How to prepare for exams: overcome stress together!

Stress is a state of the body. Its symptoms: excessive sweating, fatigue, drowsiness, insomnia, a person does not want to talk with anyone, he feels unwell.

Sometimes stress can cause depression. A person's mood spoils, he eats poorly, sometimes even there are thoughts of suicide! Such conditions can occur in students and students who do not know how to properly prepare for exams.

Not everyone knows that stress has a positive side. It tempers a person, makes him stronger, helps to cope with problems in difficult times.

But let's not be upset! There are some simple tips that can help you answer the question of how to deal with stress before exams. Here they are:

1. Do not sit at the computer all day. Take a break, call your friends, walk around the apartment, listen to distracting music, just lie down with your eyes closed and listen to the silence.

2. Eat well. Try not to eat a lot of spicy and high-calorie foods. Have a better salad, and tasty and healthy. Do not abuse alcohol. Indulge yourself with something sweet, such as chocolate, it will cheer you up.

3. The most useful dish that nourishes the brain is fish, its fatty varieties, but you should not rely only on cooking and less carbohydrates!

4. Sleep is very important! Try to go to bed and get up at the same time.

5. Occupy yourself with something when you are not preparing for the exam. Chat with friends, watch TV, take a walk, the main thing is not to sit at home! It is depressing.

6. Praise yourself. This is necessary to give yourself confidence and tune in a positive way. Every day, tell yourself that you are well done and that you will surely succeed, the main thing is to believe!

7. Deuce on the exam - not the end of the world!

Remember, you have close people and friends who will always support and help you in difficult times, give advice on how to properly prepare for exams.

- Parents - your mom and dad most likely also passed exams. They will be happy to help you and give valuable advice.

- Friends. Talk with those who have already passed the exam; they will probably tell you what to do and how to speak correctly.

Psychological preparation for exams under the guidance of an experienced psychologist will not be superfluous. He will help and tell you how not to get confused and teach you how to control your emotions.

And now a few tips on how to prepare for exams:

Repeat material often, but in small portions. Take a break every 15 to 20 minutes. Highlight the most important thing for yourself, you don’t need to remember everything, otherwise you will become entangled in too much information flow. You determine the “successful” time for memorizing the material yourself: when you memorize what you read best. The main thing is not to plan too much work!

Just before the exam, be sure to get enough sleep! Drowsiness is no help to you in this matter. Fresh, vigorous and healthy appearance, a positive attitude is the key to success, remember this. In front of the door to the audience’s office, it’s sometimes scary. But do not be afraid! To cope with your excitement, take a deep breath in and out several times. When you take a ticket, immediately determine for yourself those questions that you will answer in the first place. Remember: the examiner will try to find what you know, but you know quite a lot, right? Got a ticket - don't panic! Panic prevents you from thinking and adequately assessing the situation. Rest for 5 minutes, get distracted, look out the window.

And finally: you are a person with your fears, emotions, ambitions, with your abilities, character and skills. Take this with you to help, follow these simple rules and do not torment yourself with the question: "How to prepare for exams?". Believe me, there is no single answer to it! The main thing is to believe in yourself and you will surely succeed! Good luck


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