Do I need a license for scrap metal and how to get it?

Sufficiently demanded and profitable is a business based on the sale, acceptance and processing of various types of metals, which can be non-ferrous or ferrous. In Russia, such activities are well-deserved. Different companies can be engaged in this work, but only on the basis of a license for scrap metal obtained in advance. For its design, organizations must meet numerous requirements, correctly choose a room for work, buy the necessary equipment and hire qualified specialists.

scrap license

Nuances of company activities

Attractive such a business is due to high income. Scrap processing is considered a significant process for the entire state. Some types of metals are used by domestic metallurgical companies, while others are sent to foreign organizations.

Do you need a license for scrap processing? Government Decision No. 822 clearly indicates the need to obtain permission for this work. It is represented by a special license. It is required not only by companies involved in the processing of scrap metal, but also by enterprises specializing in its sale. Even if an organization sells metal recyclables, it must still obtain a license before starting work.

Who does not need a document?

Government Decision No. 1287 states that only firms engaged in their own production, on the basis of which scrap is formed, may not receive permission to store or sell scrap metal.

Therefore, organizations that own factories or factories specializing in rolled steel or other types of work, the results of which generate waste represented by scrap metal, do not need a license. These wastes are the property of enterprises, so they can sell them freely without any permission from the government.

scrap metal license

What rules of work are taken into account by companies?

Every entrepreneur who plans to work with different metals should know that not only a scrap metal license is needed, but other work features must be studied. Here is some of them:

  • it is important to understand the types of recyclables;
  • colored scrap, which primarily refers to aluminum, can be food, motor or primary, and each type has its own characteristics;
  • blanks from any type of recyclable materials should be created exclusively in separate and properly equipped rooms;
  • the volumes and weight of different batches of raw materials should ideally correspond to the information contained in GOST 2787-75, and this is especially true for the supply of material to other countries.

On average, enterprises working in this field of activity ship up to 30 tons annually.

license for scrap metal

What documents are needed to obtain permission?

A license for scrap metal is issued only to enterprises that exactly meet certain requirements, purchase the necessary equipment and prepare the appropriate package of documents.

To deal with the procurement, processing or sale of scrap, you need to prepare documentation for obtaining permits:

  • copies of constituent documents certified in advance by a notary;
  • certificate of company registration;
  • certificate of registration of the enterprise;
  • extract from the register;
  • receipt, which confirms that the applicant has indeed paid the fee for consideration of the application and other documents by the licensing authority;
  • documents confirming that all buildings, land, equipment or other objects that will be used in the planned work, belong to the applicant on the basis of ownership or he can use them on the basis of a lease agreement;
  • documentation submitted by various diplomas or certificates, which confirms that the employees of the company have the necessary qualifications to be issued a license for the collection of scrap metal, as well as for its processing or sale;
  • lease agreement or certificate of registration for the premises where the organization’s head office is located;
  • a description of the technology by which the scrap will be procured, processed or sold, and it should list all the tools and equipment used for this process.

Obtaining a license for scrap is allowed only in the preparation of the above documentation.

how to get a scrap metal license

What requirements should applicants meet?

In order for a company to really get a license for scrap metal, it must not only prepare the necessary documents, but also meet certain requirements for other parameters. They are given below:

  • the presence of a plot of land, premises or buildings, as well as other property suitable for the production process;
  • the company must have storage facilities, and they should install lifting equipment and other tools so that non-ferrous metals are stored separately from each other;
  • must be available weighing apparatus and baling press, as well as dosimetric systems;
  • in the city where the company plans to work, there must be at least one laboratory in which it is possible to determine the chemical composition of scrap and other products, and this organization must be certified;
  • the premises selected for production are required to fully comply with various technological, fire and sanitary requirements and standards;
  • the company must employ qualified specialists who are knowledgeable in scrap metal and who are able to work with specialized equipment;
  • it should be possible to ensure ongoing monitoring of radiation safety.

Work is permitted only in a warehouse for which permits have been obtained from the fire inspectorate, SES and other government agencies, otherwise it is highly likely that it will be refused a license to accept scrap metal.

What does the document give?

