Acute and external otitis media: treatment in adults

Ear diseases are very unpleasant and quite dangerous for their complications. If a person has otitis media, treatment in adult patients should be as comprehensive and thorough as in children. It should be noted that this disease requires the mandatory consultation of a doctor.

Otitis: symptoms and causes

otitis media treatment in adults

If the doctor makes a diagnosis of otitis media, treatment in adults begins with determining its symptoms and finding out those factors that could provoke the development of the disease. So, pathology may appear due to infectious processes in the nasopharynx. The fact is that bacteria penetrate the ear very quickly and easily through the Eustachian tube. Another cause of otitis media can be an auditory canal injury (occurs with improper cleaning).

The surest way to eliminate such a disease as otitis media is treatment. In adults, it is made after determining the symptoms. The first manifestation of the pathology is pain in the ear, which increases with time and has a shooting character. External otitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

- swelling of the ear;

- a slight increase in body temperature;

- aching pain.

treatment of external otitis media in adults

The acute form of the disease is quite difficult, since all the signs intensify, and the person loses working capacity, he is rapidly fatigued. If otitis externa is detected , treatment in adults involves performing simple procedures. The main thing is to prevent the pathology from becoming chronic or spreading inside the ear.

Features of the elimination of otitis media

To begin with, the cause of the disease should be eliminated. For example, if you have a runny nose, laryngitis, sinusitis, then try to quickly get rid of the infection. Naturally, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of ENT. As for the duration of the course of the disease, it is about 10 days, depending on its severity and form.

Drugs and procedures

treatment of acute otitis media in adults

Treatment of external otitis media in adults is carried out using antibacterial drops (Normax) or ointments (Vishnevsky, Levomekol). Naturally, careful ear hygiene must be observed. If a boil appears on the inflamed area, then it must be opened and cleaned. You cannot do this yourself. This is usually done by the doctor or nurse himself. Also, the ear can be warmed up. However, this procedure is contraindicated if pus is released from the ear. In addition, it cannot be used at high temperatures.

If necessary, the patient takes an antipyretic. The doctor can also rinse the ear canal. Treatment of acute otitis media in adults should begin immediately. If the pain is too strong, then try to take a painkiller, such as Coldrex. As for the use of folk remedies, it is better to coordinate their reception with a doctor. They can be an auxiliary method of eliminating the disease. However, you can not engage in self-medication, since the disease is fraught with complications.


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