisingly uniform size and uniform roasting. Among them can not be burnt or green. Quality control specialists tirelessly follow this. The taste of this coffee is able to satisfy the most capricious gourmet. Soft and tender, it is at the same time rich and invigorating. Its enveloping aroma with different notes and shades cannot leave anyone indifferent. To preserve this wealth allows the original packaging with a durable clasp, which is also very popular with customers.

Exclusive option

Of particular note is Paulig Mokka. He is often sought after by looks at supermarket shelves by those who choose goods at a price. Surprisingly, in Russian stores the price for a package of such coffee is disproportionately low compared to other brands. Perhaps this is a marketing year. But some buyers believe that behind all this is the usual fraud. Interestingly, the grains in the packages are not quite similar to Arabica.

paulig mokka
They are more rounded and smaller in size. Robusta is more suitable for such a description. Perhaps this is a mistake. The main thing is that as a result, everyone is completely satisfied with the drink that is obtained from them. The richness of the aroma and the wide gamut of taste are certainly present in every sip of the wonderful Mokka. In addition, this coffee is produced in four types, which correspond to different methods of brewing:

  • ground,
  • “For the Turks”,
  • beans
  • "For brewing in a cup."

In any case, after preparation, a fragrant strong drink with a long finish and guaranteed pleasure in each cup is obtained.


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