How to pay for parking in the center of St. Petersburg: payment instructions in St. Petersburg

Increasingly, citizens are interested in how to pay for parking in the center of St. Petersburg. The thing is that this process is extremely important. Especially for those who are constantly in the city center. In Moscow, the paid parking system with special payment methods has been operating for a long time, and successfully. And in St. Petersburg, in the very center, a similar technique was also introduced. It contributes to the unloading of parking spaces. After all, there are a lot of cars in big cities. In order not to stop anywhere, just pay for the parking space. By the way, in the center of St. Petersburg you can’t stop the vehicle wherever you want. For this, as already mentioned, there are specially designated places. Therefore, you need to know about all the features of paying for parking in St. Petersburg. Are there really only paid places to stop transport in the center now? How much does parking cost? And how to pay it in one way or another? Understanding all this is easier than it sounds.

Myth or reality

To begin with, it is worth understanding how parking in the center of St. Petersburg, which requires payment, is real. Maybe, without any problems, everyone has the right to stop the vehicle for free?

how to pay parking in the center of spb

In general, there is such an opportunity. But at the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that parking (the city of St. Petersburg is the area in question) in the center of the studied area is only paid. The area is, of course, limited.

In other words, in St. Petersburg there are both paid parking lots and free ones. Speaking about the central part of the city, it is worth noting that there are exclusively paid places to stop the car. Before using them, you will have to pay for a parking space. But how exactly? And what other features should every citizen know about the issue being studied?

Mode of operation

It is worth paying attention to the fact that car parking in the center of St. Petersburg is available at certain intervals according to certain rules. Every citizen needs to know about them. Why?

The thing is that it is possible to stop absolutely free of charge at a certain time in the pilot zone of paid parking spaces. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a day off, whether it is a holiday or a weekday. The main thing is to know the parking mode.

In the center of St. Petersburg, without payment, you can leave the vehicle in one place or another daily from 8 pm to 8 am. More precisely, from 20:01 to 7:59. It is during this period of time that parking is not required to be paid.

The rest of the time you need to think about how to pay for parking in the center of St. Petersburg. That is, money for a bus stop will have to be paid from 8:00 to 20:00 inclusive. Remembering the mode of operation of parking spaces is not as difficult as it seems.

parking payment


How much does parking cost? Day or evening is not so important. It has already been said that at night, it will not be necessary to pay for the vehicle left in a particular place. And how much do citizens in St. Petersburg pay for parking from morning to evening, before the established restrictions?

It all depends on several factors. For example, what kind of payment is involved. In St. Petersburg, it is allowed to either hourly pay, or buy parking tickets. Also, attention is required to such a factor as the category of the vehicle. She also plays a role.

So how much does paid parking in the center of St. Petersburg cost citizens? How to pay them is a completely different question. Depending on the vehicle category, the following hourly rates can be taken into account:

  • 30 rubles - categories A and M.
  • 60 rubles - B.
  • 120 rubles - category C cars.

Accordingly, monthly / monthly subscriptions will cost a resident of St. Petersburg in:

  • 6 000/54 000 rubles.
  • 12 000/108 000 rubles.
  • 24 000/216 000 rubles.

In fact, it is the subscription option for paying for parking that is most interesting to the population. If you want to buy the possibility of parking at any time for several months, just multiply the indicated monthly rates by the duration of use (in months) of parking. And pay a fee in one size or another. That is, if you want to park on a motorcycle for 2 months, you need to pay 12,000.

paid parking in the center of spb how to pay

About payment methods (briefly)

What else to look for? Now you can learn in more detail how to pay for parking in the center of St. Petersburg. In fact, there are a lot of options. And therefore, it is recommended first of all to learn about them in general terms. After that, each component should be considered in more detail.

Parking (St. Petersburg, center - pilot zone includes 27 central streets) can be paid for:

  • through parking meters;
  • via SMS request;
  • transfer from a parking account;
  • through the mobile application;
  • by using a parking ticket (subscription).

Which option to choose? Everyone decides for himself. There is no significant difference. The main thing is that everything happens quickly. Now you can learn each method individually.

