Meditation for Beginners

Passion for meditation is becoming increasingly popular among residents of large cities. Perhaps this is due to the fact that modern life is associated with great stress and daily stress. In addition, information about the beneficial effects of meditation on the human nervous system and the body as a whole is increasingly appearing in the press. More recently, a report was published on a study conducted by specialists from the University of Kentucky. The results of the study suggest that regular meditation practices help lower blood pressure. In addition, scientists have long known that meditation can get rid of constant nervous tension and anxiety, reduce the level of stress hormone and cholesterol in the blood, and strengthen immunity. Psychologists also note that with the help of meditations one can develop creative abilities.

Translated from Latin - meditation, nothing more than mental contemplation, reflection. Thus, a person tries to influence his own inner world. There are many areas and techniques of meditation practice. Someone using meditation is trying to improve spiritually, someone is healed of ailments. There are techniques that contribute to the achievement of certain goals, or to obtain answers to exciting questions. To understand the art of meditation is not so difficult, and anyone can do it. Of course, meditation for beginners has its own characteristics. Let's try to figure out how to quickly learn the technique of meditation.

Where to begin?

As a rule, most people want to engage in meditation practices in order to relieve nervous tension. In this case, meditation for beginners can give pretty quick results. The calm and positive attitude that a person receives as a result of meditation usually stay with him for the whole day. As a rule, after a short time, the practitioner begins to relate to life more easily and solve problems that arise more constructively. And these are just the first changes that meditation brings . Where to start training? First of all, you need to determine the place and time. It is advisable to meditate at the same time, it is better in the morning, and the ideal time is the period from 4 to 6 in the morning. Well, of course, no one should bother you at this time.

Meditation for beginners involves a comfortable posture during practice. You should not immediately choose the lotus position, just sit on a chair or chair, put your hands on your knees, palms up. The only condition is that the back must certainly be straight. In principle, you can meditate while lying down, but in this position it is easy to fall asleep. Before you start the lesson directly, take 5-10 minutes to relax. Any technique you know is suitable, for example, tighten and sharply relax the muscles of all muscle groups. Repeat the exercise several times.

Techniques for Beginners

Remember, meditation for beginners does not have to be difficult. It is better to choose a simple technique and devote 5 minutes to it daily. Meditation on breathing or on concentrating on any subject is suitable. The beginner's task is not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts and own feelings. At first, it is your concentration meditation that should be devoted to your concentration . How to learn to hold attention? Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, focus on breathing, monitor each inhalation and exhalation, you can focus on the movements of the abdomen while breathing. As soon as you notice that thoughts have reappeared in your head, slowly and smoothly return to observing your breathing. Eyes can be closed, but this is not necessary.

A similar technique and meditation on the subject. More often beginners use a candle. On the inner screen, contemplate the candle flame, as soon as you notice that you are distracted, return to observing the candle again. Do not try to quickly increase the time of daily practice. It may take you several weeks or even months to learn how to hold attention. And only then it is worth moving on to longer practices and complex techniques.


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