Having figured out how to obtain a license for scrap metal, any company can cope with this process without any help. As soon as this document is received from the licensing authority , the company can perform various operations with scrap metal.

The responsibilities of the company now include:

  • sorting of material;
  • its proper and proper storage;
  • scrap processing on specialized equipment;
  • its implementation;
  • transfer to other persons for use free of charge.

If the above actions are performed without a license, this becomes the reason for the imposition of significant fines and the application of other penalties by state authorities.

need a license for scrap

How long is the document?

Scrap metal license is valid for five years after its registration. After the end of this period of time, if necessary, it can be extended.

If there is an expired document, since it was not restored at the scheduled time, then the company should temporarily stop working until it has received all the necessary papers.

Where to get it?

Who issues a scrap metal license? The issuance of this document is the responsibility of the municipal authorities of a particular region.

To obtain permission, the company must contact the Department of Environmental Management and the Environment, since it is this organization that acts as the licensing authority. Paperwork takes no more than two months.

Procedure for obtaining permission

How to get a scrap metal license? This process is performed by sequential actions:

  • initially it is decided what kind of services to the population will be provided by the company;
  • the licensing authority of a particular region is determined;
  • documents are prepared to work in this field of activity;
  • a room ideally suited for the planned work is selected and made into ownership or rental;
  • equipment and tools intended for the reception, processing or sale of various metals are acquired and prepared;
  • All necessary documentation is handed over to the employee of the licensing authority, after which you only need to wait for a decision.

Thus, the process of obtaining such permission can be performed by each business owner independently, since there are no specific or complex steps. It is important to study all the requirements for applicants in advance.

obtaining a license for scrap

Why can they refuse to issue a document?

A refusal to issue a license to accept scrap metal is usually due to a lack of necessary documents.

Also, companies that do not have the financial capabilities to properly prepare the premises or who cannot purchase specialized equipment often have to deal with a negative decision of the licensing authority. In this case, they will have to use different methods of obtaining borrowed funds from banks or investors, since without a license they will not be able to provide the planned services.

What are the permission categories?

The license to accept scrap metal is divided into two categories, depending on which metals the organization plans to work with. Therefore, permission can be issued for scrap:

  • non-ferrous metals;
  • ferrous metals.

It is advisable to draw up two types of this document at the same time, since in this case the company will be able to work with all types of scrap.

How much does it cost?

Obtaining a license is not difficult if you meet all the requirements of the licensing authority.

The cost of permission depends on whether the head of the company is engaged in registration independently or uses the services of intermediaries. In the first case, it is enough to pay a fee of 7.5 thousand rubles. for the initial receipt of the document, and if there are intermediary companies, the price increases to about 25 thousand rubles.

whether scrap is needed

License renewal without changing the scope of work will cost 3.5 thousand rubles. To reissue or obtain a copy 350 rubles are paid.

What time is issued?

The waiting time for an answer depends on the purpose of contacting the licensing authority:

  • initial authorization - up to 45 days;
  • renewal of an existing license - up to 10 days;
  • re-issuance of the document required when moving the company or changing the direction of work - up to 30 days;
  • issuance of a duplicate - up to three days.

If the entrepreneur does not have the time and opportunity to do all the necessary actions on his own, then he can use the services of a professional lawyer so that all operations are performed by him with a power of attorney.

Who needs permission?

The license is necessary not only for companies that are directly involved in the sale, processing or storage of non-ferrous or ferrous metals, but also to some other organizations specializing in:

  • participation in tenders in various fields of activity;
  • selling or using during operation wires and cables consisting of copper or aluminum;
  • repair or purchase of automobile scrap;
  • work with electric motors containing ferrous or non-ferrous metals in the composition.

Thus, a license issued to companies planning to work with non-ferrous or ferrous scrap is considered a demanded document. This is due to the high profitability of the work due to the lack of seasonality and the ability to expand the scope of activities. It is not difficult to apply for a permit if the company meets the numerous requirements of the licensing authority. The conditions apply to the premises where the company operates, as well as to the equipment used and the qualifications of the employees. To complete such a document, you will additionally need to prepare a lot of complex documentation.


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