Limited time

But what other features does the studied parking conceal? The time for depositing funds for stopping a vehicle at a particular place is limited. If you do not meet the established framework, cars may be fined. The evacuation of vehicles is not provided for such a violation.

parking time

The time during which you have to pay parking is 15 minutes. The countdown starts from the moment the vehicle is parked. After paying for this or that period, it is also necessary to leave the parking space for a certain time. This takes 10 minutes. When does the countdown start? After the time has expired for which the funds were paid.

Cancel payment

In some cases, you can interrupt early parking. Then the money will be returned in one way or another to the citizen. In what situations is this possible?

For example, if payment is made through a parking portal or through a mobile application. Parking time is rounded up to the next hour (i.e., up), then the rest of the funds are returned to the driver. Very comfortably.

You can stop parking ahead of time also with the help of SMS-request. But then the money is not returned to the account. And this feature should be considered first of all. In fact, there is nothing difficult or special in paying and stopping parking.


The last feature is the benefits. They have central parking. A place to stop the car on a free basis during working hours is provided to all beneficiaries. Who exactly?

The preferential categories of the population include:

  1. Former residents of besieged Leningrad, WWII veterans, former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps. It is important that they live in the parking area.
  2. Large families. One of the parents is offered the right to free parking in the center of St. Petersburg. The main thing is that the family should have at least 3 children, including adopted children. Important: citizens should have a St. Petersburg registration.
  3. Disabled people. If a citizen is registered on the territory of the Russian Federation and has 1 or 2 disability groups. Also, the right to free parking remains with the representative of a minor with a disability.

Everyone else must pay for parking. An exception is the previously indicated time intervals. But how to pay for parking in the center of St. Petersburg? Now you can take a closer look at the previously mentioned methods.

parking spb center


It all starts with a parking meter. The simplest solution for those who need to leave a car for a while in the city center. Near the entrance to the parking lot there are parking meters. These are special machines that accept bank cards. In fact, payment is not in cash.

It is required to insert bank plastic into the parking meter, then select "Pay for parking", dial the number of the parking and car, then enter information about the duration of the stop and confirm the operation.

Mobile App

The next rather interesting trick is to use a mobile phone to pay for parking in the center of St. Petersburg. To do this, you will have to download a specialized program. The application is called "Parking St. Petersburg." Suitable for iOS, Windows and Android.

The second stage is registration in the system. After that, the item "Parking payment" will appear in the program. It’s easy to work with. After authorization in the program, you need to select the appropriate menu item, set the parking parameters with the number of the car, then confirm the operation from the mobile. Funds will be debited from the SIM card. Without authorization, you can only use the parking card.

SMS to help

How to pay for parking in the center of St. Petersburg? It has already been said that you can use the SMS request. A message of one type or another is formed, then it is sent to short numbers.

parking city

The query generation system is as follows:

  • p78 * number of parking space * number of cars * hours - payment for parking;
  • p78 * hours - extension;
  • p78 * s or p78 * S - parking interruption.

All messages are sent to number 3116. After the request, you must wait for the notification about the successful completion of a particular operation. In fact, there is nothing difficult or special about this.

Through the site

The penultimate method that has been mentioned is the use of a parking space site. It is an analogue of a mobile application. The citizen will have his own account there, which will make it possible to pay for parking, as well as return money for "extra" hours.

You need to register on the site Either this is done in advance through a computer, or an SMS is sent from the phone to number 3116 with the p78-PIN text. In any case, after registration, a message with a password will be sent to the mobile device.

Next, you need to log in to the site. Login is a mobile number, password is a combination received upon request. After - the parking is selected, the vehicle number is entered, as well as the duration of the stop. In the end, money is debited. Important: you will have to deposit funds into the account. There are several ways to do this. For example, recharge with a credit card.


Still, as already mentioned, you can use the subscription. They offer to purchase it either on the St. Petersburg parking site or in the parking management center of St. Petersburg.

parking place

After payment, either money will be debited from the account on the previously indicated web page and an electronic subscription will appear, or it will be expressed by a physical medium - a card, which is inserted into the parking meter after parking. Perhaps this is all that the population needs to know about parking spaces in St. Petersburg. Now it’s clear how you can pay for a vehicle stop in the city center. In reality, there are no difficulties.

Important: cash payment is not provided. This is possible only if you purchase a subscription in a specialized service. These are the secrets that St. Petersburg parking holds. Payment is possible in several ways, but only in the form of a bank transfer.


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