"Path of fear" - a glass road over the abyss, one of the main attractions of China

In China, there are so many unusual and fascinating places. But the main attraction of this country, many tourists consider Mount Tianmen. For the Chinese, this place is sacred. It is believed that it is here that there is a transition to the heavenly world. A path of fear leads there, a glass road for the most extreme tourists. Many years ago, a huge stone block broke away from Tianmen Mountain, resulting in the formation of a picturesque cave with the no less beautiful name Heaven's Gate. This attraction is not visible from the ground, as it is located very high. Its arches are almost always wrapped in an accumulation of clouds, which makes it seem as if the cave really soars in the sky. Many mystics believe that there are concentrated streams of energy that can easily carry a person in time and space.

glass path of fear

Tianmen Mountain Attractions

There are many interesting places on this mountain, which are very often visited by tourists. These include:

  • Buddhist monastery located high in the mountains.
  • The cable car, which is considered the longest on the planet.
  • Glass path of fear, where any tourist can feel like a bird soaring high in the sky.

Ways to climb to the top

If you decide to get to the top of Tianmen Mountain, you can choose the method that suits you best.

glass path of fear where
The easiest, but surprisingly picturesque climb will be the movement by cable car. Its length is about 7.5 km. Here, any tourist can test their nerves for strength. The funicular moves over the gorge, and a huge gap opens below.

If you are not afraid of walking, and physically savvy enough, you can try to climb the stairs in 999 steps. It will take a lot of time and effort, but true hiking enthusiasts should appreciate this method of climbing Tianmen Mountain. At the same time, you can fully enjoy the clean mountain air and the beauty of the surrounding wildlife. The most extreme site is also located here - the glass path of fear. 1430 meters is the height at which not everyone decides to walk in a small area, albeit durable, glass.

The most comfortable is climbing to the top along the road to heaven. But not the safest. On such a road is not something to drive, it’s even terrible to look at it. At the foot of the mountain you can rent a car with a professional racer who will give you an unforgettable experience on the corners, driving a few centimeters from the edge of the abyss.

china glass pathway of fear

Walk on the Path of Fear

For the Chinese, the number 9 is considered sacred and blessed. Perhaps that is why the climb to the mountain has 999 steps, and the highway - 99 turns. In order to get rid of the fear of heights forever, it is enough to visit China once. The glass path of fear gives a person unforgettable emotions that you can remember all your life. Climbing the "Road to Heaven", the tourist is at an unrealistic height - almost 1300 m above sea level. And here, at the very top, the guides offer to make another extreme trip. The path of fear is a glass road with a length of 70 meters. It was built relatively recently, in 2001, but has already become known throughout the world. The fact is that this path is located on a steep rock and is made of completely transparent glass. The side, like the floor, is made of extremely durable material with a thickness of 6 cm. It can withstand enormous loads, but when you are there and see the clouds under your feet, this is not too reassuring. Many tourists said that the trail of fear, the glass surface of which makes the heart jump out of the chest, remained the strongest impression of China.

glass path of fear 1430 meters

Trail safety

But this extreme attraction is not life threatening. Special people who are trained in extreme sports are on duty throughout the section of the road. They can support the tourist at any moment and help him again set foot on solid ground. Due to the fact that the path of fear is glass, it seems to a person that he does not stand on the surface, but hovers over the abyss. Sensations, of course, indescribable. This is not forgotten. But if you have a weak heart, it is better not to make a passage along such a road. If you are not timid, you are welcome: a trip to Tianmen Mountain will forever remain in your memory.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9308/

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