Where to go in winter, or where is it warm on New Year's Eve?

Many simply can not stand the winter cold, which inspires unbearable boredom on them instead of a sense of celebration. Therefore, the question of where the New Year is warm immediately becomes relevant. It is much more pleasant to celebrate this holiday on the beach surrounded by friends and unusual bright vegetation than in a quiet apartment, when a snowstorm rages outside the window.

New Year in Thailand

Perhaps one of the most popular places for tourists from the CIS countries is Thailand. This is an amazing exotic country, which attracts everyone with its unusual traditions and a lot of entertainment. Any holidays here are indescribable fun, which you will definitely remember for a lifetime. If in Thailand there is no snow on New Year's Eve, then Santa Claus, as well as a holiday tree, will definitely be provided to you. As, in principle, and excellent service. Visiting any city in this country, you can understand exactly where the New Year is warm and the atmosphere of crazy fun reigns. Crazy holiday feasts, bright garlands and a warm sea with beach parties - this is not all that awaits the tourist.

where is it warm on New Year

New Year's safari

For fans of extreme sports there is a special offer - this is New Year in Kenya. A safari or excursions to national parks, a lot of entertainment and a lot of positive emotions - you can go here for new sensations, you will have the opportunity to see the untouched wildlife and feel like a small part of it. Beautiful clean beaches with white sand and a warm ocean - this is the place where the New Year is warm. Moreover, January is considered an ideal place to visit national parks, as well as African reserves. And this is a great opportunity to watch the hunting of a lion or a tiger, to look at the habits of a rhino, elephant or buffalo.

Many tourists fell in love with Lake Nakuru, where you can watch the largest population of pink flamingos. But these birds are not the only attraction of this place, because there are still black and white rhinos, cheetahs, lions, giraffes, as well as many other representatives of amazing wildlife.

A real discovery for tourists will be a hot air balloon safari. What could be better than celebrating the New Year in the air, watching the first dawn?

where is warmer for the New Year

New Year on the beaches of Kenya

The beaches in Africa - this is exactly the place where it is warmer for the New Year. Gradually, this resort becomes more and more famous for tourists not only from European countries, but also from CIS countries. Pristine nature, national parks and icy slopes of volcanoes, stormy beach parties - you definitely will not have to be bored until you examine all this. In any case, Africa is considered a unique and quite curious country, so you will get a lot of positive emotions and memories from the rest. The sea is rich in rare species of reef fish, as well as sharks and stingrays. Here you can go diving with a specially trained instructor and get to know the underwater world better. Experienced divers will be able to go on an unforgettable trip to the Seychelles or to Mozambique.

where is warm for New Year

Cuba is the place where it's warm on New Year

It is in Cuba that you can easily celebrate not only the New Year, but also Christmas. It doesnโ€™t matter which religion you adhere to - Catholicism or Orthodoxy - you will still find a pretty place for celebration. You will feel the New Yearโ€™s spirit everywhere, while you have the opportunity to visit various Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox churches, as well as the synagogue. Cuba is exactly the place where the New Year is warm, and in order to maintain a festive spirit, you can visit the statue of Havana Christ about 18 meters high.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A9357/

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